John Hankeys JFKII 'The Bush Connection'

JFK Assassination
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

I just want to make it clear that I believe the Bushes to be very bad people!
Kevin Philips 'American Dynasty' being in my opinion the best book on the Bushes.
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Post by Bob »

I can appreciate your viewpoint John. But there are more than enough "coincidences" that tie Poppy Bu$h VERY close to the assassination. The Hoover memo regarding the JFK assassination dated 11/29/1963 that mentions him by name for one. In addition, we have the FBI memo about Bu$h reporting that James Parrot had threatened the life of JFK. By the way, this same James Parrot later worked for Bu$h. This call by Bu$h to the FBI was AFTER the assassination. It was a clear attempt by him to make it appear he wasn't in Dallas at the time of the shooting. Again, let's go back in time to the 1950's. Prescott Bu$h was the one that talked Eisenhower into running for President and also hand picked Ike's running mate...Richard Nixon. Bu$h was also a Senator that had strong connections to the media (he was a founder of CBS) and Wall Street. Bu$h was also very good friends with Allen Dulles, who headed the CIA, and John Foster Dulles, who was Eisenhower's Secretary of State. As you can see, Prescott Bu$h had an enormous amount of power. That power was threatened by JFK. JFK fired Allen Dulles and was breaking up the CIA. JFK was de-escalating the U.S. presence in Vietnam. JFK was changing the Federal Reserve policy and also taking away huge tax loopholes for big oil. All of these things severely impacted Prescott Bu$h. Bu$h's good friend Allen Dulles brought in Poppy Bu$h to the CIA in the late 50's using Zapata Oil as a CIA front. There is ample evidence about his involvement in the Bay of Pigs. Wim has compiled some excellent material regarding all of this and more here...

It's just my opinion, but I definitely see the dots connecting the Bu$hes to the JFK assassination, including George H.W. Bu$h.
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

This call by Bu$h to the FBI was AFTER the assassination. It was a clear attempt by him to make it appear he wasn't in Dallas at the time of the shooting

Why not just say nothing? If the cover-up was that good (which it was considering the truth is still veiled) why would Bush see it necessary to try to exonerate himself by linking himself to someone who mentioned killing Kennedy. We know he was in Houston, why would he have to give a veiled message stating his location on the day in question.

As I said in my original post, all we have is a list of names from the Bush address book. They knew these people that we think put Dallas together. That doesn;t mean they did it.
Its an interesting scenario that you put forward that Grandpa Bush knew Dulles and Dulles hired poppy to do the deed, but we have no evidence to suggest that this is the case. They knew each other, they had similar business interests.
If you want to argue that Bush had foreknowledge of the assassination or played a role in the cover-up, then it would be more believeable, though just as difficult to prove. There is more significant evidence of Bush helping to cover up investigations into Dallas during his time as CIA director, this implicates him in the cover-up, but not in the operation.

You provide a good reasoning and motive for Prescott to possibly support the murder of JFK, but we have to ask do we have proof that he ordered the murder or that any of the Bush family had a hand in the assassination?No, In my opinion at least,

All the best,
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Post by dankbaar »

Why not just say nothing?


Well, if Bush was part of the planning, which I believe he was, he was also part of the cover-up. And this seems to have been a very early attempt to send honest FBI people in the wrong direction.

Why did he tell this AFTER the assassination and not BEFORE? JFK had been in Houston the previous day. And why did he ask to keep his confirmation confidential? Why, if he was just a law abiding citizen? What is there to be ashamed of to tip the FBI on a suspect?

Give me some answers to that!

Also, do you believe Bush was a high ranking CIA official at the time or not? When and where do you think he befriended Felix Rodriguez?

I assume you DO believe that Texan oil men, CIA and anti-Castro people were involved in the conspracy to kill JFK. Is that correct, John?

Bush was ALL THREE. You still think it's plausible he didn't know?

Do you read the stuff on this website?

john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Hi Wim,
Why did he tip them off after the assassination? Just like everyone else I can only speculate as to why he did this.
We are all speculating, it is a working theory that he was sending them on a wild goose chase. Why was Bush the only one to give these false leads? It seems as though none of the planners on the ground took part in any similar attempted sidetracking.

