Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

JFK Assassination
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by ChristophMessner »

Joe, you always have the ability to found a new state inside a Union, which is independant from the Union's constitution and has got it's own constitution. Proclaim a new state in your city with it's own currency, army and constitution! Freedom includes the freedom to found your own state!Wim, somehow I don't believe James Files is getting 3000 letters a year as Bruce Brycheck stated.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Dealey Joe »

well Chrisyou know old and forgotten things when brought upseem to be new.
R Croxford
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by R Croxford »

I agree that the Americans don't care about truth. They are only interested in what is popular. Outrage is a joke anymore. The tea party movement is a joke. The republicans are a joke. the democrats are a joke. There is a guy running around dressed as Thomas Paine talking about "Common Sense". This dude knows nothing about Paine. This jokester sits and talks about Mexicans and border control and god. Paine was an atheist and believed in rights for all humans. Humans not Mexican or American, black or white. Common sense is dead also. We the people can never overcome a tyrannical government because we are too divided. United we stand divided we fall. Ever heard of that? anyone? Used to be a daily saying in schools. Lets count the divisive tools they use.RacewealthPoliticsReligionRace is first. Lets split them 3 ways shall we. Black, White and Latino. Then after you split those up divide whats left by wealth and then divide again by political affiliation after that throw in a little religion and poooof. You got total divisiveness. They will keep America and the the world as divided as they can.We can unite under one website but if I started to dive into what we are truly about. you would see the bottom line of humans. It is safe to assume that we are all in some sort of agreement that the Governments of the world are ran by powerful and evil people. What if we the members of this forum had to come to agreements about healthcare or religion or border control. I bet we would have a hard time coming to terms over anything. The people are the same way. It is not what is best, it is what is in it for them. People have to start seeing that the greater good is what is at stake. What we believe is not always going to be the majority's belief. Here is a simple formula for everyone to discuss with friends and family regarding how to proceed through life.Your rights begin where mine end and vice versa........Does everyone understand this saying?What is a right? that is the question I pose to the members of this forum.."What is a right?"Is being gay a right?Does a mexican have a right to be an american?Do americans have a right to healthcare?Does a church have a right to talk about politics from the pulpit?Is abortion a right?Now which of these impedes your rights?Something to think about. Peace?Warning! Be very careful in your responses due to complete constitutional dismemberment. lol.
R Croxford
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by R Croxford »

Dealey Joe wrote:I totally agree with Mr. Roberts.If you have any knowlege of Freedom it demands honesy,and integrity bound with the ability and desire for truth.Honesty is something you must learn, be taught by your elders. That is no longer being done.With all the broken homes children are no longer being taught respect. A child learns respect by observing how mom and dad respect each other.Without respect there can be no honesty or more importantly self respect.What started as a breakdown of the family structure has developed into national disaster.there is no longer an outburst or demand of accountability when something happens.It is not so different today as it was in 1963. with no respect nor ability to recognise truth whenpresidents can be murdered, citizens burned up shot and the military weapons turned on its own peoplewithout even a person really protesting. Believe all the lies ther are told as they do not recognise truth nor have the ability to respond as theyhave given up all their freedoms.Is it too late? Most likely for a peacfull solution.can we get ourselves back on track? maybe.But to drop out is unacceptable for those few left who seek after truth.We must keep telling the story of truth.continue to educate those who look for truth.What are you if you quit?I believe that the inability to give someone an attitude adjustment has also hampered our being. The good old days if you were out an some jackwad calls your lady a bitch. You could proceed to smack the crap out of him and if someone called the police, the usual response was "should have watched your mouth." Cops used to be cops and evaluate the situation and usually made the right call. Now everyone goes to jail. Just to prop up the legal system with fines and probation. They have outsourced our legal system just like everything else. If corporations are in charge of locking up and babysitting criminals. Everyones going to jail.Peace.
R Croxford
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by R Croxford »

kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote:God, I wish MSNBC would take that moron Mathews off the air. But then again, MSNBC might replace him with another truth seeker, Posner. I wish MSNBC would get rid of that lying, disinformational coward (Matthews). Dylan Ratigan is the best talent on MSNBC right now, and he would be a great option for the 5:00 and 7:00 eastern time slots.Agreed.Yes Rattigan is pretty good. For now. till they get to him.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Dealey Joe »

