A discussion of Ed Haslam's work

JFK Assassination
Jennifer Lake
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Jennifer Lake »

Nicholas J. Chetta, M.D., age 50, Orleans Parish coroner since 1950, died at Mercy Hospital on May 25, 1968. Newspaper reports were sketchy. It was said he suffered a heart attack. Dr. Chetta was the coroner who served at the death of David Ferrie. Dr. Chetta was the key witness regarding Perry Russo against Clay Shaw. Shaw's attorney went into federal court only after Dr. Chetta was dead. http://www.newsmakingnews.com/mbmysteri ... 0,6,78.htm The Coroner's son, Nicky Chetta, told Ed Haslam and the Jesuit Highschool class about the monkey viruses in March of 1969 (pages 42-48). Ed does not tell his readers that Dr. Nicholas Chetta is dead.Ed also did not tell his readers that A.J. Ochsner was dead, but in both these instances "allows" the perception of the reader to assume that the men were alive at the time of the events he describes by carefully omitting any direct reference.
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by turtleman »

Come on people. This is getting stupid. Mary Sherman was killed long before David Ferrie and Garrison's investigation. I have read DMM cover to cover and find that not only is it credible all the pieces seem to fit very well. There is certainly some serendipity to the whole set of circumstances but that has been a consistent pattern through the broad scope of the JFK assassination. I respect Jennifer Lake's knowledge and expertise in dealing with Polio but I think her criticism of Haslam's work is rather weak and I believe Ed reported what he researched and found. Not what neatly fit. Particle accelerator vs. X-ray machine etc. the quest for a highly aggressive mutated cancer to kill Castro fits the time frame and agenda of our government. I am sure if Ed Haslam wanted to fabricate and spin a yarn he would have picked a topic that would have sold more books than DMM and a clandestine program to off Castro that involved the same players steeped in the JFK murder. As far as Ms. Lake asking for justification for legal case, scholarly case, movie script case.... How in the hell does that relate? Why would anyone with a serious story to tell care? I wouldn't. Maybe I am a pushover but I believe James Files, Judyth Vary Baker, and Ed Haslam. I think these folks have nothing to gain but grief and their stories really fit into the enormity of the crime. And I am not saying Ms. Lake is wrong about Polio being caused by radiation. I wouldn't be shocked if she was right that radiation was a cause for Polio. I just believe there are more worthy subjects to critique than DMM and the piddling pile of points that I have seen. Like what city the ground zero of particle accelerators is located and what California city so and so did his work at. Sorry about the rant.
Edward Haslam
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Edward Haslam »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:I would like to ask Ed Haslam or the rest of you, if the following information can be reconciled with Ed Haslam's material.I have an electronic copy (pdf format) of the book "JFK; The Dead Witnesses" by Craig Roberts and John Armstrong. It lists on page 45 the death of Dr. Mary Stults Sherman as very different from Ed Haslam's version. (The actual page number might be different for those of you who have an actual hard copy of the book.)The book says that she died, I believe, in a different year and by gunshot. It also says that she was an assistant to the doctor who performed the autopsy on David Ferrie. It says the following regarding her death:"Dr. Mary Stults Sherman March, 1967Dr. Sherman, who was an assistant to Dr. Chetta, the medical examiner who performed David Ferrie's autopsy, was also, strangely enough, a friend of Ferrie's. She had worked with Ferrie on cancer research, helping with the experments with the mice that shared his apartment. Sherman was murdered in bed just a couple of weeks after Ferrie died. When she was found, she had been shot, and then her bed had been set on fire in an attempt to destroy the evidence."Did Ed Haslam's father positively identify Mary Sherman's body? Was he the only one who could have identified the body due to its mangled condition?To Pasquale DiFabrizio,Wow! What an amazing question! All three authors can’t be right, can they? Now, you can prove somebody is wrong! In the process, you might sew conflict and division amongst the JFK assassination community’s published authors. All in time for the long-awaited release of Judyth Vary Baker’s new book ME AND LEE. What a great game you are playing!It seems to me that the purpose of your question is really to get me to say something negative about Armstrong or Roberts, so that you can run across the playground and tell them what I said about them and in hopes of getting them to say something negative about Judyth Vary Baker or me which you can post? Is this your game? Is this why you littered the forum with suspicions about my credibility, accuracy and veracity on the eve of the launch of Judyth Vary Baker’s book ME AND LEE? Is this part of an effort to undermine Judyth’s supporters publically at a critical moment? Is this why you created this thread by dropping 1,927 words of chaotic criticism from a reckless writer into this forum without even bothering to explain why you were doing it or what point you were trying to make? Gee, Dave Reitzes