Give me some answers to that!
Ican't give a definitive answer to that and based on what we have to go on neither can you or anybody else. We can only speculate.

I believe that Bush was CIA, how high, I don't know.

I believe oil men, CIA and anti-castro cubans were among those that funded,planned and carried out the assassination yes. Looking at the list of the wealthiest men in the country as of 1957 I can't see either Prescott or Georges name anywhere near the top of that list.

It is a possibility that Bush knew or was involved in the assassination, but his involvement is anything but certain.

I have read the content on this site and a few others including 'The unauthorized biography of George Bush', where most of this information comes from. I find it a plausible working theory, but I still can't buy into it for definite.

I know some of you probably think I'm crazy!
I'm not defending Bush, I just don't think that the evidence leads directly to him.
I am here to be persuaded, but the same sources seem to be used to provide the facts.

I think I should re-read kevin philips book and see if that changes my mind in any way with regard to Georges connections and seniority at the time,
Jim Thompson
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Check Again

Post by Jim Thompson »

dankbaar wrote:John,Do you read the stuff on this website? Wim

I thought GHWB ran Operation 40 for the CIA. Thus the need for the coverup. I like Poppy's private phone number showing up de Mohrenschildt's
address book. Didn't Barry Seal also have that little item, for emergencies? A couple of guys who got blown away. Oh, yeah.

Better check: ... plane.html

john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Are there any books which address the issue of Bush and the assassination apart from the unauthorized biography?
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Post by dankbaar »


I don't know why it is that common sense is so often blocked in this case. But I have noticed this phenomenon many times before. Please know that I DO respect you, but I would like to figure out what it is that makes you so reluctant to accept Bush's involvement. Let's play.

Do you believe this 1963 document about the JFK assassination is genuine? Please refrain from speculation, just state your personal conviction.

Do you believe that the "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" in this document is George Herbert Walker Bush, who bacame CIA director in 1976 and was VP from 1980 to 1988 and President from 1988 to 1992?

Do you believe that it is a lie (or perjury) that he never worked for the CIA before becoming CIA director in 1976?

john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Hi Wim,
Its a discussion and not an argument and I'm glad that we can have a civil conversation!

I believe the memo to be genuine.

I believe it is the same George Bush.

I believe that it is a lie when he says he didn't work for the CIA prior to becoming the director.

In the last few minutes I have been reading pieces from Philips book regarding the Bay of Pigs, in which he states that Zapata offshore was used for reconassance into Cuba prior to the BOP. He also describes how vehement Prescott was in his opposition to Castro.
I believe there is sufficient evidence to suggest that Bush helped with the BOP in providing Zapata offshore as a stop over and probably financing some of it. I don't know if he was involved in the planning as I would say (Our old friend speculation again!) Tracy Barnes and others took care of that.

This thread on John Simkins forum also makes a god argument for the case of Bushs involvement. ... bush&st=30
After reviewing these I now think it likely that he knew what was in the works.
I can't say whether he played a minor or major part or any at all. Though I concede that he probaly had advanced knowledge of it, given his connections.

I still don't think that he named the BOP boats or that he was in Dealey Plaza.

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Post by dankbaar »

Then we agree on our beliefs so far!

The BOP boats are indeed questionable. That is why I never mention them.

It may be true it may be not. Forget about the boats.

Do you accept that Nixon and Dulles planned the BOP?

Do you accept that Nixon was basically running the Eisenhower administration?

Do you know that Prescott Bush was a fundraiser for Nixon's campaign against JFK?

Do you believe that Prescott and George disliked JFK?

Do you believe Nixon knew about the plot to kill JFK?

Do you believe that the Bushes (specifically Prescott) controlled Nixon?

Do you believe that the Bushes knew fellow Texan oilbarons HL Hunt and Clint Murchison?

Do you believe that George HW Bush knew Theodore Shackley, his later CIA deputy director, when Shackley was in charge of the JM/WAVE station, training the anti-Castro Cubans?
