I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

JFK Assassination
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by kenmurray »

This is an excellent forum with great people and good research and information. So glad to hear this forum will stay on like it should.
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Bob »

Glad to see you have reconsidered Wim! The site is fantastic with all the excellent information on hand, and adding to the library NEVER hurts. I see the forum as an extension to the site. Do we ALL agree on EVERYTHING? Hell no. But debate is good...as it the chance to learn more everyday and help teach people that may have questions. I look at the JFK assassination research community and see two teams...the lone nut club and the conspiracy club. The conspiracy club all agree that a conspiracy took place on 11/22/1963 when JFK was assassinated. However, there are several different opinions as to how that took place. I looked at all of them over the years. The reason I came to this site and this forum is because I believe your views are the closest to the actual facts. I STILL feel that way. However, I still am open to look at views from other sources, except the lone nut club of course. Since I have been part of this site and this forum, there have been a number of things that have been uncovered that were unknown when I first became part of this forum. Things like Jimmy Files speaking to Edward Lansdale just prior to the assassination. There are more examples as well, and we will continue to find more as well. More will be uncovered. This site and forum are getting the dark side nervous. Good! It means we are doing something right. That will continue.
tom jeffers
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by tom jeffers »

wim,is there anyway to organize your website differently such as you have got a main chapter of who shot jfk and why?can you organize it so there are chapers likekey conspiratorssecret servicefbiother major playersbooks and articlesother forumspictures and filmsdealey plazaor etcetera. this list is by no means all inclusive or even the blueprint but in doing so we can move the various threads into these chapters. give bob and myself the ability to move a blog or a heading into the appropriate chapter or thread and we will help you. I think this would organize the sight and make the info easier to research. just a few weeks ago bruce brought up the zipper files and i had started a thread on that a few weeks before that had went to page 2. what do you think guys? give me some feedback on this idea.tom
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.02.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:04.24.2006 under JFK Forum Rules For Registration I began making my sentiments clear. Today, I will expound upon them. Some will disagree, I'm sure.Wim I think that you should Demand that everybody, myself included, re-register under the following rules.1. First Year/First Time Registration for all should be $ 200.00. Along with this, the following will occur.A. First Time Registrant's will register with a photocopy of their Driver's License, State Identification, Passport, or Similar Identification. They must make their reasons clear to you why they will only use partial names, or "pet names," on the JFK Forum.B. You will pay by check or money order.C. You will receive the following after registration: 1. Files On JFK - book, signed or registered by Wim. 2. Files On JFK - DVD, signed or registered by Wim. 3. Judyth Vary Baker DVD signed or registered by Wim. 4. Chauncey Marvin Holt DVD signed or registered by Wim.If you already have any of the above, then you can give it to somebody that you deem worthwhile as a JFK Researcher/Student in your opinion. I have purchased over 100 Files books and DVD's and J is my best friend. But I have sought to promote Wim and his website, and this search for the truth.If you are educated enough, and have access to a computer, then you should be able to afford $200.00.Each year after the First Year, namely Second Year Membership and beyond should be at least $100.00.I am totally fed up with the amount of nonsense, phonies, and disinformation specialists that have floated through here. My system will not be perfect. But I venture to say that 90 % or more of the worthless people will be removed.SOMETHING IS WORTH WHAT YOU PAY FOR IT. MEMBERSHIP HERE WAS FREE, AND HAS BEEN ABUSED. THEREFORE, MY CONCLUSION IS THAT IT IS A WORHLESS MEMBERSHIP TO MANY.PAY OR GO.Comments ?Respectfully,,BB.
tom jeffers
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by tom jeffers »

