Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination
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Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by dankbaar »

http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadi ... wU-aV9rgUS filmmaker Oliver Stone says US is still in denial over JFK assassinationBy Michael Casey (CP) – 5 hours agoBANGKOK, Thailand — Hollywood filmmaker Oliver Stone said Monday the United States remains in denial over the possibility that someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald could have assassinated John F. Kennedy, calling it a "national fairy tale."Speaking to 300 high school students in the Thai capital, Bangkok, Stone said exploring alternative theories over the JFK assassination remains too sensitive for those in the media or academia who "would be endangering their careers and their position.""To this day, many key Americans in power are in total denial about this story," Stone said. "They don't even want to know about the possibility that he was killed by someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald. It is a national fairy tale."Stone was in Bangkok to talk about filmmaking and peace as part of a series of talks facilitated by the Vienna-based International Peace Foundation.His 1991 film "JFK," which he acknowledged was his most controversial, ridicules the Warren Commission conclusion that Oswald acted alone and suggests a massive conspiracy.Stone's film centred on a theory by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison that a CIA-led mutiny killed the president and the plotters walked away unscathed. Garrison's theories went to court in 1967, but Clay Shaw, the alleged "evil genius" behind the assassination, was acquitted.Stone said Monday he thought it was "a good thing" to revisit the JFK assassination. But he came under fire from the historians and film reviewers who contended Stone had fudged facts, invented characters and elevated speculation to truth to support his burning belief that the killing was a high-level conspiracy."It's an amazing story and I did it," Stone said. "I thought I would be respected for it, and I was lambasted in the establishment press. I was called a myth-maker, a propagandist. I didn't see it coming. I thought the Kennedy murder was safe."Stone is famous for several other movies, including the Vietnam War films "Born on the Fourth of July" and "Platoon," and "World Trade Center," about two policemen buried in the rubble of the twin towers after the Sept. 11 attacks."Platoon" won four Oscars, including best picture and best director.Copyright © 2010 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by dankbaar »

