Who Decided?

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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That little Kennedy

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Stan, you reference Donald Gibson, and his "The Creation of the 'Warren Commission'" is in The Assassinations ed. by James Di Eugenio and Lisa Pease, pages 3-17. Prouty is useful.Jim Di Eugenio discusses the Eastern Establishment members of the Commission in http://www.ctka.net/2008/bugliosi_8_rev ... l.Douglass' JFKU makes it clear per Merton JFK was soon "marked out for assassination". A top down dictum which killed obstinate and inconvenient witnesses.Dulles displayed the arrogance in operation: "That little Kennedy; he thought he was some kind of god."Secret Service "aide" to Warren, Elmer Moore, enunciated the operant fantasy, Kennedy was a traitor, a security risk.LBJ's Eliot Janeway went on a "Dangerous Kennedy" tour in the summer of 63. Cabot Lodge and Lansdale disposed of the Diem brothers; didn't need "that little Kennedy" to make foreign policy.De Mohrenschildt was contacted by J. Walton Moore re Oswald at the end of 61, that Oswald would be coming to Dallas in 62. Oswald was moved through ONI in 59, was picked up by Angleton.That Dulles is fired by JFK and is the force (with McCloy) behind the Warren Commission, in fact has ties to the Paines. Dulles evinces the arrogance of entitlement, and the upstart Kennedy is devoured as a lion or bear would devour a cub.The Vietnam War was necessary to sell helicopters and pay Brown and Root for ports, to occupy a new generation presenting an inconvenent energy. Khruschev was as out of step with his team, being yanked October 1964.There is nothing more unpleasant than crusty old establishment types insisting Oswald the Krazy Kommie Kid was a solo act--it shows they retain the death grip on the national security plausible denial that motivated Hunt to the end.It was the money.
Phil Dragoo
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We Report; We Decide

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Jim Di Eugenio provides useful profiles of McCloy, Dulles, Ford: http://www.ctka.net/2008/bugliosi_8_review.htmlLBJ was ambition personified, loathed JFK, faced being dropped from the ticket and jailed, was financed by and beholden to Brown & Root to whom he delivered eighty per cent of the Vietnam construction contracts in a war JFK deleted, but he reinstated the day after the riderless-horse funeral.Douglass has the Oswald double plucked from Ft. Worth by a CIA C-54 making a hot landing/take-off amidst a DC-Roswell flight. Byrd's Depository the backdrop; Cabell's town the venue; Ruby's phone records a clear weathervane making it plain which way the wind blows.Dulles rails at Lifton: You've got nothing! Nothing!Hoover both hated JFK and faced firing January, 1965--by his "act of treason" he stayed on until his "heart attack" in 1972. LBJ's in 1973. Nixon's last chopper ride 1974. And the winner--until 1976--is Gerald Ford.Regarding Rockefeller and the CFR, Gates (former DCI and Bush/Obama SECDEF) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (Carter's national security advisor and Obama's mentor at Columbia) coauthored the 2004 CFR "Iran: Time for a New Approach"--as we approach the anniversary of the Islamic Republic with its threatened "punch".Lady Bird, Halliburton and Dubai--it was William Jefferson Clinton who flacked for Dubai Ports, the William Jefferson Clinton who at Boys Nation ran to be the first to shake JFK's hand.The dark cabal that killed Kennedy got its war and lost it, and never did regain its Cuban base for gambling and narcotics--even lost the four planes a day that Zelaya provided. There's still Afghanistan, and Mexican meth from Chinese precursors, and the big base in Utah.And the oil men? Tiny compared to Taleel and Rat Boy and the Venezuelan parrot.Karma the relentless balancer.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by andries »

Phil,how on earth is possible that there are stillpeople arround who really believe vincento bugliosi ?Yep !! i fully agree with him that every story has a begining and an end,and that,s it,but the amazing crap he produces in between is unbelievable and a disgrease for the history off paper and book.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Andries a lot of people I have talked todon't believe anything for sure, they just don't want their boat rocked?If they are forced to think then they are in trouble.hell it's a lot of work, might not get to play golf or scoot around in the big boat or sportscar.
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by andries »

You better should be Joe,you are in the fortune dogs busines and if you play that smart, you could play golf in your own yard with a nice view upon your own boat with a chopper on it,unlike Ed
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I have four ponds here around the house.maybe I could build me a houseboat
Posts: 2652
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:I have four ponds here around the house.maybe I could build me a houseboatNice little party craft Joe. Is that a giant cooler up top? But how about building a replica of the PT 109? Build it...and they will come.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

who would want a PT boat when you have a fine craft like this one. It has a bar, cooler and port-a-poty
Posts: 2652
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:who would want a PT boat when you have a fine craft like this one. It has a bar, cooler and port-a-potyAgreed Joe...but can't you paint PT 109 on the side?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Decided?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I was thinking more like "Miss Posner"