Announcement TV program Netherlands

JFK Assassination
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Post by dankbaar »

Here's more Dutch to practice for you
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

I didn't get a word of that, but I did enjoy the female presenter! I'm on the next flight over!

Some interesting camerawork around the plaza.
One thing that annoys me about people filming the plaza is that the camera work is very static and does not move about or cover the ground I would wish them to.

I would assume that you get a mention somewhere in there Wim?

Floris Wakka
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Post by Floris Wakka »

Beste Wim,

Ik vind het fantastisch voor je dat je eindelijk het grote publiek hebt weten te bereiken.
Ik kijk op dit moment met veel bewondering naar Peter R. de Vries.
Ben in de loop van de maanden beetje achterp geraakt maar volg alles nu weer met veel enthousiasme.
Nu nog een keertje David Letterman misschien?

john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Beste Wim, Ik vind het fantastisch voor je dat je eindelijk het grote publiek hebt weten te bereiken. Ik kijk op dit moment met veel bewondering naar Peter R. de Vries. Supergaaf! Ben in de loop van de maanden beetje achterp geraakt maar volg alles nu weer met veel enthousiasme. Nu nog een keertje David Letterman misschien? Groetjes, Floris

Here goes.

Dear Wim,
I find it fantastic that you have received public attention.
Something abut Peter R. de Vries. Supergaaf!
alles=all veel=a lot.
Thats about all I can discern fom this.
How well did I do?
I didn't get any help, I just used my limited studies of germanic languages.
I will give you some Irish to translate if you want!
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Post by Faas »


Gefeliciteerd want ik zie dit toch vooral als jouw werk

Helaas dat SBS a.k.a. Peter R. de Vries niet meer durfde aan te stippen dan dit.

Wat mij betreft gaat deze website en jouw bijdrage cq onderzoek al lang niet meer over de schutters maar heb je genoeg aangedragen om althans de verdenking tegen verschillende personen te staven. Zozeer zelfs dat ze ook vanavond best bij naam en toenaam genoemd hadden kunnen/mogen worden.

Aan de andere kant, het getuigt van moed dat Peter R. de Vries deze uitzending durfde te maken. Daarvoor verdient hij zeker respect.

Hoop alleen dat jij doorgaat met je eigen verhaal, want dat is echt vele malen boeiender.

Keep up the (really) good work...
Floris Wakka
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Post by Floris Wakka »

I was posting a reply in Dutch while I was watching the show. I was saying that it's fantastic that Wim now finally has reached the big public (that means; in the Netherlands). Then I said the only thing left to do for him now is showing up in David Letterman of something likt that.
Wim, keep up the good work, I really enjoyed Peters show yesterday.
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

can we have a summary of the show ?
Floris Wakka
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Post by Floris Wakka »

It started with the very well knowm problems on the Kennedy case.
The Magic Bullet, The Oswald pictures, His CIA history, His defection to Russia, Why the mob hated the Kennedy's, Why CIA-men hated the Kennedy's, The back and to the left thing, The blunders of the Warren Comission, The members of the WC, etc. etc. etc.
Then, later on, the story focused on Wim's work. The three tramps, the Chauncy Holt story, fragments of the Files interview, etc.
When you're known with the basics of Kennedy conspiracies and you know a lot of the Files story, yesterday's show brought you nothing new.
But it had very nice shots en moviefragments of the actual events of 1963 and for beginners it must have been an eyeopener.

Peter R's own conclusion on the case is that the murder can en should be solved, but that the american public and media doesn't show enough interest in it. At least, that was what I thought his conclusion was. Maybe Wim can back me up on this.
Zack Shelton also stated that if he was still in a high position in the FBI, he would do anything to solve the case. He alse thinks that that's still possible, only if the FBI would investigate enough.

Wim, a question for you. Can you tell me more about the guy who stated that he knows where Kennedy's brains are. I forgot his name... sorry.
Floris Wakka
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Post by Floris Wakka »

Also, a qustion that came up in my head yesterday...

Files told that when he came back in the car, the first thing Nicoletti asked him was: "Didn't you shoot a little to early?"
I find this just so very strange.

How could he be so sure that Files had fired the fatal head shot? Because if we have to believe Files, his bullet and Nicoletti's bullet struck Kennedy in the head almost at the same time. Isn't it more logic that Nicoetti thought that he was the man who shot Kennedy in the head and that Files had to tell him in the car that he also struck Kennedy in the head.
Or could both men have observed that they shot at the same time and both have hit Kennedy in the head...
It's just so hard for me tog get this straight...

How about you guys?
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Post by Paul »

Floris Wakka wrote:Wim, a question for you. Can you tell me more about the guy who stated that he knows where Kennedy's brains are. I forgot his name... sorry.

That's Robert Groden.
He was the 1st man who showed the Zapruder film to the American public in 1975 on National TV (Geraldo) and was a photo-expert and also heard as an expert before the HSCA...
He also wrote some books and made a few very interesting dvd's!
I'm also curious about his statement that he knows where JFK's brain etc. are...

Gr. Paul.