The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

JFK Assassination
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by ThomZajac »

kenmurray wrote:Speaking from experience Bob, Santa Cruz is a very neat place. I was stationed at Ft Ord Ca for 4 years and went there often. And it does have great beer. Fort Ord has been converted to the University of California Monterey.
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by kenmurray »

ThomZajac wrote:kenmurray wrote:Speaking from experience Bob, Santa Cruz is a very neat place. I was stationed at Ft Ord Ca for 4 years and went there often. And it does have great beer. Fort Ord has been converted to the University of California Monterey.Thom, yeah I know kind of sad for me to see that it became one of army base closures in the 90's.
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by andries »

This exelent material makes also cristalclear that there were two outstanding shots fromthe front The Carcano must off course have been fired for the link to LHO misses target totalyAnd the Mauser the better one hits well, and was offered because they absolutely needed a hit from the back ?
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by dankbaar »

Disagreed. In my conviction there was only 1 shot from the front. Wim
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by andries »

According to this rapport it is another matterI always had doubts about that. There was a doctor arround who sugested that the throath wound was even to small for an impact or entry.The problem is a second front shot makes everything even more complex
Dealey Joe
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by Dealey Joe »

If I may offer my opinion Dealey is such a small place I have serious doubts of multiple shooters from the knoll.Multiple shooters from the buildings works better for me.My next trip to Dealey I am going to look at it more closely. I think james Files was about 15 ft. west of the corner of the fence?
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Some of you have probably seen this vid, but maybe not. It came out shortly after the movie JFK was released. So we are talking about almost 20 years ago. Still...this conspiracy special is infinitely better than any recent presentations on either Discovery or the History channels that have the likes of Gary Mack, Dale Myers and bullshit artists like that in it. Was everything correct in this special? No...but it was a hell of a lot closer to the truth than any JFK special I've EVER seen on Discovery. ... iracy#Your right Bob it is by far one of the better documentaries on the subject. Focus on evidence rather than theories. I think its very good. The Tippit shooting and the time was cleverly done.
Phil Dragoo
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Re: The James Earl Jones JFK Conspiracy Special

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Very worthwhile video.Fonzi's book is essential to understanding CIA obstruction. The Last Investigation. Also the crucial role of David Atlee Phillips--"Maurice Bishop"--whom Veciana saw with Oswald.The Magic Bullet paused a second and a half between Kennedy and Connally. Or not.No doubt this documentary contributed to the creation of the ARRB.No coverage of Ruby.Kilgallen had a half hour with him. And a neighbor married to the plenipotentiary for Cuba 1957-9. Kilgallen left a copy of her draft with Mrs. Smith. Then died. 48 hours and Mrs. Smith died.And something about this irritates the clean-up crew to this day.