The Motorcade, Alternate Routes and Bullshit.

JFK Assassination
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Re: The Motorcade, Alternate Routes and Bullshit.

Post by ThomZajac »

Oh, the wife comes FIRST! Now I get it.....
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Re: The Motorcade, Alternate Routes and Bullshit.

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Oh, the wife comes FIRST! Now I get lay it on thick to more ways than one.
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Re: The Motorcade, Alternate Routes and Bullshit.

Post by kenmurray »

Foghat. Now they got me "Stone "Blue"
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Re: The Motorcade, Alternate Routes and Bullshit.

Post by SeamusCoogan »

ThomZajac wrote:It's hard to keep up with you boys- I was supposed to make love to my wife tonight..(Great work!)Yes maybe you can show her an alternate route Thom?
Phil Dragoo
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Secret Service

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I've seen several instances of Secret Service dereliction of duty. The selection of the route is a prime indicator of their complicity: the tight turn, the open windows (even after Chicago and Florida), no advance on that venue whatsoever.A number of them were up drinking and wenching at Ruby's Carousel Club. Lack of discipline by superiors; a pre-Big Dance celebration.The stripping: four not eight bikes; behind, not abreast. No bumper riders.The rest of the town had cops on the street watching the crowd. In Dealey? The cops were posing as SS to cover the shooter's getaway; picking up lead; bullying witnesses; confiscating film.The driver stopped and looked to be sure there was a head shot. That isn't subject to debate. A California rolling stop perhaps, but a helpful maneuver for the shooters.The cleaning with bucket and towel. The rebuilding of the car.A friend of ours, John Carman, was on the Gerry Ford White House Secret Service detail. He said he and his new class asked about the Kennedy kill and were referred to the Warren Report.Later when he was a decorated U.S. Customs officer and found so much corruption he resigned and ran the site for some years, he became an annoyance.He was framed in Mexico on Federal charges. friend the colonel spoke of a drug convoy he was ordered to escort from Viet Cong territory through his area of operation.Kennedy was getting us out of Vietnam. Bad career move, that interruption of the free flow of drugs at market prices which is an international bipartisan imperative it would seem.And Jack Ruby--he was in that, too.Nice, nice, very niceso many weasels in the same device
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Re: The Motorcade, Alternate Routes and Bullshit.

Post by Pennyworth »

I just came across this Phil, strangely by accident.... Gacy became active in the local Democratic Party, first volunteering to clean the party offices.[35] In 1975 and 1976, he served on the Norwood Park Township street lighting committee.[36] He eventually earned the title of precinct captain.[5] In this capacity, he met and was photographed with First Lady Rosalynn Carter, who was in town for the annual Polish Constitution Day Parade, held on May 6, 1978.[37] Gacy was directing the parade that year, for the third year in a row. Carter posed for pictures with Gacy and autographed the photo "To John Gacy. Best Wishes. Rosalynn Carter". In the picture, Gacy is wearing an "S" pin, indicating a person who has received special clearance by the United States Secret Service.[38] During the search of Gacy's house after his arrest, this photo caused a major embarrassment to the Secret Service.[39]