did the same thing to Judyth on another forum. What a coincidence! And you raise the question of my being a “disinfo” agent! Maybe you’re a really plant whose goal is to disrupt the forum and drive its participants away! Who knows? You have not even proven to me that you are really PASQUALE DIFABRIZIO . Perhaps you are using that name as a cover. Maybe you just choose the name of Hollywood’s most famous shoe-maker to get your “foot in the door.” I think there are more questions here about you here than about me.Here is my answer to the question you posed. John Armstrong is an amazing researcher who has spent years studying the JFK case and knows the detail of the evidence in Dallas as well as anyone I know. His conclusions are his. I saw him recently at COPA 2009, since he spoke immediately after me at the conference. Craig Roberts is a professional sniper from the USMC who trains police SWAT teams for a living. His book KILL ZONE which analyzes the shooting in Dealey Plaza from a sniper’s perspective is an important book in understanding the case. His conclusions are his. I met Craig at a JFK conference in Dallas in 1993 when he had an exhibit next to mine. I know these men are real, and I have the highest regard for them, as I do for Jim Marrs, a professional journalist whose best-selling book CROSSFIRE: The Plot that Killed Kennedy (1989) is the classic reference that was used by Oliver Stone as the factual foundation for Stone’s 1991 movie JFK. I also know Jim, and we talk on the phone frequently. Assuming your quote from JFK: The Dead Witnesseses (1994) is accurate, all three said that Mary Sherman died from a gun shot in March 1967, and all three made their statements before I published my first book in 1995, what you are bringing up it’s really old information at a curious time. My book was the first in-depth investigation into Mary Sherman’s murder ever published and was the first to establish the core facts and present the evidence publicly. None of these three authors had access to my research or the related public documents at the time. They all reported what they heard, and some of which we now know to be inaccurate. So what? They were given bad information by someone, but they presented what the information they had with integrity for others to consider, evaluate and investigate.So why would three of the most accomplished and talented researchers in the JFK assassination community make the same mistake? Could it be that the public documents were not available to them at the time they wrote their books? They may even have been fed disinformation so that they would seem to be poorly informed. Perhaps to lead the trail away from Dr. Alton Ochsner? Who would do such a thing? When John Davis went to research MAFIA KINGFISH, which said that Carlos Marcello (and not the CIA) killed Kennedy, he went to the New Orleans Metropolitan Crime Commission to get his information on Marcello. Well, guess who sat on the Board of Directors of the NOMCC? None other that Dr. Alton Ochsner and Eustis Reily of the Reily Coffee Company. The Executive Director of the NOMCC was a former FBI agent by the name of William I. Monaghan who just happened to be the VP of the Reily Coffee Company when Lee Harvey Oswald and Judyth Vary Baker worked there. In fact, Judyth Vary Baker was Monaghan’s secretary. These are the type of “in the know” people who were assisting JFK researchers find the facts.Perhaps these researcher were given the wrong dates to frustrate researchers’ attempts to find out the facts behind her death. Saying Sherman worked for Dr. Chetta when she really worked for Dr. Ochsner protects Dr. Ochsner. Saying Sherman was “an assistant” makes her sound like a low-level player, when she was actually one of the most respected woman in American Medicine, and an expert in both radiation and cancer. And, having the wrong dates makes it extremely difficult to find public documents, as I will explain below.So why didn’t these three talented researchers just check with the New Orleans Public Library to get the facts about Mary Sherman’s murder straight? Well, when I did that, I found something very interesting. The New Orleans Public Library told me that their indexing system (which is how one finds newspaper articles in the library) does not cover most of the 1960s. How convenient! The single most important reference tool that could be used to investigate what happened in New Orleans does not cover the 1960’s. They told me that if I wanted to get newspaper articles about Mary Sherman, I would have to have an exact date. So I asked them if they had the police reports from the 1960’s. Yes, they did, but again, I would have to have the NOPD item number for them to find a given report. So I called the NOPD Homocide Unit and got the Item Number on the Mary Sherman murder. (The NOPD item number (G-12994-64) is listed on p. 125 of DR. MARY’S MONKEY.) Once I had the police reports, I discovered that the date was not in March 1967, but was July 21, 1964, on the same day that the Warren Commission summoned Lee Oswald’s attorney Dean Andrews for testimony in New Orleans. Having the correct date, enabled me to locate the newspaper articles, and I got a copy of the autopsy report which indicated that the cause of death was a stab wound to the heart. Comparing the newspaper articles with the autopsy, I noted that the public was never told the most important forensic fact in the case - that Dr. Sherman right