A discussion of Ed Haslam's work

JFK Assassination
Edward Haslam
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Edward Haslam »

About being a "disinfo agent," if you figure out who I am working for, please let me know.I would like to send them an invoice for my time.
Jennifer Lake
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Jennifer Lake »

Hello everyone, Pasquale, Dealy Joe, Bob, Ken, Bob, and Ed!It's interesting to see you all working the thread, and very interesting to become part of the subject matter --still rather unique to me since I started blogging about a year ago, and was never before a 'subject' in this much detail. But it's not offensive --no, in fact, I consider anything publicly published as Fair Game and I'm happy to join you "on the carpet". About five years ago, I made an inner commitment to research polio , now deep-in and expanding to the huge and much more obscured conspiracies of this amazing topic which I discovered by 'chance' during a special assignment medical investigation for college nursing. It changed the course of my involvement in the nursing field. I took a lesser degree and wrapped up my institutional studies. I didn't want to hand out drugs to people anyway, even though I'm not opposed to palliative drug-based care when it's appropriate. (another topic!). In the wake of 9-11 and a certainty that "life as we knew it" was over, I didn't want to waste time with unfruitful forays that couldn't answer my most basic questions about quality of life. I was already 'older' with a lot of experience in caregiving, so when Katrina hit New Orleans, it affirmed those decisions. I recognized an instant empathy with Ed Haslam's story --I felt the "real" knowledge of polio was always there, in and around my life, preparing me for the revelation that came during my assignment. I just didn't know until that fateful event that polio research was to become a KEY. I didn't know then that the SALK vaccine was a central component in the shifting methods of population control. And I didn't know until recently that it had anything in particular to do with JFK's assassination.--yes, I was around back in 1963, a little kid, but I knew how to read and write and wrote my first-ever 'composition' about JFK's death. In spite of a lot of hell-and-high-water, I still have that composition and very vivid memories of that day. My mother grieved for the Kennedys --she knew a lot about them and had covered much of the same physical ground growing up on and near Cape Cod. My parents were younger than Jack & Jackie, but we kids were near the ages of Caroline and John Jr. It seemed like our house was somber for months after the assasssination. Books, magazines, and any and all remembrances of the Kennedys appeared on our tables and shelves.Some of the things my mom told me about were the desolations of loss. When she was girl, training to be a competitive swimmer, ear problems caused my grandparents to set her up with series of x-ray treatments to her head. Her siblings met the same fate. Around the time of her mid-life, I watched helplessly as my mother's health began deteriorating. She struggled for memories but she always had an uncanny knack for telling me things I 'wanted' to know, which she delivered with great 'Irish' emotion and irony. At age 14 polio robbed her of her best friend, who died mysteriously in the night as did the girl's mother, neither ever having showed any symptoms! There was no vaccine, and the fear of sudden polio grabbed onto to her and never really let her go. As soon as it was available, she waited in line for a shot. But as her children were born, and 'medical' encounters grew increasingly negative and even catastrophic, my mom became afraid of doctors. When I was born, an accidental poisoning with silver nitrate caused an extreme allergic reaction that made me unable to tolerate bedding and toys. The doctors couldn't help. She had to teach herself how to help me. Other ordeals (a sister burned, a brother hit by a car) and my mother became competent at home-doctoring. I know she passed that spirit on to me and indulged my tender feelings about 'nursing', manifested in countless animal 'rescues' which she tolerated and even aided in spite of the fact that she didn't want wild or stray animals in her home! In the course of learning about radiation, polio, nuclear testing, vaccines and reading stacks of byzantine medical documents, I met my own 'fate' in the diagnosis of an incurable ailment accompanied by "birth injuries" and congenital deficits which I now guess were induced by radiation exposures. You could say I was born "under a cloud", so joining this forum analogously under the cloud of ad hominem attack and suspicion is something that I seek to understand. I know I'm only as good as the evidence I can contribute. I can't afford FACT CHECKERS, but even if I could, I wouldn't use them, because checking the facts is also knowing the real story , and there is no substitute or shortcut for laying the essential groundwork that leads to breakthroughs in comprehension, and therewith is the value of "holding my own". If or when I write and publish, I'll EXPECT to be taken to task, but nothing is on hold until then --especially not the MESSAGE I carry. I learned it all from open source material and post it equally as an open source. Pasquale, thanks for introducing me to the JFK forum and for your able discernment. I appreciate everybody's questions and concerns. And Dealy Joe, I have to say, your style of obfuscation seems uniquely your own. It assures me that you're no disinfo guy, but it is confusing 'out there'. Do you consider that the confusion is by design? Be certain. By the way, what are your credentials? I hope you'll look over the website http://www.polioforever.wordpress.com and you're very welcome to check out my opinions and 'motives' at http://www.jenniferlake.wordpress.com. While Ed ponders who and where he can bill his time to, I think the public as usual will be picking up the tab. Health 'care'and mandatory health insurance will have us all soon wondering where our paychecks are. At least Ed can hope that maybe Dr. Mary's Money will hire a better class of checkers, and "we" will do a better job in the future. (who's 'we'?). In the meantime, there are exceedingly useful, cheap, and easy-to-use resources like encyclopedias and MAPS! Since it is unclear to me which "case for a case" you are making, Ed, I'll address them all by appearances. A link here in the thread, the 'oracle broadcasting' interview with Michael Herzog, has you saying that the "JFK assassination is incidental" to the monkey virus story, so I'll have to assume that any critical analysis of your research from a JFK assassination forum will be considered also "incidental", as the unlikelihood of a medical-science challenge from these quarters is tacitly understood. But, as you write of SALK and his exquisitely beautiful location, "It's a curious reward for such a conspicuous failure". May I add that failing to address that failure is conspicuously curious.
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by kenmurray »

