David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Chronic Pein

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Von Pein/Colbert Replies, and the Comedy ContinuesBy James DiEugeniohttp://www.ctka.net/2010/dvp2.html Posner, Bugliosi, VonPein, Perry, Dunkel Donuts all sing variations of the Solipsists' hit "La La La I Can't Hear You!"The difference between Von Pein and Colbert is pretty simple. Colbert uses his schtick as a conservative in a hilarious way of mocking the right in a sarcastic way. Von Pein is not being sarcastic...as he truly believes the crap he writes. If Von Pein is similar to anybody, it's Glenn Beck. Beck, like Von Pein, is funny because of the outrageous and ridiculous stuff that comes out of his piehole and from his warped mind.
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Chronic Pein Is Now "Eager And Willing" To Debate DiEugenio

Post by kenmurray »

From his own words at that "other" forum: David Von Pein Today at 02:32:31 PMHero MemberPosts: 928Speaking of debates -- on May 8, 2010, I sent the following e-mail to Jim DiEugenio. If he's got the guts to debate me on these terms, then I'm ready, willing, and very eager (and these terms regarding the format should positively appeal to DiEugenio too; there's every reason in the world for him to love this type of format just as much as I do):Subject: Attn.: James DiEugenio (Re: Debate With DVP)Date: 5/8/2010 1:31:55 AM Eastern Daylight TimeFrom: David Von PeinTo: James DiEugenio---------------------------ATTN. JAMES DiEUGENIO:Hi Jim,If you are still willing to debate me about the JFK assassination, Iam now ready and eager to participate in such a radio debate with you.The most convenient times in the near future for me to engage in sucha debate would be anytime between the dates of June 1 and June 15,2010.As for the format of any such radio debate (which I assume would takeplace on the "Black Op Radio" program, with Len Osanic serving asmoderator/host), I have an idea that I think should probably appeal toyou as well:Instead of taking questions from third parties (such as from "BlackOp" listeners who write in questions via e-mail, etc.), I'd prefer aformat where each of the two debaters (you and I) present variousquestions to the other person.That way, you can put together several questions that you would likean LNer like me to answer, and I can ask you various questions thatI'd like to hear you answer.Each of us would ask the other party the same number of questions, tokeep things fair from a "numerical" standpoint.To give you a heads-up on the number of questions I would like topresent at any such debate, I have already put together a total of 23questions [it's now up to 33, as of 5/25/2010] regarding the JFK case(plus a couple of follow-up questions within those 23 [33]) that Iwould like to ask you.Therefore, for the sake of fairness and "equal time", you would get toask me the same number of questions.If Len Osanic (or others) wanted to add a few questions too, I thinkthat would be okay as well. But for the bulk of the debate, I wouldmuch prefer the format I just outlined--with you and I deciding whatquestions we want the other person to answer.I don't favor the idea of the parties being shown the questions inadvance, however. That would dilute the debate severely, in myopinion. I won't know what questions you'll be asking me; and,conversely, you won't know what questions are going to be coming frommy side of the fence either.Sound fair to you?If you have other ideas on the debate format, let me know. We canprobably work out something. But I feel that the format I justoutlined should appeal to both of us, inasmuch as it would keep the"softball" type questions from being asked in the first place.Let me know if you are agreeable to this proposition.Thank you.Regards,David Von Pein------------------------- « Last Edit: Today at 02:54:17 PM by David Von Pein »-------------------------DVP ON THE JFK ASSASSINATIONMY JFK VIDEO CHANNEL AT YouTube
Dealey Joe
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by Dealey Joe »

What a cheap assed way to geton Black-Op
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:What a cheap assed way to geton Black-Op Joe, I welcome it. I'm sure Jim will agree to this. I want nothing more to see and hear that Pompous Ass Von Pein get slaughtered on the airwaves. Can you believe this guy saying if DiEugenio has the guts to agree on this type of debate. Hello, earth to Von Pein. Jim challenged you to a debate about 9 months ago.
Dealey Joe
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well I don't trust the slimey snake.He has something up his sleeve?Of course his ego is such that he might do it...butDo you think e would even recognised when he was bested?He reminds meof someone who gets so far behind they think they are leading.
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:Well I don't trust the slimey snake.He has something up his sleeve?Of course his ego is such that he might do it...butDo you think e would even recognised when he was bested?He reminds meof someone who gets so far behind they think they are leading.Joe, Von Pein has such a colossal ego that his head may explode. Since he has said in the past that the reason he hasn't done a debate is that he has "stage fright". Maybe before the debate his crony McAdams will give him some coaching. If that happens Jim D. will sure be the winner by a mile.
Dealey Joe
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by Dealey Joe »

well he has somthing up his sleeve.e makes an issue of the questions?what could he do with questions?
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by andries »

Has there ever been an american who has asked that joker the simple question were the photo could be with oswald on it shooting from the TSBD window,its the one thing that,s always missing,during his cabaret he,s a funnyfarm gouvermentclown straight out off book he talks funny , silly, and crap all in one
Dealey Joe
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I was always told "If you can't dazzle them with facts, Frazzle them with bulldshit"Sounds like he has been to that school as well?What amazes me is that anyonne pays him any attention at all?besides, he has chicken fat all over his hands and face.He is not stupid, he knows what he is doing, he has a purpose.
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Re: David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

Post by kenmurray »

Joe. he's a legend. In his own mind. He thinks he looks like Tom Selleck. He claims his mom tells him that.