Roger Craig

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

Did Roger say he did it.I thought decker and Walthers were buddies?
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

Buddy Walthers knew all the dirt on Decker and was planning oon becomeing sheriff so Decker had to get him out of the picture remember walthers was the only one killed in that motel
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Bob »

Jerry Craig wrote:i drove it at about 3:20pm light traffic i do think oswald knew something and they had to get rid of him and the best way back thenwas to frame somebody it was not unusual to frame someone and not hard eitheroswald was the only choice he worked for the people that helped setup the assanation he knew everythingremember oswald told fritz that he did leave the tsbd in the rambler even roger said that so roger was in fritz's office otherwise how would he have known and said the same thing fritz said that screws the roger not there thingThis is from my story about Dave Perry..."As I was searching the south curb of Elm Street, I heard a shrill whistle. I looked up, and it just drew my attention, and it was coming from across the street. There was a light green Rambler station wagon driving real slow west on Elm Street.And the driver was leaning over to his right and looking up at a man running down the grass. So I immediately tried to cross the street to take these two people into custody for questioning. Everyone else was coming to the scene, these were the only two people leaving. This was suspicious in my mind at the time, so I wanted to talk to them. But I couldn't get across the street because the city officer that was stationed at Houston and Elm had left his post and the traffic was so heavy, I just couldn't get across the street. But I did get a good look at the man coming down the grassy knoll and he got into the station wagon and they drove west on Elm Street.That afternoon, after Officer Tippit was killed, they took a suspect into custody. I was thinking about this man getting away from me, the man who got into the green Rambler, and I called Captain Fritz at his office and gave him a description of the man I saw get into the Rambler. He told me, and I quote him, 'It sounds like the suspect we have in custody, come on up and take a look at him.'I went into Captain Fritz's inner office, and a man was sitting in a chair behind a desk and there was another gentleman, who I assume was one of Fritz's people because he had the white cowboy hat on which was the trademark at the time of the Dallas homicide bureau.Fritz turned to me and asked if this was the man you saw. And I said yes it was. So Fritz said to the suspect this man saw you leave, at which time the suspect became a little excited. And he said, 'I told you people that I did', and Fritz said to take it easy son, we are just trying to find out what happened here.Now what about the car? He didn't say station wagon, he said what about the car? At which time the suspect leaned forward and put both hands up on the desk and said. 'that station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine. Don't try to drag her into this.' Then he leaned back and very disgustedly said, 'Everyone will know who I am now.' This was not brag...he was disgusted he had blown his cover or has been caught." (From Two Men in Dallas, and Gil Jesus' short video, The Green Rambler.)The man Craig was talking about was Lee Harvey Oswald.As we know, the Warren Commission essentially disregarded Craig. But his story today has now been fortified by pictures garnered from the Assassination Records Review Board by researchers like John Armstrong and Anna Marie Kuhns Walko.
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

that story is from rogers book
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

yes I have the book.I enjoy reading it but it is very sad.Do you have other relatives around that knew Roger
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by ChristophMessner »

Sorry, I did not read Roger's book so far. I will do, if I can get it somewhere, it's not available in Europe. I hope my questions are not stupid or superfluous so far. As I'm a layman concerning the JFK-case my guess is the main thing is, that Roger Craig's decency will be reckognized inside the police departements especially finally and he will function as role model for the future. A man who resisted corruption. For a layman it's hard to understand, how one man like Sheriff Decker could corrupt and dominate the whole Dallas police quarters. Didn't Roger have collegues who were friends to him and competitors to Mr. Decker and Mr. Fritz, so that they could help and protect Roger?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

Chris you are being too modest...The book is not very long it is actually part of a manuscript he was going to put into a book.You can find it on line, someone will have a link to it.It is on here somewhere.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Dealey Joe »

here is a link am gettting tired of doing "Link Murrays" job
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Pennyworth »

Dealey Joe wrote:I have 2 or 3 different scenarios in my mind but not sure about any.I am begigng to wonder if there was a jealouse husband or boyfriend involved.The only problem is that James Files says he knew who shot Tippit and I take his word on that.but so far we have not been able to identify the individual.Today is an anniversary. I have been on this board 4 years I say its R.D. Matthews.
Jerry Craig
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Re: Roger Craig

Post by Jerry Craig »

this is mike brownlow joe