Welcome to the forum Jennifer.
Jennifer Lake
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Jennifer Lake »

Thanks Ken, and to Wim for approving my registration.And I'd like to add here that the JFK-related materials produced here are top drawer and invaluable. I'm getting 'steeped' as I speak.There is one more momentary point directed to Ed. He writes: I like hearing about errata, including dates and locations, because it gives us an opportunity to fix such details when appropriate, and we will continue to do so. Having the details at the edge of the story accurate prevents them from tarnishing the important points at the center of the story. We would like to catch as many as possible before we print a hard cover edition for libraries. If you find errata, I invite you to email me directly.. Well, I'll be posting what errata I find right here on this thread. That way, for sure, it won't get lost, delayed, or reinterpreted. Clarification on what constitutes "details at the edge of the story" should be forthcoming in that process. So far, the details on the edge of the story appear to be major items in the leading cast of characters, some of which are things. What I've gotten out of the thread so far is that these facts have been relegated to marginal details:(a) when the Manhattan Project achieved nuclear chain reaction, thereby paving the way for Atom Bombs.(b) mention of Karl Landsteiner, but not important (Ed?) to say he discovered poliovirus. Did Ochsner know Landsteiner?(c) appearance that A.J. Ochsner handled the career moves of his nephew Alton, from a teaching position at Wisconsin to a chief surgeon at Tulane, although he was dead at the time. Not important?(d) a repititious mistake about Salk in Santa Barbara, when he was in San Diego. Why is that marginal? San Diego is home to the US Navy's Pacific Fleet (shared with Pearl Harbor, HI), home to the Navy's major medical research labs, home to the Marines where they keep their largest training base, and a center for Human Genome Project research, among others. For one of the "important points at the center of the story" which is the polio vaccine, the location of Salk's Institute is a critical fact, enumerating the personnel and experimental environment within the partner group at Scripps, UCSD, General Atomics/General Dynamics and the US Navy. Progressing these associations to 2009, The San Diego Naval Research Center recovered the first H1N1 samples from American citizens before the "swine flu" broke out in Mexico. Remember the pandemic we didn't have? --it started in San Diego.Wow, the libraries are buying Dr. Mary's Monkey?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:As far as comments about Judyth , I am not at liberty to share information about her without her approval.Pasquale I am under the assumption that she inferred that an accelerator would not be used,an x ray machine would be sufficient, thank you very much.I would like to carry on with this but Mz. Lake needs to contact Ed Haslam, not me.There may be some errors in his work, or even misstatements, or editing problems.But to make him out to be a liar is way off base.since I cannot really spend the time in research I must pass on further discussion asI have already said about all I know.You folks are good at playing on words, I am not.Joe,I really don't think that telling me about what she is like in person, what she was wearing, and who you were with when you met her will jeopardize her safety. Why can't you talk about meeting her.Should I e-mail her and ask her? I'm pretty sure I have her e-mail address. She even sent me a note, thanking me for preordering her book. I haven't received it yet, but I'm keeping up hope. Maybe Ed Haslam can help me get my copy of her book. Should I e-mail her and ask her about meeting you? All I did was ask you about ANY DETAILS about you meeting her. You say "You folks are good at playing on words." I'm asking you for ANY details you can share that would verify weather or not you are telling the truth or lying about meeting Judyth Baker. I'm being nice here, and I'm not "playing on words." I'll go one better for you. Have you referenced meeting Judyth Baker in person anywhere else on this forum? I haven't checked, but I'm curious, because I suspect that you are blindly supporting Ed Haslam's book without actually knowing the information.For example, why would you post information and color picture of a klystron when it's clearly not a linear particle accelerator that is three stories tall and from the 1950s? You said you met Judyth Baker. I'm just asking if you are telling the truth.
Edward Haslam
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Edward Haslam »

