Bruce Brychek

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Dealey Joe »

Ed seems beleivable but so does Mr. Holland.Holland was much closer and should have seen what Ed says he saw.
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by dankbaar »

I think it's an interesting exercise to summarize the similarities in the statements of Ed Hoffman and James Files. This is what we get. - Man in suit with hat , man in workingclothes (like a railroadworker) without hat.- Man with gun shooting from behind fence.- Man kneeling down putting gun in case.- Man with suit and hat, casually walking away in direction of the Daltex building ("like a businessman walking away to lunch") Take into account that Hoffman's observations were from a very long distance and that some details of what he describes are simply impossible, like how could the witnesses on the railroad bridge have missed the railroad worker accepting the gun from the other guy and putting it into a case.Let's assume that he actually saw James Files shooting with his checkered plaid reversible coat and without hat, kneeling down and putting the gun into his case. Let's further assume that he was distracted for a moment, for example by the limousine going by him. Next he sees a man with a suit and hat, walking away towards the Daltex, which could actually have been Files, now looking like a businessman, having reversed his jacket and having put on his hat. Would it then be logical that in his memory Hoffman makes this TWO men, while actually it was one? How else could a logical thinking human brain explain the two different sets of clothing? You might argue that it doesn't explain the part that Hofmann saw the railroadworker walking away into the opposite direction towards the railroad tracks, but human memory is fallible and it is exactly that part that is not credible, as Duncan McRae has explained so beautifully in his pictures.
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by andries »

Could be possible ater allBut the achilles heel is and will alway,s be, one tossing the gun to another ,Holland,s run took more than two minutes to be on place were they think they saw smoke comming from.two minutes could well be more than enough time to dissepearIf we can handle 10 sec for a 100 meters as an atleetthan 30 or 35 sec for at least 100 meters is plausible so holland and his co workers off course could not have seen anybody.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Dealey Joe »

By my calculations Mr. Holland would have been about 10 yards from where Ed says the two men handed off the gun.There is no way that could have happened as Holland says they witnessed the shot and smoke, their attention was on that area from that moment on. Ed most likley saw Hoffman and his crew and somehow read into it the hand off.
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by dankbaar »

I don't believe the tossing of the gun as Hoffman decribed it. This had to be seen by the witnesses on the overpass. But I do think that if you believe you saw two men, while it was actually one, changing his coat and putting on a hat, that you believe the one man gave the gun to the other. Remember it was quite a distance. The brain and memory can be tricked to interpret the logical way. What his eyes registered was not logical, so his brains made it logical. That is what I believe happened to Ed Hoffman. Hofmann did have the part right about a man putting the gun in a suitcase. He also had the part right about a man with a hat casually walking away.Look at the middle dot and move your head forward or backward. You would swear the outer cirkels are turning, right? You see? The brains can interpret something that the eyes are not registering.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Dealey Joe »

Yes it is amazing what the brain does and does not register.
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by neab »

Yeh good points wim, I do find it hard to beleive he saw all this in such short amount of time. So its totally reasonable, the mind clues together things. Yeh, it does conflict slightly with holland said, but he said the people on the overpass didn't immediately go, the policeman moved right away, but not the other's it was a bit of time....they were mostly pointing and exciteable.I did find it interesting in his book about the plaid shirt guy/business guy ,reminded me of files. Also though, he describes anohter man talking with one or both prior to the shooting. And the man in front stopping the policeman coming up on the knoll.I'll re read some later and see what other similarities I can find between his account and files.
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by ChristophMessner »

Imagine you watch from the overpass how the motorcade approaches and suddenly there are shots and the limo speeds away. Isn't the first reaction like: "Hey what was that?" and first looking around wildly everywhere, especially on all the other bystanders whether they heard and saw the same and how they react? So possibly the railroad workers were pretty busy watching the rest of the motorcade go through and how people on the grass and streets ran around before they themselves started to run towards the parking lot. So maybe there was enough time for the a behind-fence-spotter to receive the rifle from a second behind-the-fence-shooter and disassemble it in a way, that it looked like a railroad tool bar?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by Dealey Joe »

There are all kinds of possibilities but the facts as I see them.Ed was a long way frpm the pickett fence at least 1000 ft. and was also watching below at the motorcade.Holland about 150 ft. from the shot and smoke.the point Ed says the two men exchanged the gun was to Hollands left front no more than 50 ft from himeven if he was not looking directly at the spot any movement would have drawn his attention.If someone would come from the pickett fence they would have to cross the 30 nch high steam pipe line thatwas about 15 ft on toward the pickett fence so that in itself would create another commotion that also would draw my mind there is no possible way Ed saw what he thinks he saw.My guess is that Ed did not even know what had happened untill it was all over.
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Re: Bruce Brychek

Post by andries »

Dont worry about the distance Ed had a clear view and his observations were far better than average.As being deaf off course he did not hear the shots, his eyes are developt mutch better than average,and anyone who who seen dealy plaza admits right away that from Ed,s distance it is absolutely possible to see every detail.That has never been a point a doubts. ... relatedBut Nostradamus only saw one ... -exp_rn-HM