VERY interesting Dallas police document

JFK Assassination
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Dealey Joe wrote:This document is very well known to a few.Gary Mack and crew even Jim Marrs is supposed to have seen it.because of the obvious errors in it it has been labeled a forgery.It surfaced in LHO's mothers artifacts in a Ft.Worth Library.I cannot find where anyone has attempted to verify its authenticity.But there is some reason they have set on it since the early 90'sYeah Joe I had a poke around and asked Jim cos it had been around for awhile. Id heard it as a rumour but not seen the doc itself.Yeah by all accounts from my sources and Jim Di (god its always him lol) its likely a lemon. But its cool that Bob got it out so as to have a discussion nonetheless at least now I know about how the rumour started.
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

If we can show this document has any validity it is very important as it shows a connection between Rubt and Hidel-lAs far as I know it would be the first actual document showing a connection between the two men.we know they knew each other but we have no real proof of it. This could be it?I am still concerned about the O.H.LEE, ALEC HIDELL & LHO connection.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Dealey Joe wrote:If we can show this document has any validity it is very important as it shows a connection between Rubt and Hidel-lAs far as I know it would be the first actual document showing a connection between the two men.we know they knew each other but we have no real proof of it. This could be it?I am still concerned about the O.H.LEE, ALEC HIDELL & LHO connection.What goes against this though Joe old son is that it has been looked at before, and also theres conjecture about it. Documents that generally aren't used by the research community as a whole on our side of the fence are'nt used for a reason. Murder solved to my knowledge is the only website that advocates the Nixon Ruby document now if people here dig it thats all well and good, but no I am not sold on it at all lol. So yeah, all I can say Joe is try and get your hands on Ian Griggs No Case To Answer where he tracks down Ruby's old strippers its very very interesting.
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

Seamus have you seen any evidence that anyone has actually check the source.all I can find is that the people who have looked at it only made their conclusion from the document itself.There are a lot of errors in the report. I would think if someone forged it they would have not made so many errors
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Thats a good point. Joe, in fact the tough thing is going back in time to when documents actually emerged. Thats a real challenge out of my league due to me being at the bottom of the world lol. When and how and who deposited them and in what batch is always tricky even for those in the United States. Was the document in question verified via the ARRB? Who I point out were NOT an authentication but release organisation.In fact how can we verify them. Thats a skill I honestly don't have you need a proffesional archivist for that sort of thing or someone with archival knowledge.Secondly since I am in New Zealand and have little physical access to the documented evidence in many ways (though theres a lot on the net for sure) and thus i cannot compare crappy facsimilies of facsimiliesto the real McCoy stuff to say if something is fake or not thus I have to learn from other people. The Education and lancer forums generally have the best discussions about documents and one of the internets document specialist by all appearences is a guy called Gary Buell who probably thinks its a hoax. Sound him out Joe, nice guy and he believes Judyth Baker for all of you Bakerites out there. I also ask pretty widely when it comes to documents and I had heard this rumour before and thought it an odd little story, in fact I thought it a stretch (Oh dont get me wrong Oswald knew Ruby) But had not seen the actual documentation of where it came from. Now I don't just settle with Jims opinion. I also ask Lisa, Larry, Hancock who deal in a lot more of this stuff than myself because of proximity. I mean John Newman is the guy to go to for documents and Lisa n Jim use him a lot. He wrote Oswald and the CIA. Now you wanna see real McCoy uncontested documentation man thats awesome.You also have to figure why this document aint been sited in any bodies work. I mean I could go in and dabble but sources of knowledge superior in areas to myself have told me it's not worth pursuing.Perhaps Joe the biggest smoking gun is that Henry Wade was found in possession of a screen play istakenly thought of as evidence that Ruby and Oswald were in cahoots Gary Mack has tried to make light of it by saying kinda along the lines 'Old Henry was a wheeler dealer or what have you'. But the fact is that Henry Wade, Bill Alexander and Sheriff Bill Decker had at one time or another voiced their belief in a conspiracy, thus WTF was Wade doing with his screen play anyhoot.I hope that enlightens you anyhow Joe the Wade stuff is all over Google.
Michael Calder
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Michael Calder »

"For one week he rented a room from Mrs Bledsoe, the woman who later saw him on the bus shortly after the assassination." (Warren Commision Report) Anyone know if H.H. Grant is a known associate of Ruby or Oswald or Bledsoe? Good work, Bob.
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

I have heard that H. H. Grant might be a son of Jack Ruby's sister?
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

Kathy Becket wrote:, obviously you are a believer in Dave Perry, but the man has as much credibility as the guy he got the curator gig for the 6th Floor Museum at the TSBD...Larry Mack. In other words...none. How can you respect anyone who goes to the class that Jim Marrs taught in college and openly intimidates and mocks speakers that Marrs had for his students. VERY classy. Perry and What a pair. A pair that conceived this pile of crap, and were rightly called out for it... is a response that came today from a guy that once worked with...Jack White...a man that exudes class and NEVER sold out, unlike was incorrect about the URAFINK code being written in pencil. It was typed.I wrote that from memory.The document has significance, whether or not it reported a real event. If theevent did not occur, the official form exists, done by someone with insideinformation. If the document is false, it represents a criminal act by someone.Something this serious could not be a joke.Thanks.Jack
Michael Calder
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Michael Calder »

Kathy Becket,Thank you for the referral to I was keeping an open mind on the document's authenticity until I read Dave's website. Now I know it is valid. Dave argues that Lee Bowers died while driving and having an allergy attack or possibly he committed suicide since he recently took out a life insurance policy. I love it. I now have a "Moriarty" to oppose. I destroyed some englishman - Sirhan as a lone nut author, a year or so ago on the hnn website and now I have Dave. Lee Bowers took out the life insurance policy because he knew the government had murdered JFK and several fellow citizens of Dallas were turning up dead. As I remember, he had his "accident" shortly after filming his interview with Mark Lane. For those of you who don't know, Mrs Oswald was shown a photograph of Jack Ruby by Law Enforcement Officers the day before her son was shot. She expressed bitterness that Jack Ruby was allowed access to her son since since law enforcement was on to Jack before hand.