Very strange that he never talks about his SIGNED 1993 contract to put James Files on film exclusively. Bruce, any comments? Wim
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar:Wim - Greetings, and Best Regards to you and your beautiful family, My Trusted Friend.I really appreciated your Headline, and Post. I could not open the website. Double check it, and I will try again later.For the JFK Forum Members and visitors who don't know, I consider Wim my friend, and admire the sincerity of all of his efforts. Wim and I may disagree over some issues, and even argue, but we enter the "argumentative ring" and leave it with mutual respect. I still think that Wim is totally wrong for not Demanding Purchase Of All Of His Material, and Complete Yearly Re - Registering, and Paying a Yearly Membership Fee, before being allowed to his Website or JFK Forum. That is my opinion, and I don't care what anybody else thinks, or says, so don't give me any response to this because I just don't care what you may think on this subject matter.Few know that Wim and I have met in Chicago many times, beginning almost ten (10) years ago, and that we have spent hundreds of hours in person together, many times in Chicago, analyzing, debating, discussing, researching, and studying issues TOGETHER, live, in real time. I previously stated before, and I state now, here again, that I admire and respect Wim's totality of knowledge on the JFK Assassination/Coup de' tat. And I freely admit that his overall knowledge is vastly superior to mine. I never intend to portray that I am the perfect research and study JFK Expert. Consider me but a humble History and Political Science Student.I am different than every other member on this JFK Forum, and other JFK Forums. I am not saying that I am better, just different, because I am Jimmy Sutton/Files oldest, closest living friend, who steadfastly has breakfast, lunch, or dinner with Jimmy weekly. Since the late 1960'S I have known, along with the FBI, CIA, NSA, the Chicago Mafia, The House Select Committee on Assassinations, and other "authorities," that Jimmy Sutton fired the head shot from the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, Texas, on 11.22.1963, that blew JFK'S brains at least three (3) feet in the air, while driving JFK backward and to the left. I know that Wolfman made all of Jimmy's custom ammunition, and that he prepared Custom Mercury Filled Hollow Points for Jimmy's Remmington XP - 100 Fireball that Jimmy used to "terminate with extreme prejudice" one JFK on 11.22.1963. Did Jimmy consistently lie to me for over forty (40) years to supplement his interviews ? Certainly not.Wim and only a few others also know that I originally joined the JFK Forum at or near its inception at Jimmy's request. My purpose was to monitor, observe and report, and spy on one Wim Dankbaar for Jimmy, to determine whether Wim could, or would, maintain the integrity of Jimmy's interviews, in my opinion. Wim contacted me, and asked me who I was, and why I joined. As I recall I told Wim that I had a very strong interest in the JFK Assassination, and nothing more. And against all odds, we became friends, in my opinion. And to this date, I believe that Wim has maintained the total integrity of my best friends interviews and statements, to the best of his human ability, acknowledging that we both have made mistakes, miscalculations, and that hind sight is 20 - 20. In addition, Wim Dankbaar's JFK Forum is the only Forum of any kind that I have ever joined, or participated in, in my life.I personally admired, enjoyed, liked, and respected Oliver Stone's work. And as Wim stated correctly Stone visited Jimmy on several occasions. And yes, I own, control, and possess the Original Contract signed by Oliver Stone, but never signed by Jimmy, along with thousand's of other original, confidential, secret documents which I refuse to disclose, so don't ask about, or speculate about. Trust me, if you have any trouble believing that Jimmy killed JFK, you would never believe what the CIA had Jimmy do. Believe me, don't believe me, or Jimmy. We just don't care. That is why I focus on other subject matters.Stone, in the interview that Wim referenced and quoted at length stated the conclusion that Jimmy and I came to over three (3) years ago. Jimmy simplified it by saying that "they will never change the history books, regardless of the reasons."This is why Jimmy has refused all interviews, starting over three (3) years ago, and has withdrawn from everything. This is when Jimmy and I began handling all of Jimmy's Other Secret Projects, while developing our own JFK Research and Study. Wim knows this all to be true. And before you criticize Jimmy, know and understand that I consistently have so advised him accordingly, and will steadfastly continue to do so, along with advising Jimmy to have nothing to do with Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theories Weekly Show. Nothing against Ventura, or his shows. I actually like them. But consider if Oliver Stone's Masterpiece, JFK is still attacked, in its three (3) hour plus totality and intensity, Ventura's forty (40) minute "cocktail hour" Cliff Notes type of presentation won't do anything.AMERICA DOESN'T WANT THE TRUTH. THEY NEVER DID, AND NEVER WILL."Horses can be led to water, but can't be forced to drink, especially at the fountain of truthful knowledge. Americans can't handle the truth. And besides the JFK Research Community is their own worst enemies." Some of Jimmy's wisdom.Stone's words are rejected.Jimmy's words are rejected.Stone visiting Jimmy proves what ?Wim, if I went overboard with the truth I'll delete this. Let me know. I know that some people can only handle a crouton at a time.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce I for one appreciate your post and honesty.I think on one point i would compound that it is not so much people do not want to know the truth.They cannot stand the thought of their boat being rocked.Actually they do have a clue how to handle the truth.I have actually have had people tell me " don't rock the boat"Tell Jimmy for me that I appreciate all he has done and I don't blame him one bit for Backing Up.he, Wim and the forum have allowed me an insider view, and to more fully understand what has transpired.I am eternally grateful and if I knew anything else to do I would do it.Thank you all.
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by neab »

Does James files still get approached for interviews then? I woulda thought since the original confession he didn't get any more attention. If you're close with james files you should urge him to tell as much as he knows, at the end of the day, he killed your president. Granted at the behest of his superiors, but he's in every american's debt imo.I can understand that it'd get tiring trying to convince ignorant people what has happened here, but even if you reach a minority , its worth it.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear neab:neab - In your wildest imagination you would not believe what comes Jimmy's way, and from where.Jimmy has drawn a line in the sand well over three (3) years ago. We are working on our own projects. Period.Further, I encourage Jimmy to have nothing to do with anymore interviews, or telling anything else at this time to anybody. It works very well for us. I personally believe that 50 % or more of the JFK Forum Members have never watched, or studied either of Jimmy's interviews, or read Wim's book, Files On JFK. Further, I doubt that 50 % of more of the JFK Forum Members have completely read at least five (5) books on the JFK Assassination. Hell, from what I determine, almost 50 % of the members haven't read what is already on the JFK Forum.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by dankbaar »

