Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

JFK Assassination
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Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

Post by Bob »

JFK was a superb leader for many reasons. JFK was also a remarkable visionary. But his greatest accomplisment was his leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The joint chiefs and the CIA wanted to invade Cuba which would have started a nuclear exchange and WWIII. JFK wouldn't listen to the war mongers. JFK did what he had to do to keep the peace and stop the the world from having it's most horrific war ever. Here is great documentary that tells that story... ... re=related
Dealey Joe
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Re: Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob Thanks for posting this topic.I know Bruce has pushed this question several times as to the accomplishments of JFK if any.To me the Kennedy's had a healing effect on the nation as a whole.Black people loved JFK & RFK as they viewed them as a light at the end of the tunnell for them after the turmoil at the time.I think JFK was slowing the race backlash that could have exploded into civil war.I had reservations at the time with what they were doing with the Black people, I did not trust MLK at all.I remember driving thru Louisvill, KY and seeing the large protests they were holding.I never hear this mentioned in the scerario of reasons why they were eliminated?another subject seldom mentioned: In November 15–20 of 1963, in the City of Dallas, Texas, George C. Wallace announced that he had intended to challenge the then 35th U.S. President, John F. Kennedy, for the Democratic Party's nomination as candidate for U.S. President for the November 1964 general election.Why is this not politically correct?Most of the Black activist were incorporated into the very system they opposed to quiet them down.I also know the the Kennedy's were from, the world or at least the USA, Financially elite.I think their mother taught them family values and compassion.I look at old Joe and LBJ in the same light.I am interested in hearing the con side of the Kennedy's especially JFK and RFK.I met and spoke to RFK when he visited my hometown in Southern Indiana durring his presidential campaigne.I also met and spoke to George Wallace durring his Campaigne.I must admit that I was infatuated by the Kennedy's
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Re: Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

Post by Lofty »

120 mins from thermo nuclear war, the amount of pressure on Kennedy,must have been unimaginable. From my perspective his stance on that episode, showed him to have great resolve, and a steely nerve, to be able to withstand the pressure derived from the Russian ICBMS on Cuba, and the pressure placed on him internally from the hawks in his cabinet, i.e. joint chiefs of staff, CIA etc.As Bob posted, he was a great visionary, he saw in my opinion what the MIC and the money / oil elite had in store for the future and tried to nip it in the bud.Sadly he was taken out of the game, without having a chance to fulfill his potential.
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Re: Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

Post by kenmurray »

Great documentary there Bob.
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Re: Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Great documentary there Bob.Thanks Ken. Just imagine if Dumbya Bu$h would have been President in October 1962? Guess what would have happened? Kansas says it best...
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Re: Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote:Great documentary there Bob.Thanks Ken. Just imagine if Dumbya Bu$h would have been President in October 1962? Guess what would have happened? Kansas says it best... right Bob. Especially our states Florida and Georgia would be nothing but dust.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Defcon 2- The Cuban Missile Crisis

Post by Dealey Joe »

I made my first trip to Florida in October of 1962.I don't recall if I was aware that anything much was going on but Florida was full of troop convoys moving around.On the 22nd I was in a motel in Ocala when JFK made his televised speech about the blockade, at that moment I became seriously aware of the whole deal.I headed back home to Indiana the next morning.