Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by jfkanon »

I vaguely recall that JFK made some comments within a day or so before his death about how easy it would be to kill a president with a rifle, etc. Given the "JFK - wanted for treason" posters, and the way Adlai Stevenson had recently been treated in Dallas, Kennedy knew he was going into "nut country" (not that all people from Dallas were ultra right wing nuts). I think that some people just make up their minds that they are not going to live their lives in constant fear: RFK, MLK, Lincoln and various officers on battlefields, for examples. (I don't think Stonewall Jackson got his nickname by being too dimwitted to know he might get shot if he didn't take cover.) It doesn't mean they're unaware of the danger.I'm sure Kennedy didn't know who or when -- nobody did -- but he was aware of the risk. He made the decision to not use the limo's bubble top anyway. It wasn't bullet proof, but James Files said they would have called off the hit that day if it had been on. RFK thought he would be assassinated before JFK. After the assassinations of JFK and MLK, and given his long list of dangerous enemies, RFK must have known of a high chance of being killed if he ran for President. But he did it anyway, because he wanted to stop the war. MLK had started speaking out against the war in Vietnam before his death. King had received numerous death threats, and had already been stabbed and stoned, and nearly killed. This at a time when blacks were being lynched and having their churches bombed. It's clear from his "I've been to the Mountaintop speech" shortly before he died that he foresaw his imminent death:"Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land! And so I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man! Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!!"Maybe in the cynical, post-"me generation" world, we can't understand that kind of thinking.With regard to how the Kennedys were raised. They were taught by their father that, since they were priviliged, they had a responsibility to help the underprivileged. This has been evident in the family's actions for generations. It's not the norm for wealthy families to help the poor instead of helping the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor. People like the Kennedys and the Roosevelts are despised by other wealthy people as "traitors to their class."
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Re: Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by turtleman »

I have heard old interviews with RFK and he said that they were very aware of their wealth and status and were taught from an early age to try to correct the social inequities the world presented. And that this was instilled from their mother, Rose. Just like Dealy Joe said. I remember those words well coming from his lips from an old interiew and thought it was very noble. That trait is a scarce commodity these days.
Michael Dell
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Re: Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by Michael Dell »

If JFK didn't know what he was up against, then I reckon it could be asked did the Powers That Be know who they were up against in Kennedy? His assassination would seem to indicate they didn't. So this begs the question, why was he placed in power? Was it because they vastly underestimated his character and felt he would be easy to control? Or was he chosen to be just such a sacrificial lamb?And can you find parallels with Obama? I'm of the school that Obama is an empty suit representing the same corrupt bankers and corporations his predecessor served. But is there a chance, however slim, that Obama could emerge as his own man in a similar fashion as Kennedy?
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Re: Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by Alec »

I think Obama is just an empty suit, as well. Especially his policy on the War on Terror prior to his presidency and now during it. Not only is he not thinking of ways to withdraw from the countries, but he is send MORE troops. This is truly a war that will not end and the oil guys and global elite will continue to profit from the bloodshed.Personally, and without trying to cause a political debate, I am a conservative-minded American.I didn't necessarily vote for Obama, but that doesn't mean I am not rooting for him to succeed. I want him to. I want this country to succeed, I just feel that if he gets "too far out of agenda", something bad will unfortunately happen to him.You've heard Eisenhower talk of the Military Industrial Complex, you've heard both Bush's talk about the New World Order, maybe Obama will say something, as well, if he has good intentions.
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Re: Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by jfkanon »

From Ted Kennedy's eulogy to RFK:"'A few years back, Robert Kennedy wrote some words about his own father which expresses [sic] the way we in his family felt about him. He said of what his father meant to him, and I quote:... "Beneath it all, he has tried to engender a social conscience. There were wrongs which needed attention. There were people who were poor and needed help. And we have a responsibility to them and to this country. Through no virtues and accomplishments of our own, we have been fortunate enough to be born in the United States under the most comfortable conditions. We, therefore, have a responsibility to others who are less well off."=====Here's a couple George W. Bush quotes for contrast:"This is an impressive crowd -- the haves and the have mores. Some people call you the elite -- I call you my base." "You work three jobs? ... Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." --to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005
Michael Dell
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Re: Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by Michael Dell »

jfkanon wrote:Here's a couple George W. Bush quotes for contrast:Thank you for posting. That pretty much says it all right there. If people ever want to know what Kennedy's assassination meant or how the world changed, simply direct them to those quotations...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.09.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.17.2010 - Mr. Bob Fox, one of our premiere JFKMS Forum Moderator's, Member's, and Contributor's Posted what I consider an amazingly brilliant Headline, and Supporting Material.I also touched on this Theme several times by pointing out thoughts raised by Mr. Seymour M. Hirsch, author of THE DARK SIDE OF CAMELOT.THE DARK SIDE OF CAMELOT upsets many JFK Supporter's. But My Focus was always on the Mind's Eye, Perspective, and Point of Views as I always analyze Extreme Right to Extreme Left so that I am aware of what is out there, and to Supplement Thinking Processes.My Opinion: I DON'T THINK JFK OR RFK TRULY UNDERSTOOD THE REALITY OF THE FORCES THEY WERE OPPOSING.JFK ACTUALLY THOUGHT THAT HE WAS GOING TO EFFECT CHANGE IN HIS LIFE TIME.THE REMOVAL OF JFK AND THEN RFK ACTUALLY ACHIEVED A 180 DEGREE SHIFT IN ALMOST ALL DIRECTIONS THAT BOTH JFK AND RFK HOPE TO PROCEED.(11.08.2017, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Did JFK Know What He Was Up Against?

Post by Tom Bigg »

The Kennedys seem to have had an inability to recognize the grave danger they were in. Some facts are that JFK was pumped up on various drugs; that he had a party lifestyle; he had numerous affairs, they may have been exaggerated in the tabloids. All these things contributed to his unawareness. Also as head of the country feeling the surges of power, it would be hard to tell him the plain truth that he was going to be hit, that he needed to take extra precautions.