Why is James Files not dead?

JFK Assassination
Alex Wagenaar
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Post by Alex Wagenaar »

Hey paul thanks for your reply.
I didn't knew the package also contained a diary, are the contents of this diary known. Either in the book, DVD or by Wim or anybody related to the investigation?
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

nobody but Files knows the content of the diary and where it is...
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Post by dankbaar »

Alex Wagenaar wrote:I'm a newcomer to this form. Wim, i've ordered the book and are awaiting delivery. I haven't seen the DVD yet, but i've got a question about a passage i've read in a document on this site. "Files stated that his kidnappers demanded a "package" which Charles Nicoletti gave to him following the JFK assassination. Files said that Nicoletti instructed him to "hold on to the package" for it may save his life someday. Following his recovery from the kidnaping and torture incident, Files says he dug up the "package" and that it contained a map of the presidential motorcade route through Dealey Plaza and several Secret Service identification cards. Files stated that he destroyed the contents of the "package"." My question: Why did mr. Files destroy this and didn't hold on to it for safe keepings?

He says he destroyed the map of the motorcade and the SS badges, he kept the ledger.

I can only speculate on why he destroyed the rest. Probably because he did not expect that he would ever come into a position that he would confess to his role in the JFK assassination.
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Post by dankbaar »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:Dear Paul Pennyworth,It is pretty obvious that you don't know James Files and think very different from him. Have you seen his interviews? Wim No. Please enlighten me.

Protecting his former associates is a higher priority to him than Paul Pennyworth believing his confession.

Alex Wagenaar
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Post by Alex Wagenaar »

To get one thing straight for me, was it a ledger or a diary?

Am i correct in assuming that Files hasn´t reveiled the content due to otherwise endangering or harming people who are still alive? And if so wouldn´t it be wise to arrange some kind of safeguard in case of a unforeseen event? As far as this hasn´t been done yet.
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Post by dankbaar »

Alex Wagenaar wrote:To get one thing straight for me, was it a ledger or a diary?Am i correct in assuming that Files hasn´t reveiled the content due to otherwise endangering or harming people who are still alive? And if so wouldn´t it be wise to arrange some kind of safeguard in case of a unforeseen event? As far as this hasn´t been done yet.

Ledger, diary whattever you want to call it.

He has revealed that the ledger contains notations of most Nicoletti's murders, including JFK. That 's all in the book and DVD.


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Post by Guest »

Wim thx, that's enough info for me for the time being.
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Post by Guest »

dankbaar wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:Dear Paul Pennyworth,It is pretty obvious that you don't know James Files and think very different from him. Have you seen his interviews? Wim No. Please enlighten me.Protecting his former associates is a higher priority to him than Paul Pennyworth believing his confession. Wim

Judging from the past posters postings, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out who he is protecting..and for all intensive views , it looks like its stemming from Chicago and vegas. By the Way, I have inside info on this 'Family' and they are very WEAK so to speak. Their own henchmen(and history does repeat itself ) 20 something recruits are turning state's evidence against the 'Family' . The family is involved in another murder in Vegas. One henchmen was found dead, the other spilled the beans.The old one got a slap on the wrist and he was a former Kennedy assassin conspirator suspect. Wanna hear about it? The 20 something guy was not afraid to make a statement.. and he is getting himself some serious time off from a life sentence for doing so....
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Post by Pennyworth »

Oh Wim but I DO BELIEVE HIS CONFESSION!!! I know he is telling the truth...I would like to hear the rest of it...

French author Emile Zola:

"If you shut up the truth and bury it under the ground,
it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power
that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way."

......... starting in Holland - Wim
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Post by Pennyworth »

Anonymous wrote:dankbaar wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:Dear Paul Pennyworth,It is pretty obvious that you don't know James Files and think very different from him. Have you seen his interviews? Wim No. Please enlighten me.Protecting his former associates is a higher priority to him than Paul Pennyworth believing his confession. WimJudging from the past posters postings, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out who he is protecting..and for all intensive views , it looks like its stemming from Chicago and vegas. By the Way, I have inside info on this 'Family' and they are very WEAK so to speak. Their own henchmen(and history does repeat itself ) 20 something recruits are turning state's evidence against the 'Family' . The family is involved in another murder in Vegas. One henchmen was found dead, the other spilled the beans.The old one got a slap on the wrist and he was a former Kennedy assassin conspirator suspect. Wanna hear about it? The 20 something guy was not afraid to make a statement.. and he is getting himself some serious time off from a life sentence for doing so....

Yes good post here...
this is who I know Files is pledging allegiance to.. (he's in the back row...)
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl= ... f%26sa%3DG
Doesn't look dangerous at all...just old and worn out...