JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »


By Ms. Charlotte Greig, 2006, by Arcturus Publishing Ltd., 26/27 Bickels Yard, 151 155, Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3HA.

"Conspiracy theories arise out of the belief that mysterious forces are conspiring behind the scenes to control and manipulate an unsuspecting public. In times gone by, the prime movers behind conspiracy theories would have been seen as Satanists, witches, anarchists; modern conspiracy theorists, however, are more ususally keen to blame the CIA. The fact that the CIA has been proven beyond doubt to have been involved in conspiracies simply strengthens their hand."

"CONSPIRACY' looks at a range of the most interesting theories of this nature, from the risibly far-fetched, such as the belief that the world is run by the lizard people, to the only-too-true and tragic such as the overthrow and murder of Chilean President Salvador Allende."

COMMENTARY: I have just received, and only lightly reviewed this book.
This book covers many conspiracy theories, including JFK. Is is possible that governments are, or have committed many conspiracies, and are getting so good at it, that "we fail to care ?"

I would invite all Comments, both Pro and Con.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

When countering arguments that the US Government does not engage in conspiracies, I have found this to be a strong authority.

Has anybody read this book yet ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:05.22.2006 - I originally Posted this Headline about this very compelling work.In my Commentary I queried: Is it possible that governments are, or have committed many conspiracies, and are getting so good at it, that 'we fail to care ?'08.27.2010 - I posit that the declining interest from the Assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, to and through 09.11.2001, including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Pakistan, etc., prove my query.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Phil Dragoo
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One of these days, Alice--to the MOON

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BruceI don't believe there is a declining interest in conspiracies. I think there is a growing thirst for a General Theory, a Unified Field.From studying JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK we have looked at regime change and various wars. We have looked at climate and 911. We have looked at OKCBomb and TWA 800; in the first, there was a John Doe who was from the Iraq Republican Guard, and a Ramzi Yousef connection. The latter was a shoulder-fired missile from a fast boat.What is going on in Afghanistan. Why did we give a dozen Shadows to Pakistan; what was Obama-Soetero doing there in 1981, and why did his current National Security Advisor Brennan (former CIA Deputy Director) sanitize his files.Why has Gates (former DCI) coauthored (with Carter's Brzezinski) the 2004 CFR paper Iran: Time for a New Approach—when Iran has got fuel rods from Russia.Here are three articles from New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post. What is the takeaway from the involvment in Poppystan:PAKISTAN PLAYS A TRIPLE GAME...U.S. officials applauded Pakistan earlier this year when its security forces arrested several high-ranking members of the Afghan Taliban, including the group’s number three, Abdul Ghani Baradar. Washington cheered Pakistan for breaking with its past policy of indifference or even active support for the militant group. However, Pakistani officials speaking to the New York Times have now confirmed that skeptics of those operations had reason to be suspicious: Pakistan only targeted and arrested Taliban members that were seeking a peace deal with the Afghan government. Interviews with Pakistani and U.S. intelligence officials have since revealed that Islamabad is concerned only with serving as kingmaker when the fate of Afghanistan is decided and was annoyed that Taliban members sought to “go around” Pakistan and negotiate a peace deal with the Karzai regime in Afghanistan directly. “We picked up Baradar and the others because they were trying to make a deal without us,” a Pakistani security official told the NY Times. “We protect the Taliban. They are dependent on us. We are not going to allow them to make a deal with Karzai and the Indians.” The Taliban leader Baradar, meanwhile, is now “living comfortably in a safe house of Pakistan’s intelligence agency.” According to the security official, “he’s relaxing.” (New York Times August 22, 2010)...AS THE U.S. SCALES BACK PRESSURE ON ISLAMABADAs Pakistan’s faux crackdown on the Taliban is coming into focus, the U.S. military has admitted it has stopped “lobbying” Islamabad to crack down on the area of Pakistan’s tribal areas that serves as a stronghold for militants fighting the Coalition and Afghan forces in Afghanistan. U.S. intelligence has long identified North Waziristan as the largest safe haven for the Taliban and the Haqqani network, a ruthless militant group with links to al Qaeda. Washington has pressured Islamabad to root out militants in the region for years, to no avail. Now the military has decided the effort is “counterproductive,” as elements of Pakistan’s intelligence serves “are continuing to protect the Haqqani network to help it retain influence in Afghanistan once the U.S. military eventually leaves the country.” Pakistan has launched some “surgical” raids into North Waziristan and the U.S. has carried out an intensifying campaign of unarmed aerial drone strikes in there, ostensibly with Pakistan’s cooperation. However, the targets have mostly belonged to the Pakistani Taliban, which threatens Islamabad but plays a small role in Afghanistan. (Wall Street Journal August 13, 2010)AQ TAKES A BACKSEAT IN AFGHANISTANAlthough al Qaeda garners frequent headlines in discussions of the U.S. war in Afghanistan, evidence is emerging that al Qaeda’s role in the actual fighting is surprisingly marginal. The Wikileaks documents, a volume of classified intelligence reports on the Afghan war revealed by the whistleblower website Wikileaks, record five years of the war effort from 2004 to 2009 in meticulous detail, yet generally make only rare and passing references to al Qaeda. In contrast to the hands-on role al Qaeda played on the battlefields of Iraq, military officials say al Qaeda’s strategy in Afghanistan centers largely on training, intelligence, and propaganda. An unclassified briefing by Maj . Gen. Michael Flynn presented last December noted that al Qaeda and its ranks of foreign fighters are often seen as a “handicap” by the Taliban. In Iraq, Sunni insurgents became alienated by al Qaeda, a group they saw as a foreign force trying to hijack their nationalist insurgency. (Washington Post August 23, 2010)Why is NASA tasked with Muslim outreach when JFK challenged us to go, not to a meteorite museum, but the Moon.
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Post by kenmurray »

