Nixon's Bay of pigs remark

JFK Assassination
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Nixon's Bay of pigs remark

Post by Joost »

Hi all,

This is my first post.

I have an interest in Nixon and a question regarding his relation with the JFK assasination.

Nixon tells Bob Haldeman in the "smoking gun" conversation to get the CIA to tell the FBI to stop investigating Watergate. To convince the CIA to do this he should say that the investigation will bring out the whole "Bay of pigs" thing again.

In his book Haldeman says he thinks this remark to the bay of pigs is in fact a reference to the JFK assasination. Later in a documentary (I think from the BBC somewhere in the nineties) Haldeman says he does not now what that remark means. But when he made the remark to Vernon Walters he freaked out and started shouting "this has nothing to do with the bay of pigs!!!".

Anthony Summers concludes in his book The arrogance of power, that Nixon always feared revelations about his role in setting up the bay of pigs invasion (when he was vice president), and perhaps just wanted to let the CIA know that further investigations from the FBI would lead to the Watergate burglars (the "cubans") and therefore also to The bay of pigs. And that this would be just as painful for the CIA as for Nixon himself. Nixon just send a message to the CIA that they had a common intrest to stop this investigation. This seams plausible to me.

And if this is not true, and his remarks actually did refer to the CIA JFK-assasination plots, why would Nixon not have used this more in trying to get out of Watergate? Nixon fought almost to the end to keep his presidency and would have done anything to stay in office. The only reason I can think of would be that Nixon was himself involved in the JFK-assasination plots and therefore could not use his knowledge of this against the parties investigating Watergate.

So, my questions are:
- What proof is there for Nixon's involvement in the JFK-assasination (before and after)?
- How do you see his remarks to Bob Haldeman regarding the Bay of pigs?
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Post by dankbaar »

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Post by Joost »

Thanx Wim.

I've read the links you've posted me. If what you conclude about this conspiracy is true, the modern history of the USA has to be rewritten.

I still have doubts wether you are right or not. Not based on the facts you present or other facts, but just because I can't believe a conspiracy of this impact can be covered up so effectively. Shouldn't there be a lot more person's with political power (democrats) who heard (rumors) about this conspiracy and investigate? Shouldn't there be a lot more persons involved break their silence and tell the truth? Why would a Dutch enthousiast be the one to reveil the truth? Are there no Wim's in the USA?

These are rethorical questions. Guess I'm just to shocked to believe it all. What kind of world are we living in?

I have a lot of respect for what you're doing.

I have one more question: is it your ambition to get the Conspiracy back on the political agenda in the USA? Or to start a trial against a person or group? To somehow get some sort of official rewriting of the conclusions from the Warren commitee? I guess then your mission would be accomplished.
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Post by dankbaar »

I still have doubts wether you are right or not. Not based on the facts you present or other facts, but just because I can't believe a conspiracy of this impact can be covered up so effectively.


Joost, one of the first who tried to tell was Jack Ruby:

They just don't let you see that As many other things. We are just puppets of the puppetmasters

When did you first hear of James Files?

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Post by Joost »

I remember some years ago (could be 1994?) an item in the Dutch news that someone from the maffia confessed to be the murderer of JFK. But they said it was probably someone looking for attention and nobody believed him.

When I saw Peter R de Vries and you some weeks ago on SBS it was the first time I really heard from him and started to search the internet. I read a lot on the site of John McAdams before, but now I'm in the proces of swinging towards your conclusions.

About the Ruby film and testimony, it seems to back up your story. But to bad he never told everything he knew.

I'l be ordering your book and DVD's for my birthday in july. So I get the full story.
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Post by dankbaar »


Peter does not go over thin ice. It took me long time to convince him that James Files is not just another crank. He would never have made a night filling program of 3 hours if he did not believe there was something to it. It was also his most expensive program ever, as well as the best watched of this season.

We will do some follow-up on 6 June. If you don't forget to watch and tell your friends, you will have an alibi

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Post by Joost »

I can imagine it was his most expensive programm, and I'm surprised that it generated such a large audience.

I really liked the show, but when I started to read on this website I was amazed how many things are not in the documentary. 3 hours seems a lot but for this it's not enough.

On june 6 I will be watching for sure Wim!
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Post by myra »

Joost wrote:...About the Ruby film and testimony, it seems to back up your story. But to bad he never told everything he knew....

Actually one journalist, Dorthy Kilgallen, briefly interviewed Jack Ruby. Of course she was found dead shortly after, before she published the story.

Anyway, Ruby sure tried to tell what he knew to the Warren Commision but they didn't want to hear it.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Nixon's Bay of pigs remark

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Readers and Researchers:Clearly there is not enough investigation, research, and writing about President Richard M. Nixon and his entire "political career."It needs to begin before 1948 when he was Senator Richard M. Nixon, where we see his documented connection to Jacob Rubenstein from Chicago, Illinois, who re-surfaces in November, 1963 as Jack Ruby, in Dallas, Texas.Connect a line between those two (2) dots, and place the third dot with The Watergate "Assassination" of President Richard M. Nixon.And throw in a little Prescott Bush grooming a young Richard Nixon, how could I forget. Bob Fox would have been mad at me for that one.So much has been ignored and missed.Respectfully,BB.