arm and a portion of her rib cage had been “disintegrated” by heat. Since all of this is explained in detail in DR. MARY’S MONKEY from which you have quoted repeatedly, it is obvious to me that you are not asking this question to get information or to learn anything. You obviously have another motive.Concerning your comment about my father, I need to point out that you are the one who is wrong. According to the police documents, Mary Sherman’s body was positively identified by Dr. Carolyn Talley, a pediatrician from Tulane Medical School. Drs. Talley and Sherman were schedule to travel to Amite, Louisiana that morning for a clinic with crippled children. Dr. Talley called Dr. Sherman’s apartment early that morning. The police were already there and answered the phone when she called. Noting that Dr. Talley worked with Dr. Sherman, they asked her to go to the morgue and identify the body, which she did. So, my father did not officially identify the body. What I said was that my father had been asked, as a doctor who fought in World War II and was familiar with 3rd degree burns, to view Dr. Sherman body and offer an opinion on her unusual death. So you are wrong. How does it feel?By the way, my criticism does not extend to Jennifer Lake. She is obviously very bright, very passionate about her crusade, and is digging through a remarkably complex set of material at a high rate of speed. She may be young, angry, and wreckless, but many of us have been all of those things in the past. I do not think that she realizes that she is being used by PASQUALE DIFABRIZIO or whatever your name really is.
Edward Haslam
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Edward Haslam »

To Pasquale DiFabrizio,The answer to your first question “Is Ed Haslam disinfo?” is “No, I am not.” Where did you get that idea? And why do you pose it here? What is your objective for making such a sleazy suggestion? Next...Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Dealey Joe wrote:How is Haslam a witness? I certainly am not a witness to the events in Dallas, nor did I personally know Lee Oswald, but I never said I did. My presentation of what I personally heard, saw, and experienced in New Orleans related to my investigation of Mary Sherman’s death and to the connections that sprang from that investigation, including the JFK assassination, has always been presented in the form of first-person testimony supported by research. Others have started me “a witness” from time to time, because of the things that I reported in both DR. MARY’S MONKEY and in my earlier account called MARY, FERRIE & THE MONKEY VIRUS, including:1. Mary Sherman and my father were both friends and professional colleagues at Tulane Medical School. I saw Mary Sherman and my father in the living room of my house. My father introduced me to her, and to their other guest, a doctor from England.2. At the time of the Garrison Investigation, the son of the Coroner of Orleans Parish was a classmate of mine in high school and told our class that David Ferrie was involved in a bio-weapon project involving cancer and monkey viruses and that he had thousands of caged mice.3. While in graduate school at Tulane, I personally heard a Latin American student say that Dr. Alton Ochsner, Sr. was involved in a “virus project” to kill Fidel Castro, and I identified in my books such as a rumor.4. I personally stood in the offices of INCA saw files that Ed Butler told had belonged to Guy Banister. Finding Banister’s files at INCA connected Banister to INCA, which connected Banister to both Dr. Alton Ochsner, Sr. and to Ed Butler, who debated LHO on WDSU. Other INCA members include Edgar Stern who owned WDSU and William Monaghan who was Judyth Vary Baker’s boss at Reily and who testified to the WC about Oswald’s employment at Reily.5. I personally met and talked to a person posing as Judyth Vary Baker in New Orleans in 1972 which is ultimately why Wim Dankbaar, who owns JFKmurdersolved.com and founded this forum, flew me to Dallas at his expense to be interviewed on camera by Jim Marrs, author of CROSSFIRE: The Plot that Killed Kennedy. (The voices of Wim Dankbaar and retired FBI agent Zack Shelton can be heard in the background of the video which is available, for free, on JFKmudersolved.com.)As a result of # 5 above, Wim included a one-hour segment of that interview in his DVD about Judyth Vary Baker and made that video available for free on his website. Wim then put my name on the navigation panel on the home page of JFKmurdersolved.com along with James Files, Chauncey Holt, Tosh Plumlee, and Judyth Baker.After my book was updated with information about Judyth Vary Baker, the witness that had come forward to say that she had worked in the underground medical laboratory that I had written about in my first book, Wim Dankbaar posted a 5-star review of DR. MARY’S MONKEY on Amazon.com.I have a great deal of respect for what Wim Dankbaar has accomplished concerning the JFK assassination, and I will point out that he has financed these activities, including the very forum upon which we communicate, at his own expense for years.I hope this helps the members of this forum understand why someone might refer to me as “a witness” in a comment posted on this forum, and I do not think that they should be ridiculed for it. Personally, I still think of myself as a writer who wrote an autobiographical story. And, yes, I dared to write myself into my autobiography. So what?