Here's one that has been mentioned before: ... re=related
barney 1961
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Post by barney 1961 »

8/27/10 I think due to the 24-7 cable news networks on tv, and the overall decline in readership of good magazines, newspapers, and yes,newly published books by little known authors, the American public has become desensetized(sp) to all the blood, guts, gore, and run of themill crime stores, unless its across the street from them, and even then many just look out and quickly slam the door shut and crawl into their bathtubs for safety from errant gunfire. Amercans are not, and never have been, very big on reading, analysis of situations and facts,deductive reasoning, science- mathematical or algebraic or calculus solutions, therefore our education system is in free fall. This is dramatically borne out by International test scores, which rank the US students around # 17 of the 25 or so largest and most industrialnations and civilizations around this tiny world we all share. We all think we are smart, but are we really, compared to who, what, where??
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Post by Bob »

The United States has truly become "We The Sheeple", especially among the older citizens, who have been lied to countless times before and are sort of desensicized to the real truth. Just wag a flag and create false enemies or false flag events, and that crowd will keep FOX News ratings sky high. That is also the crowd that votes the most in the United States. That is why we elect so many idiots in the U.S., that are bought and paid for by big banking, big oil, big war or big insurance. It will be up to the young to see through this charade. In many cases they have. The internet is the key about educating the masses, and then causing a crack in the armor of those who tell the lies. That is why we should never allow the internet to become another tool for big brother to monitor and control. Bottom line, I still have hope that the future will get the real truth exposed one day, and that we just have to continue the battle, no matter how depressing it gets sometimes.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.22.2006 - I Posted this inviting Headline. Some interesting discussion, and opinions were provided by some great JFK MurderSolved Forum Members.02.16.2013 - Today I ask the question that I have been asking again,and again for years.Who cares ? To what extent is any change occurring ? Does this only help book writers make a few bucks ?Has the Main Stream Media, and The Ruling Elite won overall, inyour opinion ?I think that the attention paid on 11.22.2013 will speak volumes.I understand that "the truth" is a road that must be followed.Do we here accomplish much more than placating our own egos ?To what extent is it good that those who seek "the truth" persevere ?Why do so many seemingly give up, and fall to the wayside of life ?Is accomplishing anything today of value realistic ?Or must we be content with documenting matters for others, andthe future ?What analysis, investigation, reading, research, and study can weadd today to this subject matter in you opinion, Pro or Con ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by kenmurray »

One of History's most unsolved cases: D.B. Cooper ... cooper.php
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Was The Titantic Sunk On Purpose?

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One of History's Greatest Collusions?