R Croxford wrote:I agree that the Americans don't care about truth. They are only interested in what is popular. Outrage is a joke anymore. The tea party movement is a joke. The republicans are a joke. the democrats are a joke. There is a guy running around dressed as Thomas Paine talking about "Common Sense". This dude knows nothing about Paine. This jokester sits and talks about Mexicans and border control and god. Paine was an atheist and believed in rights for all humans. Humans not Mexican or American, black or white. Common sense is dead also. We the people can never overcome a tyrannical government because we are too divided. United we stand divided we fall. Ever heard of that? anyone? Used to be a daily saying in schools. Lets count the divisive tools they use.RacewealthPoliticsReligionRace is first. Lets split them 3 ways shall we. Black, White and Latino. Then after you split those up divide whats left by wealth and then divide again by political affiliation after that throw in a little religion and poooof. You got total divisiveness. They will keep America and the the world as divided as they can.We can unite under one website but if I started to dive into what we are truly about. you would see the bottom line of humans. It is safe to assume that we are all in some sort of agreement that the Governments of the world are ran by powerful and evil people. What if we the members of this forum had to come to agreements about healthcare or religion or border control. I bet we would have a hard time coming to terms over anything. The people are the same way. It is not what is best, it is what is in it for them. People have to start seeing that the greater good is what is at stake. What we believe is not always going to be the majority's belief. Here is a simple formula for everyone to discuss with friends and family regarding how to proceed through life.Your rights begin where mine end and vice versa........Does everyone understand this saying?What is a right? that is the question I pose to the members of this forum.."What is a right?"Is being gay a right?Does a mexican have a right to be an american?Do americans have a right to healthcare?Does a church have a right to talk about politics from the pulpit?Is abortion a right?Now which of these impedes your rights?Something to think about. Peace?Warning! Be very careful in your responses due to complete constitutional dismemberment. lol.RC you have raised a subject here that gets my thoughts going.I know the the term "RIGHT". there is something about this that the original meaning has changed as have a lot of other words we use.What comes to mind is the constitutional wording that says we have a right to keep and bear arms.The word right here had the same meaning as Responsibility.The meaning was not that if you wanted a gun you could get one, It went on to say that every able bodied Male over the age of 16 was to own a riffle and so many rounds of ammo,be a member of the militia and practice to be a good shooter.and of course be ready to answer a call to arms.This was not an if you want to, it was a constitutional requirement.some of the words I have used are my own.
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Bob »

More excellent commentary from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts... ... /Sometimes the truth hurts.
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Jsnow915 »

Wim, thanks for posting the link. That is a brilliant article. Hopefully it will serve as a rallying cry and not a eulogy. If I could give some advice to Joe or anyone else who feels discouraged by our world's current situation, it would be to be the change you want to see in the world. If you don't like corrupt, greedy, dishonest politicians and media, do your best not to live a corrupt, dishonest, greedy life. It may sound silly, but that's all anyone can do. And if enough of us do it, things will change. Value truth, not money. Value integrity, not personal profit. Act from sacrifice, not desire. It sure isn't easy, but it's at least something we can all strive towards.And the fact a forum like this exists, where people can gather and share a pursuit of truth, is proof there's still hope.Hi folks....I used to be a regular here..I was so into researching the JFK assassination and as you dig you get deeper...well,finding out alot of things is a real eye opener and a really sad state for mankind...this is basically why I've stayed away...its too depressing to know the is tough enough with day to day bullshit,then to find out everyone and everything is basically against you...its a tough pill to swallow...I can't say I'm an idiot for thinking that love and peace actually exsisted...but I'm glad I came across this place and for opening my eyes..and I will still keep my values straight regaurdless of how the world really is...I just wont take it to heart and be a little more cynical...thanks for the back to our program
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Jsnow915 »

the top part of my last post was from Mike made me think...thanks Mike
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Bob »

Hi folks....I used to be a regular here..I was so into researching the JFK assassination and as you dig you get deeper...well,finding out alot of things is a real eye opener and a really sad state for mankind...this is basically why I've stayed away...its too depressing to know the is tough enough with day to day bullshit,then to find out everyone and everything is basically against you...its a tough pill to swallow...I can't say I'm an idiot for thinking that love and peace actually exsisted...but I'm glad I came across this place and for opening my eyes..and I will still keep my values straight regaurdless of how the world really is...I just wont take it to heart and be a little more cynical...thanks for the back to our program- John SnowI was wondering where you have been. Good to hear from you again John. Yeah the world is depressing at times, especially knowing who really runs the world (and the evil they have committed to gain power), but we must continue our fight. We must search for the truth and expose the lies of those in power. Our voices are soft now, but at some point they will be loud...and they will be heard as well. Every revolution starts quietly.