First Hand Knowledge: How I participated In The CIA-Mafia..

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: First Hand Knowledge: How I participated In The CIA-Mafia..

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Phil - My Friend, Thank You for correcting me. Although I was working for 21 days straight now, and up for over 24 hours, living on vitamins and water, that does not overcome, or explain my error properly. I was wrong.My apologies to both Robert Morrow's.Thank You, Again.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Bruce,I'm going to pick up this book this week...finally. Does anything in the book corroborate or reference the same information as the Files information?
Phil Dragoo
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The long-distance researcher

Post by Phil Dragoo »

BruceIn New Mexico I learned of chia seeds and their use by Indian runners.Regarding Morrow and Morrow, the continuing examination comes to fruition as we place things in perspective.Some get the telescope turned around and the vital appears small; the trivial, large.I am often wondering who remains standing above the shards of fallen terra cotta warriors.While the machinery prepares the Utah NSA installation and Gates pretends to be concerned over wikileaks.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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First Hand Knowledge: How I participated In The CIA-Mafia..

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.05.2010:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Pasquale and Phil - Thank You both for your standard focused, intelligent responses.Pasquale - There is what Jimmy has stated in his Interviews in 1993 and 2003 that is in the public domain, and what I have learned directly from him since the 1960'S, including our weekly Business and Legal Meetings, up to and including yesterday. To answer your question simply, for now, yes there is substantial consistent information. Stressing what Jimmy has stated about compartmentalization and need to know, Morrow expands intelligently in other additional directions. There is also substantial material that I have learned, which has propelled my own personal research and study in different directions. Each new fact raised new directions and questions for me. See if you are affected in the same way.I do not wish to detract from your fresh reading of this material. After you read and study this work, I would love to discuss Pro and Con with you intelligently.The views held by The Military Industrial Complex and The Intelligence Community about JFK in the 1960'S are very well covered:1. That JFK was soft on Communism,2. JFK was a threat to the Mafia directly, and indirectly to the relationship that they enjoyed with the CIA and FBI, including J. Edgar Hoover,3. JFK'S perceived betrayal of the Cuban Freedom Fighters,4. JFK'S alleged cover-up of the October Missile Crisis,5. Richard Nixon's sanctioning and ordering of political assassinations as White House CIA liaison, including Operation Group 40,6. LBJ'S direct personal ties to Organized Crime,7. The opinions of JFK and RFK by Carlos Marcello, and Santos Trafficante,8. The Far Reaching Power of James Riddle Hoffa which Jimmy has always preached to me,9. The depth of involvement of Johnny Roselli, aka Colonel Ralston, aka Mr. Rawlson, et. al.,10. AM/LASH,11. The Bay of Pigs,12. Lee Harvey Oswald,13. David Ferrie,14. Air America,15. The importance, uses, and value of Global Drug Trading, and on, and on, and on.Pasquale , I found it informative, powerful, and very supportive. But I also found the story about the purchase and modification of three (3) Mannlicher Carcano rifles very interesting, along with many other developed scenarios. I don't think that you will be disappointed with this work. Where lies the truth ? Can there be multiple separate truths, different from another's perspective, or level of involvement ? I definitely think so.Were there multiple levels to the numerous efforts, and Final Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK ? I definitely think so.Phil - Your analytical, focused, inciting thought processes always give me quantitative and qualitative pause. Yes, the vital appears small, and the trivial large as we follow all threads, and connect all dots from 11.22.1963 to 08.05.2010 and beyond.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: First Hand Knowledge: How I participated In The CIA-Mafia..

Post by Bob »

Great discussion here folks. JFK was a threat to the CIA, without a doubt. He wasn't soft on Communism, but he was a true visionary. That vision was completely opposite of what the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex wanted. JFK learned his lesson after the Bay of Pigs. He fired Allen Dulles and others because of that failed operation. JFK did not approve Operation Northwoods. He didn't listen to the Joint Chiefs about invading Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. A decision by the way, that saved the world from a nuclear conflict and probably WWIII. JFK was in the process of tearing the CIA into 1,000 pieces. JFK was undertaking back channel peace negotiations with Cuba and the Soviet Union. JFK was not going to invade Vietnam. JFK was also making key changes to the Federal Reserve, a change that also hurt the CIA, as big banking and the CIA were in bed together. JFK was going to make big oil pay it's fair share. Big oil was also linked to the CIA as fronts to some of the operations in the Carribean. Plus you had RFK going after the Mob with vengeance, which was the exact opposite of the promise Joe Kennedy had made to the mob during the 1960 Presidential campaign, as the Mob helped JFK win Illinois. All of these factors made the events of 11/22/1963 happen. Those events have allowed the world to become what it is today. A criminal enterprise led by goverments, big banking and big corporations. The CIA has been allowed to take full power, as it now controls the White House. Some of us believe that the White House has been led by an operative of the CIA since Poppy Bu$h became President in 1988. Bill Clinton was an operative as well, during the Mena episode, where he worked hand in hand with Poppy Bu$h. Dumbya Bush was a clear operative, similar to Poppy, as he was using failed oil companies as fronts. Barry Obama became linked with the CIA at Columbia University. Obama actions (or inactions) show that he indeed is a proponent of the CIA, as wars and war profiteering continues, plus he has protected the CIA from any criminal actions such as the use of torture. Now...imagine the world if JFK had lived. Just imagine...
Devlin MacGregor
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Re: First Hand Knowledge: How I participated In The CIA-Maf

Post by Devlin MacGregor »

Members and Readers:I recently received and began reading First Hand Knowledge: How I Participated In The CIA-Mafia Murder Of President Kennedy by Robert D. Morrow. Also, I mistakenly thought that he was a member here. It is a different person as Mr. Dragoo points out here. Thank You.I began to prepare my own initial reflections on this book, but I am learning quickly to double check the wealth of knowledge already contained here. I was going to strongly suggest reading this book, and ask for input. However, Mr. Brychek critiqued this book here on October 23, 2009, and was joined by several researchers and writers whom I have been following since before I became a member. In fact many of the people in this discussion group actually convinced me to join Mr. Dankbaar's JFK Forum through their consistent level of high quality material and subject matters.There is some powerful research here that other public venues are alluding to only today. It appears that this book, Mr. Dankbaar's JFK Forum, and several of the long time members were beyond cutting edge. I have noticed that some books and discussions contained here are still years ahead of other Forums and Face Book Discussion Groups. Documentation and referrals to authoritative sources here, for and against various positions, is 90 % better than the Social Media Discussion Groups by far. The members here seem far more focused and intelligent, which stimulates me better.That said, if anybody has recently read this book, I would welcome your reflections. If not, I would suggest reviewing this discussion, and consider reading this book so that we may all discuss it.Thank You.