Expendible Elite

JFK Assassination
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Expendible Elite

Post by AnthonyAthletic »

Found these comments interesting from Lt. Col. Dan Marvin in an interview with James H. Fetzer, which I was listening to last night."We were told by the CIA Instructors that Lee Harvey Oswald, No.1 was not involved in the assassination at all. He worked for the CIA, he was just a man to take the blame, more than anything else.And that there was Four Mafia men involved in the hit on Kennedy, Two American Mafia and Two Corsican Mafia. They even went to the trouble....they didn't give any names, they went to the trouble to explain that one of the American Mafia was on the Grassy Knoll. Well I happen to know that....that Jimmy Files, who I checked into very closely for his story, and I believe him a hundred percent. In fact, I even verified his part in a Top Secret Special Forces Operation that was taking place in LAOS, through General John Henkiss (sp?), 3 Star General who told me personally that the Support Group Personnel of the 82nd Airborne Division, which Jimmy Files was on of them, took care of the Logistical Support for Project Cherry...which is what I am talking about.And, er, I have met Jimmy Files by Mail, we correspond regularly. He and I grew up in the same part of South Side Chicago, maybe ten blocks apart. We knew some of the same Mafia people, er, and I just know in my heart that what the CIA Instructors was telling us, was the truth.The second man by the way, the American Mafia was on top of the building that adjoined the Texas School Book Depository (Dal Tex). He was on top of that building next to the Texas School Book Depository with Three FBI agents and he shot from there, at Kennedy.The other Two hit men where Mafia....Corsican Mafia. Each one of them had a spotter with high powered binoculars, and they each had a position on the route from where Kennedy was Hit...to the Hospital. And their job, they were given by the CIA, was to make certain, if they thought that Kennedy would live...was that they would shoot him again on the way to the Hospital.Basically, that's what I know, having been told to me personally by CIA Instructors in a Top Secret Classroom Setting at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in February of 1964".Lt. Col. Dan MarvinTranscript from interview withJames H. FetzerI think it highly probable that the name of the General John Henkiss is incorrect as the audio was slightly inaudable on his surname, can anyone shed any light on who this 3 Star General was?
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Re: Expendible Elite

Post by Lofty »

AnthonyAthletic wrote:The other Two hit men where Mafia....Corsican Mafia. Each one of them had a spotter with high powered binoculars, and they each had a position on the route from where Kennedy was Hit...to the Hospital. And their job, they were given by the CIA, was to make certain, if they thought that Kennedy would live...was that they would shoot him again on the way to the Hospital.Basically, that's what I know, having been told to me personally by CIA Instructors in a Top Secret Classroom Setting at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in February of 1964".Lt. Col. Dan MarvinTranscript from interview withJames H. FetzerI think it highly probable that the name of the General John Henkiss is incorrect as the audio was slightly inaudable on his surname, can anyone shed any light on who this 3 Star General was?I never gave a thought to any other shooters other than in Dealey Plaza, but it makes a callous sense, he had to die, if they had missed with the kill shot in Dealey and on route to Parkland had he survived, i bet he would have been taken care of inside, a mix up of drugs or air injected into a vein....bastards
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Re: Expendible Elite

Post by AnthonyAthletic »

Fetzer asked one final question with regards to him not believing the possibility of James Files being involved, 'how what was to be, such a meticulous and calculated plan would involve Charles Nicoletti asking James Files to be a back up shooter, only hours before the event'This is a fair comment, but I ask myself if Mr Fetzer actually watched the DVD's through? As the DVD's show us 6 months prior, 3 months prior, a month prior, the week prior, the day prior and hours leading up to the fateful day. He may not have realized that James Files stated that he knew about the hit months in advance, it wasn't common knowledge but select knowledge.Dan Marvin went on to say, 'assassinations do and can happen like that, you obey orders, you do it and move on'. The fact that if it went down this way, then it is nothing extrordinary to have it pan out that way.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Expendible Elite

Post by Dealey Joe »

A factual, penetrating, powerful report from LieutenantColonel "Dangerous Dan" Marvin.Marvin's connections, history, name, and word wereabove reproach to most.The CIA sued to shut up Marvin.Marvin won.When the case was over, the judge asked Marvin foran autographed copy of his book.The Serious JFK Researcher will benefit greatly fromthis discussion.What are your thoughts today ?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.06.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.30.2009 - Anthony Athletic Posted this Very Important Headline.This is another book lived and written by Lieutenant Colonel Daniel "Dangerous Dan"Marvin, Retired, Deceased.Dan was a True Legend in every positive meaning of the word. He was a Green BeretWar Hero who served valiantly in Viet Nam.Dan's insight and perspective is incomparable.Any and all of Dan's books, presentations, and research and writings are informing andoverwhelming.EXPENDABLE ELITE will broaden and enlighten your insight to The Military Industrial Complex.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.