Skull/Brain Piece?

JFK Assassination
Matt Smith
Posts: 4
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Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by Matt Smith » ... =relatedat 4:57 - is that not clearly a piece of skull/brain projecting violently back towards the rear of the trunk of the presidential limo? Jackie Kennedy's right hand reaches out to the same area the tissue comes to a stop.if it is how can can it be a shot from front/right be refuted? If not then what is this?the motorcycle policemen to the rear left of the limo also said they were covered with blood/brain matter (consistant with a shot from front/right).thoughts anyone?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Matt, these are very revealing photos and considering what we know maybe the best evidence.However keep in mind that there are now some very respected experts saying that the entire film was alteres by whoever had control of it durring the first several years.if so then we have to start over from square one?Maybe Bob or Ken will tell us where that is headed at this time.
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Re: Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by kenmurray »

Matt, Clint Hill seems to think Jackie grabbed a piece of the JFK's skull/brain: ... re=related
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Re: Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by kenmurray »

Matt Smith
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Re: Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by Matt Smith »

the secret service cleaned up the blood in/on the limo whilst JFK was in the emergency room. The blood spray pattern would have been conclusive proof of the direction of fire had it been forensically examined before cleaning! - this is distruction of evidence!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by Dealey Joe »

there is two possibilities Matteveryonr in the Limo could have been involved including the SS guys.Or none of them were in on it. the SS guys who cleaned up the car? that may have been their jobor they just didn't want anyone seeing their bosses brains all over the back of the Limo.It would have been very traumatic for them also and they were just trying to reverse what happened?Some say the driver was in on it because he stopped the limo and waited while the shooters done their thing I think is that everyone in Dealey plaza was not in on it, but there were several who knew what was coming down that day.Witnesses are somthing else, most who witness a traumatic thing like that tend to have memory problems about it.their stories are either figments oj their imaginations or delliberate concoctions.
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Re: Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by ThomZajac »

Hi Mike.I personally thing the evidenced indicating a exit wound to the back of the JKF's head (and hence, a shot from the front) is so utterly overwhelming as to be irrefutable. Of this evidence, I think the strongest are the witnesses at Parkland of which there were dozens (both medical and otherwise) ALL, with perhaps only one exception, observed a large gaping hole in the back of the president's head.I believe the conspirators gained control of the Zapruder film at a very early point and performed miraculous alterations to eliminate all they could which would indicate a shot from the front, but, as good as it was, the job was less than perfect and some evidence remains. (They did not create an entirely new film; they simply did a masterful job of altering the existing film.)But the government cannot allow a frontal shot (and hit) finding, as this would reveal a massive coverup that began before the president's body was cold. And so, the US government continues to sell the fairy tale of no exit wound to the back of the head. If you like, I might be able to help you amass the mountain of evidence PROVING a shot from the front.Cheers!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Skull/Brain Piece?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen please keep in mind that a super high vellosity 50 grain bullit acts totally different than a slower larger bulllit,there might not be an exit hole.