Jennifer LakeFor the benefit of this forum, I thought that I should ask you to explain your comments about the causes of polio from your Wordpress blog: http://jenniferlake.wordpress.com/about/ “I made a discovery in school that POLIO was caused by radiation and pesticides… Viruses don’t ’cause’ these diseases…”Apparently, you do not agree that the polio virus which Austrian physician Dr. Karl Landsteiner’s discovered in 1909 actually causes the disease known as polio. I would be interested in hearing how you, as a 2nd year nursing student, came to this “discovery" that Dr. Landsteiner was wrong.
Jennifer Lake
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Jennifer Lake »

Ed Haslam For the benefit of this forum, I thought that I should ask you to explain your comments about the causes of polio from your Wordpress blog: http://jenniferlake.wordpress.com/about/ Ed, I created a separate polio blog to address those questions. If members of this forum want an explanation, they can click the link. The subject is lengthy and in depth and my comments are self-evident. I'm doing you the honor of giving your work a thorough going over. I've read your book, listened to a half dozen audios, watched your Jim Marrs video, and taken notes to compare and analyze. I think this forum is interested in you and would benefit most by your attention. Dealey Joe had a bunch of prior questions about the big particle accelerator. Did you see? Can you possibly post the graphic rendering of the Oxford accelerator that you used in the book and explain how it would be used for biological work? “I made a discovery in school that POLIO was caused by radiation and pesticides… Viruses don’t ’cause’ these diseases…” Here is the whole sentence: I made a discovery in school that POLIO was caused by radiation and pesticides –that in fact, radiation alone causes hundreds of diseases and less acute POLIO-LIKE illnesses, including influenza, which can have a delayed onset years after an exposure event. Viruses don’t ’cause’ these diseases but are an adaptive healing mechanism to help the body rid itself of damage and adjust to a changing environment. Our modern medical paradigm is a false-reality." Apparently, you do not agree that the polio virus which Austrian physician Dr. Karl Landsteiner’s discovered in 1909 actually causes the disease known as polio. It was not possible to prove that a single viral agent caused any known disease in 1909. The technology did not exist. What Landsteiner proved after some ordeal of trial and error, was that the serum filtrate of a dead paralyzed child could also paralyze lab animals. Of course, many 'agents' injected into the bloodstream can do this. One of the hallmarks of polio history is that the disease was ill-defined and misdiagnosis was common. This confusion persisted even in the 1950s when polio was peaking, and for decades now it's been a matter of record that other viruses are present in polio-like conditions. Two very important considerations are these: Dr. Dorothy Horstmann from Yale studied 111 polio victims in 1942 and found poliovirus in only one person, and in year 2000, Dr. Howard Urnovitz testified before Congress (on Gulf War Syndrome) that chemicals and radiation induced polio. I would be interested in hearing how you, as a 2nd year nursing student, came to this “discovery" that Dr. Landsteiner was wrong. Thankyou! I'm sure you'll find the polio blog informative. Will you stick around and debate the content of your research on this forum too?
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by dankbaar »

Is Ed Haslam disinfo? Who exactly dares to pose this question? Wim
Jennifer Lake
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Jennifer Lake »

Is Ed Haslam disinfo? Who exactly dares to pose this question? Hello WimIt would be most useful at this point to pose a definition of terms. 'Disinformation' is not in my dictionary. So I'll make it clear on my own use of the word:"Disinformation is the application of statements, images, facts and rhetoric for the purpose of leading or redirecting one's audience to accept the conclusions of the presenter".Is that an agreeable definition?
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by dankbaar »

Jennifer, what is the story that you "present"? And on which authority? Do you disagree with what Ed Haslam brings about in his book? If so, on what parts? Thanks,Wim