Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

JFK Assassination
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by ThomZajac »

The back wound is most interesting.
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob »

I think your back wound theory to blame Oswald with the obviously planted pristine bullet is spot on. And I do think it was Jack Ruby who placed the bullet on the stretcher. Reporter Seth Kantor saw Ruby in that area of Parkland.
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:I think your back wound theory to blame Oswald with the obviously planted pristine bullet is spot on. And I do think it was Jack Ruby who placed the bullet on the stretcher. Reporter Seth Kantor saw Ruby in that area of Parkland.And the bullet was NOT on Connally's stretcher:
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by ThomZajac »

Am researching more about Dr. Crenshaw....
steve manning
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by steve manning »

ThomZajac wrote:Just received this from David Lifton-"Thom,You can safely ignore just about anything Crenshaw says. I'll explain whywhen I can write a longer email.DSL"Should be interesting-I guess you'd have to ignore it in order to posit a contradictory theory; he had one big advantage over me though...he was there and I was not. Crenshaw was apparently the only doctor that went back afterwards to look in the casket; he claimed to have unwrapped the towel and studied the head wound again very closely. He wrote about it in "Conspiracy of Silence."Steve
steve manning
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by steve manning »

Sorry, I don't know if you ever got to see this video before it was scrubbed? I should have added that he put it in his book as well: "Conspiracy of Silence" by Dr. Charles Crenshaw. Steve
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by RobertP »

ThomZajac wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:I just had a thought about the magic bullet. At 5:14 into the video, they compare the magic bullet/pristine bullet to two identical bullets, one bullet having been fired through the wrist of a human cadavor and the other having been fired into a goat.There's absolutely no comparison at all between those test bullets and magic bullet. It's plain as day that the magic bullet did not do anything close to what the Warren Commission said it did.Here's the thought I had. It seems to me that maybe, just maybe, the perpetrators of the assassination, or the higher-ups who backed it and put it into play, WANTED the public to know that it was a set up. I liken it to a sort of arrogance. It's kind of like they (the perpetrators of the assassination) are saying, "Yeah, it WAS a set up. You see? We can get to anybody." The difference between the test bullets and the magic bullet are so obvious, that I started asking myself, could these people who planted that magic bullet in the hallway of the hospital actually be that stupid? How easy would it have been to fire a bullet into a wood pile or something, and plant THAT bullet in the hallway of the hospital. At least THAT bullet would have been deformed.I'm beginning to suspect that they planted that pristine bullet intentionally as a message. "Don't mess with us." Ask yourself this. How many people are affraid to post things on-line or really write things that challenge authority because they're affraid of "big brother" coming after them? I'm being totally serious here. People like us here on this forum are the exception because we post all the time, but I've met MANY people who have even told me to "be careful" about what I write because of "big brother" watching. If the goal of planting that magic bullet was to SHOW the general public that "they" can get away with anything and to watch out, it worked, don't you think?Well, there certainly was a bit of arrogance about shooting the president on a public street in broad daylight, but I've got a very good explanation for the pristine magic bullet-It' was planted, obviously. but it's original purpose was NOT to provide an explanation for all the horrendous wounds to Connally and some wounds to the president. No, no, no.The original purpose of the magic bullet was to have it fall out of the president's shallow back wound, which was added after Parkland. It's purpose was to implicate Oswald.Later, when it was realized that the throat wound could not be determined to be an exit wound caused by fragments from the fatal head shot (because the Zapruder film and other eye witness evidence clearly established the throat wound had occurred well before the fatal head shot- sorry Wim), another explanation had to be provided. The non-transit back wound was changed to transit, and it was miraculously moved up about six inches.Don't you think they were going to have a little trouble explaining how a 162 grain bullet with a muzzle velocity of 2200 feet per second only made a shallow back wound?
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by RobertP »

"In this video, Dr. Crenshaw mentioned a "huge plowed out area": ... re=related------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Youtube link does not seem to be working.Are you absolutely sure Crenshaw said "a huge ploughed out area from the temple to the occipital area" and not from the "temporal" bone to the occipital area?
Bob Lilly
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob Lilly »

Bob,This post looks very interesting but the video link no longer works. Is there another address to see the video and pictures referred to?Thanks,Bob
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Re: Interesting vid about the Grassy Knoll

Post by Bob »

Bob Lilly wrote:Bob,This post looks very interesting but the video link no longer works. Is there another address to see the video and pictures referred to?Thanks,BobI'll see what I can find, Bob. But this may be a job for Abraken Linkin, aka Link Murraydale.