A discussion of Ed Haslam's work

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:===Mz. Lake Agrees with Haslam then introduces doubt?Joe, She agrees that Mary Sherman, Oswald, Ferrie, and Baker were involved in that lab. At least one of the places that the doubt comes in is with regard to the linear particle beam accelerator being used to mutate cells or cell genetics. Ed Haslam himself ties them to nuclear weapons work. In the Book Dr. Mary's Monkey, on page 270 and 271, end of chapter note #2, Ed Haslam talks about a photograph of a scientist dismantling a particle accelerator for "use in the Manhattan Project." Dealey Joe wrote:weapons-grade particle accelerators, ===Was it weapons grade? Why was it removed This is a question that Ed Haslam needs to answer. He seems to be implying that it was NOT weapons grade. Dealey Joe wrote: But facts say large Accelerators were also used.What facts? You see, that's where the problem is. You're making a statement about linear particle beam accelerators being used to mutate cells or cell genetics. Where are your facts that they were ever used that way? Actually, Ed Haslam needs to answer this question. In Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, on page 282, there's a picture of a newspaper article, "Judy Vary To Continue Research" where she is quoted in that article as saying "I also need badly the use of an X-ray Machine. The one at the hospital is too large for mice, so I need to find a laboratory that also experiments with Mice." So, a hospital x-ray machine was too big for Judyth to use, but a linear particle beam accerlarator worked just right? A linear particle beam accelerator that can vaporize limbs and people worked just right?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Joe,You asked about Jenny Lake's credentials right? What's funny is that in Ed Haslam's book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, he writes "Credentials mean little to me. I have seen terible people carry impressive diplomas and fancy titles, and I have seen great people with neither."So, if credentials mean nothing to Ed Haslam, why should Jennifer Lake's credentials come into it? LOLAlso, Joe, you said this.That anyone should denigrate his research is an atrocity because no one’s as comparable to or as good as Ed Haslam’s“. http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ (comment is the last minutes of Judyth Vary Baker interview, “Living in Exile”, part II).Fetzer again, =====does anyone believe Fetzer said this?Sure he did. It in the May 03, 2010, Fetzer interviewed Judyth Baker and says this at exactly 1 hour, 57 minutes, and 20 seconds into the interview. You're not checking the facts, Joe.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

bob franklin wrote:Fermi on wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_FermiSome of Haslam's facts may not be strictly on the mark. This can happen to anyone. Hey, Bob,It's good to be back here again, and good to see you here again. I don't remember who is quoted as saying this, but the quote goes something like this. An uncorrected mistake becomes a lie.How many seemingly small mistakes contributed to disinformation regarding the JFK assassination? Look at how the bullet wound in JFK's back was moved UP slightly to better justify the magic-bullet theory. Look at how disinformation documentaries say that the shooting happened in roughly eight seconds as opposed to six and a half, in an attempt to justify more shots. Look at how Time (Or LIfe?) Magazine "accidentally" published frames from the Zapruder film with the two headshot frames reversed (making it appear that JFK's head was thrown violently FORWARD). They said that was a "printing error" mistake too. They also said that Dan Rather just made a small mistake when he went on TV and said that he saw the Zaupruder film and that he saw JFK's head thrown violently forward at the head shot.These are all seemingly "accidental," and they're explained as being no big deal by supporters of the Oswald-did-it-alone idea. We know differently here, right? Don't give Ed Haslam's material special treatment here. Just because we don't understand the significance of a fact doesn't make that fact insignificant. For example, Ed Haslam has repeated several times in his audio interviews that Jonas Salk was the "bluffs of Santa Barbara." That's wrong. He was in the San Diego, CA area, La Jolla, CA to be exact.http://www.salk.edu/about/contactus.html
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well I will stand corrected about Dr. Fetzers remark and accept he said it as I don't haveenough time to investigate further. I myself feel the same way.When I went to the web site you list I could not find anything about Ed there within a reasonable amount if time.Ed did not ask for her credintals, I did.If she doubts the level or amount of research she needs to show some evidence that accellerators were not used?The artical she quoted, and that I quoted said that Accellerators were used.What is the time frame for Judyths statement about an x-ray machine?Are you saying that you can't use an accellerator and an x-ray?She is the one making the charges about what an Accellerator is used for.Mz. Lake needs to show proof that they were not used for what she is claiming.I really do not understand the question about the Accellerator, My understanding is that Ed suggested the Mary Sherman was burned by someting capable of very high electricity. So far I can't find evidence that he places Sherman at or in the Accellerator/Ask Mz. Jenny to find out if in fact there was an accellerator in New Orleans or not.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Mr. Haslam met Judyth Baker, Lee Oswald’s 1963 girlfriend, through the auspices of a CBS ’60 Minutes’ crew in 2001. =====So did IJoe,Did you meet Judyth Baker? What is she like in person? Was Haslam there too when you met her?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:If she doubts the level or amount of research she needs to show some evidence that accellerators were not used?The artical she quoted, and that I quoted said that Accellerators were used.What is the time frame for Judyths statement about an x-ray machine?Are you saying that you can't use an accellerator and an x-ray?She is the one making the charges about what an Accellerator is used for.Mz. Lake needs to show proof that they were not used for what she is claiming.I really do not understand the question about the Accellerator, My understanding is that Ed suggested the Mary Sherman was burned by someting capable of very high electricity. So far I can't find evidence that he places Sherman at or in the Accellerator/Ask Mz. Jenny to find out if in fact there was an accellerator in New Orleans or not.Joe, can you prove that Jennifer Lake said that linear particle beam accelerators were NOT used for medicine? She did not say that. Both you and Jennifer Lake used the same link. I also don't think she doubts that the accelerator was there in New Orleans. I just sent her a link to this thread, and she'll be joining the topic here.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

