
JFK Assassination
Matt Smith
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Matt Smith »

Although the forum largely agrees on a conspiracy already this more recent re-enactment makes another compelling view for a second hidden gunman on the grassy knoll.!
Posts: 829
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Re-enactment(s)!

Post by kenmurray »

That re-enactment comes from that "Inside the target car" documentary. And it has Gary Mack whose sole purpose now is to distort the truth and flat out lie. Robert Groden told Mack that the positioning in that re-enactment was flat out wrong. Naturally Mack didn't listen and continued with this distortion.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Re-enactment(s)!

Post by Dealey Joe »

That documentary goes even further into the crapper if you have not watched the entire thing.The main thing is that there were not more shooters needed, more shooters, more exposure.You can't believe anything Gary Mack says or does. He is so obviouse if you have any idea of what is going on.He acts like he is trying to find out the truth but that is far from true.Gary Mack and Jack White were the two who found Badgeman lurking in the shadows which brings up another hoax.keep in mind that at that time they knew there had been a shot from the front but could not prove itso they finally found Badgeman using a 1/4 inch square from a polaroid snapshot. i am sure if they were looking for Jesus he was in the shadows too.So for awile some of the conspiracy people bought the Badgeman story and a few still do.Its kinda like my Dad always told me,figures don't lie, but sometimes liars figure.Mack, for 200K anually switched sides and became a Lone Nutter. If someone offered him 300Khe would switch back and be a conspiaracy advocate.