Bruce, thanks for putting all those feathers up my behind I can certainly return the favor since as you know, I feel likewise.Neab did absorb the videos. It is stated here.http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB3/viewt ... =1320How's Jimmy doing? Did he get my letter? I keep disagreeing with you that America does not want to know the truth. Or it depends on what you mean. The people who control America, or the average citizen? Stone's JFK is still considered a blockbuster and replayed on TV every years around the world. And if you woould see on the Cinema's billboards "The confession of the grassy knoll gunman", it would maybe not outdo Avatar, but I do believe that a lot of Americans would go watch it. I also believe that it probably remains utopia, because of the big interest money people that control America. You know, the kind of people that bailout failing Wallstreet banks, making the American taxpayer pay for THEIR greed, crimes and mistakes.Wim
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen,I trust you will allow me the rudeness of adding a final comment.As you may or may not know I approach things from a practical view coupled withknowlege of human nature as I have experienced it.I asked an old man that I deemed to be succesfull just what success ment.my supprise was his answer. "success is not a place you arrive, success is actually a journey"it took some consideration on my part to see what he was speaking about.My conclusions are,The real reason we do this conquuest is to experience the journey of it.we will never experience the end of the rainbow nor do we need tobacause it is the jig saw puzzle that is exciting.We, or You have made a hell of a journney and put more pieces of the puzzle togetherand show our success in many ways.We must stop thinking in terms of defeat and sun in the success of our trip.I believe one day "The Grassy Knoll" will be seen by the public at large.Everyone I speak to about the the JFK assasination is all ears but I cantell you our journey seems stalled because of peoples social condition is suchthat they have to see a way of survival.They are mostly in debt up to their noses. worring about their employnent andsurvival in general, so to do anything to threaten that is unthinkable.We are never going to change the history books but we are writing new history!So all that said it is our decision if to continue on our trip to success or to give up.B.S. you know we are NEVER going to quit.Jimmy may change his focus some but he cannot quitWhen Bruce gets over his negative view he will not quit.Hell Wim will never quit.Lighten up guys and gals we have made and continue to make great headway on our journeyDon't talk to me of quitting.Winston Churchill said " Don'e ever give up, never, ever give up"Bruce everyone on this forum are much better educated on the assasination basics.some of us are still in the learning stages and are getting a continued education because of all of youThe forum gives me a place to vent my findings an assumptions and allowme to specialise in the area of the assasination that interests me.Take a bow!!
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by dankbaar »

Oliver Stone was surprised at the reception to his 1991 film 'JFK'. The director and screenwriter, who made the film about the possible role of the Central Intelligence Agency in the assassination of President John F Kennedy, said he was taken back by the harsh criticism it received. Speaking in Bangkok, Oliver said: "To this day, many key Americans in power are in total denial about this story. It is a national fairy tale. "It's an amazing story and I did it. I thought I would be respected for it, and I was lambasted in the establishment press. Oliver Stone surprised at JFK reception "I was called a myth-maker, a propagandist. I didn't see it coming. I thought the Kennedy murder was safe."http://newsblaze.com/story/201001262201 ... story.html
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Oliver Stone on JFK Assassination

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar;Wim - Jimmy and I read your lengthy letter of questions yesterday. I took possession of the letter, as I always do.He is answering nothing, and not answering you.If I made any mistakes about neab, then of course I admit that I was wrong. I was using this person as an "academic example."Jimmy asked me to ask you if you are ever going to make any real Professional Marketing Attempt to promote the book and video, Files On JFK in the U.S.A. ? He thinks that after seven (7) years, he is curious if you actually have any game plan ? He thinks you have none.He also asked me to PLEASE ask everybody, you included, and your minions, to quite writing him. He doesn't care, and merely gives me everything. I must have 2,000 - 3,000 unopened letters and cards, filed in boxes, still unopened, chronologically for future reference, if necessary. Big, Big Waste Of Time for people to write him.No offense to anybody, but that is simply the truth, and people here deserve the "cards on the table" type of truth, and so do you Wim.I have been politely conveying Jimmy's message for over three (3) years that he has drawn a line in the sand, wants nothing to do with the public JFK Matter, and has moved on. I have stated this, and restated this. Now some will surely consider me negative, as Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall states above. The truth deserves to be told. I stated this at Jimmy's request, with no conscious attempt to "ruffle feathers." I don't know any other way to sugar coat this subject matter.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.