Judth Baker questions

JFK Assassination
Simon West
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Judth Baker questions

Post by Simon West »

Has Judith Baker taken a polygraph test regarding her claims of her relationship with Oswald and her claimed work developing cancer causing biological weapons for the US government?

If true, how does she view her role as developing biological weapons... does she feel any remorse or regret? Is there a Bob Marley connection at all that she's aware of?

What exactly was her role in this project? Does she consider herself as a chemist / biologist or what? Why was a person who claims to be working in a laboratory doing the actual science privy to the aims of her research i.e. the assassination of Castro - information that you would have thought would be a guarded secret known only to an inner circle of plotters and not to the laboratory workers doing the science.

I must say that what I have read about this lady seems incredible. The only things missing from her claims and list of acheivements seems to be abduction by aliens and a Nobel prize.

That's a flippant comment I know but her story requires a serious 'open mind' check. They do say that the truth is stranger than fiction though
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Post by dankbaar »

Yes Simon, on its face, it is an incredible story indeed. Which details do you find particularly amazing? That they tried killing people with cancer maybe?

Judyth has offered to take a polygraph, but nobody has ever volunteered to administer it.

I don't think it would be necessarry either in view of all the evidence she has.

I would say, if you're really that interested in her story you can hear it from the horse's mouth with the DVD:


But you can also start by viewing these two interviews:



Happy learning !

Simon West
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Post by Simon West »

dankbaar wrote:Yes Simon, on its face, it is an incredible story indeed. Which details do you find particularly amazing? That they tried killing people with cancer maybe?

Nothing that the US government does surprises me. They are capable of anything.

But I myself am a chemistry graduate and worked as a lab worker for just over a year as an industrial chemist.

Much of the time I was performing experiments and carrying out procedures without knowing what it was I was really doing. The reason being if you know what results are the desirable ones you will inevitably skew your results in that direction. That's bad science and that's why information is shared on a need to know basis.

Her version of what she knew implies that she was some kind of uber-scientist, making decisions in the laboratory and privy to all the intelligence regarding how her work would be used. Not even just to assassinate 'someone' but the exact target of the assassination, something that she would have had no business being told.

The lack of any subsequent career in science... e.g. CEO of Glaxo or something of similar weight that corresponds with her claims of her scientific prowess, Nobel prizes etc but instead working in burger bars, coffee shops and breeding dogs is what I find amazing.
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Post by dankbaar »

If you have doubts that she was a very bright, very young and very promising cancer researcher, noticed and wanted by the government, that is easy to prove. See articles below.

The reason why her career ended abrubtly is very simple: She was told to keep a low profile and keep her mouth shut on these very secret projects. She would not be the first one to be killed. Ever heard of Mary Sherman Guy Banister and David Ferrie?

http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/images/c ... rticle.jpg










Simon West
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Post by Simon West »

dankbaar wrote:If you have doubts that she was a very bright, very young and very promising cancer researcher, noticed and wanted by the government, that is easy to prove. See articles below.

I must admit that these newspaper clippings do present quite compelling evidence. It seems she was exceptionally talented and recognised as such by the medical establishment.

For her to have given up this promising career which she was obviously very interested in pursuing, suggests that something very serious happened to her that forced her to abandon it.

That leads me to think illness, mental problems or she's broadly telling the truth. Blimey!


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Post by dankbaar »

See Simon? I'm really sweet. If you just ask sincerely and don't lie and offend, I'll give you the answers.

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Post by ArjanBoes »

Simon West wrote:dankbaar wrote:That leads me to think illness, mental problems or she's broadly telling the truth. Blimey!Thanks,Simon.

Trust me I've spoken with Judyth ,know her in person and my work consists of speaking with mentally Ill people,handicapped people and co-workers who can be incredible morons.I drive around with a 38 years old male who's schizophrenic all day long. Judyth Vary Baker has no mental issues aside from the problems normal people have also like heartaches and sorrow and joy etc.
Simon West
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Post by Simon West »

ArjanBoes wrote:Trust me I've spoken with Judyth ,know her in person and my work consists of speaking with mentally Ill people,handicapped people and co-workers who can be incredible morons.

Judyth appears to have been an exceptionally talented young lady whos promising career was cut short for some mysterious reason.

It is a well known fact that gifted and creative people tend to be emotionally unstable, and many are affected by mental disorders. See link "Creativity, Evolution and Mental Illnesses"
http://jom-emit.cfpm.org/1997/vol1/pret ... tto_p.html

It says about Judyth in one of the articles -

"Judy is a young woman very hard to explain with mere words. You must watch her and talk to her to understand the depth with which she experiences life."

"Judy is a girl that never walks but is always running."

This certainly implies an extremely intense person the kind who could be prone to some emotional breakdown. Perhaps her cancer experiment proved not to be useful, perhaps her emotional intensity alienated her from her co-workers, perhaps the death of a parent or loved one, perhaps the assassination of Kennedy himself caused a mental collapse.

Subsequently upon recovery she began to fantasise the story she has told regarding her relationship with Oswald and all the rest of it.

I put this forward as a hypothesis consistent with the facts as I am aware of them. If there is evidence that this is not the case then I can rule this out as a possibility.

Just because she shows no signs of mental problems today does not rule out that she had a mental breakdown 40 years ago.
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Post by dankbaar »

Sure Simon, you believe your own theorizing?

Are you a shrink or a web designer?

Have you taken the trouble yet to watch those two interviews I gave you?

BTW they are free of charge



Are they emotionally unstable too?

Simon West
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Post by Simon West »

Wim (If you don't mind me calling you by your first name),

I've been trying to watch those videos but it's nearly impossible, keeps cutting out every 5 seconds. Do you have a link that I can download them please.

Since you are putting these in the public domain why not upload them to google video where they have the streaming services so that people can watch them without being able to download them, but without them cutting out all the time. More people will get to see them this way too. You should edit them so that they include the jfkmurdersolved.com link first though so people know where to come for more info. Just a suggestion.

Regarding the mental illness thing... I had a long term, co-habiting relationship with someone suffering from mental illness. If you met her today you'd have no idea that she ever had a problem. I know a lot more about it than you give me credit for.