bruce,i agree with you when it comes to giving something of value for something of value. I am not sure whether the price will scare away some possible good contributors or not but I like the concept. I think anyone should visit for free but if you want to post then you must be a member that has atleast gone to the trouble of some minor research. there could be a newby section that allows posting for non members about specific topics or to ask questions about the usual stupid crap but it would be limited to certain subjects.my only concern is that everyone always attacks wim about him trying to make a fortune off of pedling damaged goods and if he did something like that, his critics will indoubtably use that as fuel. otherwise i like atleast the concept of what you posted.tom
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.02.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Tom Jeffers - what could be said about Wim, or for that matter J and B, that hasn't been said. Tom, I respect you and your thoughts. However, to hell with them, and their opinions.Wim is out well over $ 2,000,000.00 in money, time, and effort that he could have done something else with. Do we loose maybe a few good members, or do we loose the JFK Website and JFK Forum ?This weekend I spent several hours with J. He said to tell Wim to shut everything down. Now Wim sounds like Jimmy felt years ago.American's are on the whole a lazy, unmotivated, uneducated bunch of dolts. You can lead some horses to water, but you can't make them drink. Everyone claims that they want to drink at the fountain of knowledge, but they want everything quick, simple, spoon fed, and with instant replay.Wim isn't a charitable institution. He has a wife and family. He has dedicated a large portion of his life to this endeavor. He is entitled to make a ROI, (Return On Investment).Pay up, or go. Put up, or shut up.Wim, shut down your entire JFK Website and JFK Forum on or before 12.15.2009.Open it effective 01.02.2010 only to Newly Registered Members. No Membership, No access to anything, unless you have Registered and Paid. Wim, remember that I will tell you I told you so down the road every chance that I get if you don't listen. If you want to be a charitable institution then I will get you a Roman Catholic Church Membership.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Brian White
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Brian White »

Keep it as is,Wim, and none of this registration/fee crap,either- Big Brother has no business looking at my driver's license,passport,etc.
Dealey Joe
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Dealey Joe »

As a new member I am willing to do whatever is best.l might offer an idea for a possible solution.Have all forum memers VERIFIED.Use whatever stage name you want but on the members list have full name, address, phone and email.It is very easy to do a verifiction.anyone caught abusing this information would be eligable for suspension.just remember when you are leading the pack you most likley will be in the line of fire.Joe
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

I was in high school Friday, November 22, 1963, when the intercom advised us President Kennedy had been shot. In short order we were advised that the buses were lined up out front and we would proceed in an orderly fashion to leave for the day.That Sunday I saw Jack Ruby shoot Lee Harvey Oswald live; then saw it repeated over and over that day.It was not until 1997 that I bought a box of books from Harold Weisberg and received the personal penned note from his wife Lillian."To Phil Dragoo-- Thank you for your order for our books. We hope you will find them both interesting and informative. You will undoubtedly find a different conception of what has happened in both assassinations from what is usually found in books on either. Sincerely, Lillian Weisberg"I have filled a bookcase but had no idea of the significance of Mr. Files until this past month. I found a posting by a pilot and followed it here. Even then it was not clear what the focus was, only that something of great import was being discussed in a most serious tone.The mercury bullet exploding is a transformational concept. It has taken forty-six years to reach this point. The length of many wars of other centuries.In our present circumstance, the specter of two bouts of cancer returning, there isn't the snowball's chance in Hades of our having a figure like $200.00 U.S. (a year's chemo was $2,600 a week, and that was fifty-two weeks).Yet scripture says the laborer is worth his hire, and Ayn Rand's newly popular hero recognized there must be value for value. I wouldn't dare take a man's gold without respecting the ideas behind it.Institute a discipline which eschews tomfoolery. Let the lightning bolts hit the disruptors. But keep your wisdom accessible to a new generation of skeptics.
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Re: I am seriously thinking about closing down this forum

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:As a new member I am willing to do whatever is best.l might offer an idea for a possible solution.Have all forum memers VERIFIED.Use whatever stage name you want but on the members list have full name, address, phone and email.It is very easy to do a verifiction.anyone caught abusing this information would be eligable for suspension.just remember when you are leading the pack you most likley will be in the line of fire.JoeI love Bruce like a brother, but I prefer the set up put together by Dealey Joe above. I certainly understand what Bruce said in his post. Wim has spent a lot of money doing what he has done to educate the masses. He has also been burned by a couple of a snake oil type of sales folks- see Bob Vernon and Pamela Ray. I know I have tried to promote this site, plus Wim's book and vids to my friends and associates. But making people pay to become members (granted you will get excellent material for your trouble) will most likely not work. Plus, the economy in the world (definitely in the United States) right now is making a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck. Plus, there is the Big Brother aspect that Brian mentioned, especially in this Orwellian world we live in. That's my take, for what it's worth.