My sister

JFK Assassination
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Re: My sister

Post by Pennyworth »

Wim,I know what its like to be in a wreck like this andI'm still here. My heart goes out for you and your sister.We pray
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Re: My sister

Post by katisha »

Sorry to hear about your sister's accident, Wim. My best wishes to her for a speedy recovery.
Phil Dragoo
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Re: My sister

Post by Phil Dragoo »

WimAll thoughts, prayers with your sister. How like my sister run off the road in a hit-and-run twenty years ago, her small Jimmy totalled. For the stronger power who has her in His hands, all is possible.
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Re: My sister

Post by andries »

hope is good, hope and pray is better she will recover Wim
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Re: My sister

Post by dankbaar »

My sister has a long road to go, but she is out of her coma since three days, and conscious of her surroundings. She suffered a brain trauma, which we hope she can recover from with time. She cannot speak yet, but she starts to understand questions and orders. Yesterday I asked her to let go off my hand , and she did. Her boyfriend gave her a kiss on the mouth, which she answered by moving her lips into a kiss. She says yes by closing her eyes. We hope for the best. Wim
Dealey Joe
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Re: My sister

Post by Dealey Joe »

Wim, Thanks for the update.We are still holding Sis and your entire family in our prayers.
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Re: My sister

Post by Bob »

Wim, that is excellent news about Helen. As I have said, it sounds very similar to my own situation when I suffered major brain trauma after my auto accident which caused a skull fracture among other injuries. I was in a coma for about a week or so, but even after that, I was slow to respond for quite awhile. It was like I was in a dream. That lasted for almost a month. But all indications thus far with Helen sound very hopeful. The care sounds like it's been outstanding and having family and friends there is very helpful. Again, Helen will be in my thoughts and prayers, as will you and your entire family.
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Re: My sister

Post by Kirk »

Great News Wim,Every step in the right direction is a beginning. I also have some kinship with brain trauma. Mine fortunately from a medical condition so I did not have other injuries to deal with. I can say though that when the swelling stopped, and the healing began real progress was made fairly quickly, but still took some time. Mostly studies show that Short term memory is the normal last thing to come back. I with all the others keep her in my prayers and thoughts.Kirk
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Re: My sister

Post by kenmurray »

Excellent news Wim. Prayers be with you and your sister.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My sister

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Wim,I am praying for her speedy recovery as well. When you can, tell her that we are all wishing her well here.Pasquale