The War of Words

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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The War of Words

Post by Dealey Joe »

In the war of wordsSomething that concerns me and I don't see evidence here on this forum or others of the so calledConspiracy Theorists is how does information get to the average public?As long as information is ony passed around a closed network it is just a "Bless Me Group"What good does it do for all this information to come forward unless it can be of use to further a goal?What is the goal? How do we motivate the greedy, apathetic, lazy masses."Average" people I talk to, some of which show interest, really are just inquisitive and see no advantage to themselves to get involved. They are concerned that they would be targeted for who knows what.I have been told "Don't rock the boat". In other words they don't want to loose what the perceive they have.The things that they are in debt for and owe the rest of their lives for. Their comfort items. Big homes, Fancy cars, Boats who knows what else.The very same as our nation is indebted to the Federal Reserve Private Banking System.People expect a disfunctional government to take care of everything for them, knowing the consequences.It is time to get serious and have a plan of action. That is how a "coup" works, a plan of action.If we truely want this country back I think there is only one way to get it back.government committees and political action groups are not going to work.Most of us are too old to do anything, It takes the young people.I am just having a problem seeing the end of this, maybe you all can.Maybe we can take our country back but what about the "Hidden Elite"who will still control the rest of the world?
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Re: The War of Words

Post by Bob »

I have hope Joe. Most young people get their news via the internet...and that is the best weapon we have right now as the MSM, especially network television (even cable-see Discovery) is bought and paid for. Not just Fox News either, as MSNBC (both Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann) have kissed the ass of people like Gerald Posner as well. One of the more liberal sites on the web is The Huffington Post, and they were the ones who posted the bogus story about the professor from Dartmouth who said the LHO photos were genuine. So the disinformation machine is working all avenues. It doesn't matter what your ideology is. Bottom line, we can not allow governments to limit the use of the internet, nor allow spying on people on the net, which is now occuring. The U.S. government and many bought and paid for politicians are letting companies like Verizon get off scott free for allowing wiretapping and spying on their users. That is a fact. Still, I see the internet as the best weapon we have in terms of getting the truth out. Just look at 9/11. The internet is ALL over the lies about really happened that day. The young people know this. And we are helping them connect the dots between 11/22/1963 to 9/11/2001 to today. We just have to stay vigilant and persistant in getting out the message.
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Re: The War of Words

Post by andries »

I only have very little hope JoeHuman kind wer,e happen to be intelligent on an average scale, and the most dumbest lifevorm on the planetwe are confirming that for quit some time, and we are doing sadly incredibli well.Instead off creating paradise,we are developing elimination and the final End with a little help from some - religion-money-hate - technic and off course war- we can easily archieve that aim.And in the end, i only feel sorry for the animals on this planet it,s a manco they cant speak their mind, even a hungry croc or grizzly would sound peacefull in comparising
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The War of Words

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe - You raise a very excellent point about the attitude of the American People as a whole.There is a great deal of apathy and intellectual laziness in our society.Your point is one of the reasons that Jimmy has lost all interest in the JFK Matter.Americans for the most part "just don't care."Thoughts ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The War of Words

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce, Tom & AndriesI think a look at history would be in order.It has to be the young, energetic and passionate.They have to be exposed to a truth and the excitement of being part of a movement that they can beleive in.I am not sure how this gets done but I know it takes certain type promotors to get the job done.We as a group should be able to activate programs to do it. There are many in our midst who are very good at this sort of thing.Mainly it takes action groups. COPA is an active sort of group but I think they just mostly preach to the quire.I heard someone say they had college classes they had spoken to or taught??I don't remember if it was Groden or Marrs or who.Maybe there already movements ongoing to acomplish this, if so it is kept pretty quiet.I can imagine Jimmy Files dissapointment.
Phil Dragoo
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Dark Ages: light at the end of the tunnel

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I recall as a college senior following Mark Rudd around a university near us as he recruited for SDS Days of Rage. I sat next to him on a living room floor as he explained his Maoist followers (red arm bands and hard looks) didn't like his talking to us--we might be the police.Soon he would be running with Bill Ayers ahead of the senior Daley's police army breaking windows to begin the revolution. Windows were broken. The revolution did not materialize.Maoists ran up a large body count until a countervailing group of students assembled in Tiananmen Square, only to be hosed by doped PLA heroes, hamburger beneath tracked treads.Zhao Ziyang the party leader who opposed the Strike Hard policy was placed under house arrest, and for sixteen years he secretly recorded his thoughts on cassettes transcribed and smuggled out.Murder will out, though forces of repression oppose truth, whether it be conspiracy and coup d'etat, heliocentrism, the rather undivine nature of rulers.Clear thinking ought to be encouraged, romanticism to the contrary notwithstanding.The Che T-shirt may be a hit with the uncritical thinkers, but facts of killing Kennedy should supercede matters of hipness. Edward J. Epstein was recently featured on HuffPo spouting seven cliches of the Warrenatti in the first para.I have got the attention of a radiologist and a surgeon with the optical densitometry proof of the forged 6.5 mm artifact on the JFK A-P x-ray.There is an entire culture, a complete society to deprogram; having been hypnotized by clever visuals and pruned of any critical thinking after five seconds, the challenge is robust.But I've seen the honesty, integrity, diligence and clarity of those here, and am not despairing.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The War of Words: The end of the game

Post by Dealey Joe »

The end of the game.I think their is a danger in the Sports Mentality.We are all caught up in Sports where there is an End to the Game.In other words when someone blows the whistler or sounds the buzzer we are conditioned to accept the fact that the Game is Over.someone wins and someone losesIn the quest for Truth we are costantly beset with the dark side blowing the whistletrying to get us to assume and accept as fact that the Game is Over.And that we Lost!What we have to keep in mind is that the Game goes on.Even with the whistles blowingWe do not stop we do not lose.So we must keep on playing.This has got to be frustrating for Them
Phil Dragoo
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Multimedia revelations

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Last night on Coast to Coast AM, George Noory hosted Jim Marrs and Doug Horne.Doug Horne gave a very cogent and compelling summary of his analysis that JFK's rear skull wound was correctly perceived by the dozen-plus Parkland medicos, and was camouflaged for misleading photos by the Bethesda autopsists.Jim Marrs answered a caller who said a man in jail had confessed.Marrs explained it was Jimmy Files, who was jailed for killing a policeman, that Files said he was curbed by an unmarked car and ambushed by four cops in a hit attempt.The entire hour was very upbeat and inspiring.I find it fascinating that it came the day I added Doug Horne's volume IV to my must-read list.Marrs also mentioned Judyth Vary Baker and the cowritten book with Jimmy Files--one more book for that list.I suggest this shows there exist the means and appetite for revelation, and present it as a cause for rededication.
tom jeffers
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Re: The War of Words

Post by tom jeffers »

thanks for sharing that information phil. i downloaded his interview and will try to include it here as an attachment if the board will allow. doug horne was an excellent addition. he relates that the zapruder film has been analyzed by hollywood film makers and all 7 said the thing was a bad fake on the special effects.
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Re: The War of Words

Post by Bob »

Yes...thanks Phil. Here is a link to the show...