Roger Craig

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

is that odd?how could he be a member of the department earlier.maybe it just wasn't recorded until then for some reason
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

thats what im thinking but im going to find out
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

Jerrt they done things a little different vack then.We need to find someone who lived around Oak Cliff Park in 62-63I bet if you worked at it you can find someone.Beckley but mainly Marsallas
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

im working on that i need a map of oc from 1963
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

hey joe i thing im going to go to the knoll for a bit i have some thing i just noticed on one of the films i want to check out and im going to see about the time from tsbd to tenth and patton i will let you know what i find out
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

Jerry th streets are still pretty much the same.My main interest is where mary Bledsoe lived at 621 N Marsalis.the house is gone? when? I dont knoy why if it was torn down or what.need a picture of the old house if we can find it?Patricia Hall at the rooming house at 1026 N, Beckley was there as a kidshe mighht have an idea or if she might remember anyone from back then.There are also some Bledsoes stil live around Oak Cliff.but I don't see how they could be related.This is what is at 621 N. Marsalas on the west side of the dtreet.
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by ChristophMessner »

Hi Jerry, great that you joined this forum here! We know and exchanged each other from jfkassassinationforum already. As your uncle was a real hero and extraordinarily decent and courageous in my eyes I would like to know what he told about corruption in the Dallas police in contrast to you. Is there anything he told you, which he did not say in public so far about that? Is there anything Sheriff Decker or Mr. Weizman manipulated?Herzliche Gruesse aus Deutschland, Christoph
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

ok im back here is what ive done 1 robert grodens book is ready he tring to get the money to have it printed and bound thats all he is waiting on.2 i traced the route that the rambler would have made as the fastest route he could have made it to his boarding house in about 10 minutes going commerce to beckley to tenth ending at pattonbut walking to the texas theater after going to his boarding house would have took anather 20 minutes or so depending on how long oswald was at his boarding house on my observation i conclude that oswald could have been thereBUT i do not beleve that oswald killed tippit becouse oswald had a revolver when he was arrested and tippit was killed with an automatic.i think he seen who did tho is why he was seen emptying his weapon and throwing the shells in the bushes by that witness
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

Bill Decker minipulated everything roger said he threatened roger several times and told him to say he dident see any thing but roger wouldent listen to him altho roger did start doing things low profile for a bitroger did go to parkland and make copys of the autopsy report and pictures on kennedy and all the other records they were boxed up and sent out of the country i dont know where and i havent been able to find out the only other person that knew passed away and she would not tell me.ChristophMessner wrote:Hi Jerry, great that you joined this forum here! We know and exchanged each other from jfkassassinationforum already. As your uncle was a real hero and extraordinarily decent and courageous in my eyes I would like to know what he told about corruption in the Dallas police in contrast to you. Is there anything he told you, which he did not say in public so far about that? Is there anything Sheriff Decker or Mr. Weizman manipulated?Herzliche Gruesse aus Deutschland, Christoph
Posts: 84
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by andries »

Jerry it,s not so mutch the things your,e uncle has said but more the way some well known people have tried to discredit him that makes me fully believe roger craig