Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

JFK Assassination
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Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by JDThomas »

Just been watching Bob Harris' assassination review on youtube. It hadn't struck me before; the Zubruder film segment of the President's car taking the corner is "missing" from the final cut as we know, but the FBI also had two other home movies showing the car taking the corner. Well if luck would have it, they managed to damage both of these films at the same point, obscuring this sequence. - now what are the chances of that happening? Who or what were they trying to hide in this sequence?
Wayne Stracener
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Re: Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by Wayne Stracener »

Welcome JD, I'm only a few days old here myself, And thank you for stepping up and making a post, sometimes they take off like wild fire, and some have to slowly build up steam, Since the film called Zapruder will not show, We all have to work with the Hughes film and others to try and find out. Keep digging and thinking outside the box is always allowed, It brings fresh questions.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by Dealey Joe »

I havve the DVD "image of an Assassination" which is the story of the Zapruder film.including the new wide version.there is a stop in the film at the corner. there are no frames miissing in the frame count butthey also said that Life had dammaged the original.
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Re: Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by ThomZajac »

I'm foggy on this (like I am on a lot of things), but I seem to remember that Greer took the Houston-to-Elm turn far too wide and actually hit the curb in front of the book depository- and almost brought the car to a stop (not the infamous stop that occurred later on after the president had been hit).Also, Zapruder claimed he did not stop the camera once he began filming.
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Re: Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by Lofty »

The clearest version of the Z film is in my opinion, contained in R Groden's, Case for Conspiracy. It gives a very consise analysis of the bullet impacts within the limo, especially those on Connally. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... fk&hl=en#I found this so enthralling i watched it twice on the bounce.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by Dealey Joe »

one thing you need to keep in mind is that home photography equipment was in its infancy.The cameras were hand wind. Mr. Zapruder's film was actually 16mm and at some point durring filming the spool had to be turned over and at some point durring processing it had to be splitinto, the bad or unexposed ends trimed off and rejoined at the remaining ends it is really amazing the end result of the Zapruder film is as great as it is.i also question the car coming to a stop. I think actually the driver was slowing so the SS agent could catch up and get onto tje lemo. This would have been importantunder the conditions that existed with no protection on the car.It just worked in the favor of the assassins.To me the Altgens #6, full view. is one of the best pictures of any, look at the croud, SS and the motorcycle cop.all turned lkooking back and up. I would say towards the DalTex bldg.
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Re: Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by andries »

I,m a great admirer of Robert Groden he,s is a guy who has a pleasant voice and a lot off charisma and i think he,s high intelligent.I totaly agree with robert that there was more than one shot fired from the knoll.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Taking the corner at Huston and Elm

Post by Dealey Joe »

JDThomas wrote:Just been watching Bob Harris' assassination review on youtube. It hadn't struck me before; the Zubruder film segment of the President's car taking the corner is "missing" from the final cut as we know, but the FBI also had two other home movies showing the car taking the corner. Well if luck would have it, they managed to damage both of these films at the same point, obscuring this sequence. - now what are the chances of that happening? Who or what were they trying to hide in this sequence?In "The Lost JFK Tapes; The Assasination" there is a shot of the limo rounding the corner onto Elm St. just about to the point the Zapruder film starts you might take a look at it to see if you can spot anything.