Who Decided?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Bob »

Sideways is a good way to put it. It didn't just happen one day. It took events and policies to make the assassination become a necessary evil to these people and their ilk. Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison in JFK, put it best..."Y'all got to get into your minds how the spooks think. They're not ordinary crooks. Think the unthinkable. Question everything. We're through the looking glass here, people. White is black and black is white."
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by ThomZajac »

Please allow me to probe-We all know Dulles was fired by JFK not longer after the Bay of Pigs, so my guess is that you'd say Dulles was stripped of his title but not his power, and that at the time of the assassination Dulles was essentially still the head of the CIA. Even so, do you think he had any superiors? Powerful people that he'd better get the okay from before implementing the plan? If that's the case, then those superiors were the true deciders and those are the guys I'd like to attach some names to (John Rockefeller? Rothschild? Prescott Bush?)Lansdale must have had a boss- who would that have been? And wouldn't Lansdale have had to run it by him?And Phillips had a boss, maybe a few, certainly Helms and/or Dulles. Don't you think he'd be one of the first guys the deciders would call, rather than being an actual decider? Just wondering.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Lofty »

Helms and Dulles were subpoenaed, by Garrison as were a shedload of others that knew vital information,but due to 'bureaucratic resistance' were never going to be forced to testify. They had the luxury of that protection, others who didnt were silenced or discredited.But as to who were the main conspirators as far as i see it;Big Oil- Hunt, Murchison, Byrd et alBanking- Rothschilds - RockefellersMilitary Industrialists CIA- Dulles Cabell Helms, Atlee Philllips- LansdaleMafia interests, Trafficante, Giancama,The first four groups all have positive and direct links with S&B and the Yale set, the Mafia interest in it was due in part to financial interests in Cuba and also the fact they felt betrayed by the Kennedys pledge to 'go easy' on organised crime, only to see Bobby embark on a witch hunt.Personally i feel the decision to kill the President was slowly decided over time, as increments of disatisfaction were ratcheted up because of his policy reforms such as ending the reign of the federal reserve, the destruction of the CIA, foreign policy decisions in S.East Asia, nuclear test treaties, the rumours that he was 'soft on communism' in effect ending the cold war in favour of working with Russia opposed to against them. It got to a point whereby all the aforementioned suspects were all singing from the same sheet, so they decided to act as they all had a mutual benefit from his removal.That is my take on it as it stands.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Jsnow915 »

I think it starts with Rockefeller/Rothchild(the funding),then it trickled down...to Bush (wanna be Rockefellers) and other oil buddies that had something to gain...people like Dulles and Philips followed orders and gained enough to make it worth their while.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Kirk »

In the past on this I have made up my mind so many times that I have lost count, only to change it again from fresh information, or another's view. I am betting at this point that we can almost take all the choices from each post, and make a case for involvement and participation. In many cases we can make solid connections to each other, and to the assassination. I do believe the assassination was organized and planned with great detail, which was also used to confuse the eyes. So I believe it was and is a complete Orchestration that did have one main conductor, who probably wrote the symphony as well, and many others as performers, producters etc. I believe that one person may have passed away, but the secrets have not. I believe there is a certain brilliance to the symphony and the performance, but I also believe that the amoral nature shows such ego that "they" will be found out, found guilty, if not in their time or our time, at least for all time.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Jsnow915 »

Kirk...I dont think we'll ever see the truth in our lifetime(I hope I'm wrong) ...Lofty,you have to add Rockefeller into big oil and banking...and remember..."and to the "Republic" for which it stands"...not "democracy".
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I think this happened as a request going to the top and then came down as an OK.At that point someone began making plans to get the job done and all part of the plan was delt out to all the different interests to be involved and eventually the order was given to the actual trigger people
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by kenmurray »

steve manning
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by steve manning »

Excluding any plausible deniability I would have to say at the top of the Government list is LBJ and the mob list would be of course, Sam Giancanna (sanctioned by Tony Acardo). Anyone below this would be determined by the actual location it took place. I think the fact that ultimately happened in Texax was critical to the control of the coverup and thus required the oversight of; I can't think of the guys name, but he was a very powerful political figure in Texas? I will have to look it up and get back, perhaps someone could fill in the blank for this guy? Good friend and confidant of LBJ. Many others were invovled of course, but they all followed the orders of these men.Steve
Michael Calder
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Michael Calder »

David Rockefeller decided to remove JFK by extra legal means and went to Allen Dulles to see if he concurred. He did. Allen Dulles is fired by JFK in Sept '62 and the plot is given to Richard Helms, DDP at CIA. Helms is the architect. Helms later murders RFK using his own creation, MKULTRA. Richard Helms is fired in 1973 by President Nixon yet Ford and Reagan have attempts on their lives. This is David Rockefeller once again using CIA to put his brother, the vice president into the oval office and later George Bush, the VP of President Reagan. It also means that CIA was co-opted by the economic elite and has been used ever since as it's own private security firm. Will CIA once again be used to strikedown a president under orders of the economic elite. What do you think? www.jfkcia.com