As far as comments about Judyth , I am not at liberty to share information about her without her approval.Pasquale I am under the assumption that she inferred that an accelerator would not be used,an x ray machine would be sufficient, thank you very much.I would like to carry on with this but Mz. Lake needs to contact Ed Haslam, not me.There may be some errors in his work, or even misstatements, or editing problems.But to make him out to be a liar is way off base.since I cannot really spend the time in research I must pass on further discussion asI have already said about all I know.You folks are good at playing on words, I am not.
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by kenmurray »

My take on this topic is this:1. I believe that there was a cancer causing virus in the polio vaccine in late 1950's.2. I believed the govt covered it up and set up a CIA funded operation in New Orleans in the early 1960's to have a cancer causing virus to kill Castro.3. I believe Judyth Baker and David Ferrie worked at that clinic/laboratory.4. I don't think Haslam is an intentional disinfo agent. Sure I think there are some mistakes in his book.5. Yes I think for sure Mary Sherman was murdered.6. This story is fascinating that I have ordered Haslam's book to read and then make an opinion on the the accelerator.
Edward Haslam
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Edward Haslam »

Fact Checking Dr. Mary’s MonkeyI write to say “Thank you” to the members of this forum for your recent interest in the details of my book DR. MARY’S MONKEY, and for taking the time to check facts and find errata. I like hearing about errata, including dates and locations, because it gives us an opportunity to fix such details when appropriate, and we will continue to do so. Having the details at the edge of the story accurate prevents them from tarnishing the important points at the center of the story. We would like to catch as many as possible before we print a hard cover edition for libraries. If you find errata, I invite you to email me directly at author@DoctorMarysMonkey.com. I will forward it to the publisher as appropriate.My favorite errata notice arrived about a year ago in the form of a letter from Japan. This Japanese man had been studying DMM for months and wrote me to complain that he had spent several days trying to figure out the expression “ring my hands,” only to ask if I meant “wring my hands.” I wrote him back, said “Yes, I did,” and apologized for being “rong.” Large, well-financed publishers have many FACT CHECKERS who go through manuscripts of non-fiction works and worry about the details like whether the idyllic campus of the Salk Institute was NORTH or SOUTH of Los Angeles. From http://www.Salk.edu, “Overlooking the Pacific Ocean in La Jolla, California, the campus supports 61 faculty members and a scientific staff of more than 850 doing powerful biological research.” Frankly, not being from California, I thought La Jolla was north of LA, near Santa Barbara, but it is actually south of LA, near San Diego. So we will fix that reference for the next printing. Thanks, again.The larger point, however, is the man who created the 1955 polio vaccine which backfired on launch (killing and crippling children) and which had to be withdrawn and destroyed, lived out his life in honor and respect in an exquisitely beautiful location in California overlooking the Pacific Ocean, which must have been a nice change for a man who did his early work in places like Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. It’s a curious reward for such a conspicuous failure.My Best,Ed Haslamauthor of Dr. Mary’s Monkey
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by kenmurray »

Welcome to the forum Mr. Haslam. I ordered your book and look forward to reading it.