Jennifer Lake
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Jennifer Lake »

Ed tells us above that his father saw Mary Sherman's body. He writes "my father had been asked, as a doctor who fought in World War II and was familiar with 3rd degree burns, to view Dr. Sherman body and offer an opinion on her unusual death "In the book, this is portrayed as an unforgettable day when Ed saw his father cry. Ed described that as "once in lifetime".Then Ed tells that the respected reseachers who all list Sherman's death as March of 1967 may have been fed wrong information BUT HE DIDN'T KNOW?? Ed had to go and do research to find out WHEN Mary Sherman died?? He writes "So I asked them if they had the police reports from the 1960’s. Yes, they did, but again, I would have to have the NOPD item number for them to find a given report. So I called the NOPD Homocide... Once I had the police reports, I discovered that the date was not in March 1967, but was July 21, 1964 " Ed had to DISCOVER the date of the "once in a lifetime" day his father cried after seeing Dr. Sherman's body?
Michael Dell
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Michael Dell »

Jennifer Lake wrote:Ed had to DISCOVER the date of the "once in a lifetime" day his father cried after seeing Dr. Sherman's body?Mr. Haslam would have been about 13 at the time, not 16 according to the mistaken date. I don't know about you, but I can't remember too many exact dates for things that happened to me between the ages of 13 and 16, no matter how important they were. My father had his first heart attack somewhere in there, but I can't remember the exact date. And I'm in my mid-30s. When Mr. Haslam was writing his book and conducting his research into the topic, he would have been in his late 40s, no? And it's not like he had been a dedicated researcher his entire life. He had lived a full and active life completely removed from the subject for more than 30 years. With that in mind, I find it perfectly understandable that he could have believed the mistaken 1967 date. If you don't, that's fine. But it's hardly damning evidence. And the most important thing is he got the date of her death correct, right? I'm afraid, to me at least, your criticisms are coming across as rather petty and pedantic. As Ken stated earlier, there's a big difference between honest mistakes and intentional disinfo. I have yet to read anything in this thread that would characterize Mr. Haslam's work as disinfo or even wildly inaccurate, for that matter. Namaste.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Edward Haslam wrote:And you raise the question of my being a “disinfo” agent! Maybe you’re a really plant whose goal is to disrupt the forum and drive its participants away! Who knows? You have not even proven to me that you are really PASQUALE DIFABRIZIO . Perhaps you are using that name as a cover. Maybe you just choose the name of Hollywood’s most famous shoe-maker to get your “foot in the door.” I think there are more questions here about you here than about me. No disrespect is meant, and I’m extending a hand to you to call a truce here because, as I’ve been strongly advised by more senior people here, I’m getting people upset and need to knock it off. In any event, I can prove who I am, and I’d even bet money on it. My first and last name are here along with a picture of me. It was my dad’s brother, Pasquale DiFabrizio, who was the shoemaker. He passed away. His brother, my dad, was Fiore Luigi DiFabrizio. There is yet another Pasquale who bought a shoe repair business from my uncle, but he is not a direct relative and is from Canada. I think his grandfather and my grandfather were cousins or something like that, but I’m not sure. I am also not trying to get my foot in the door. I’m not in the shoe business, and my foot has been “in the door” on this forum for a long time. About my uncle, the shoemaker, I believe that I mentioned who my uncle was within the context of a discussion here. When I was fourteen or fifteen, my uncle told me something about how Marilyn Monroe died that corroborated what James Files said about her death. One of my uncle’s clients was attorney Melvin Belli, and Mr. Belli told my uncle that Marilyn Monroe was murdered by a drug overdose that was administered to her by putting them in her rectum. James Files said the same thing. I don’t know anything about what Dave Reitzes said about you. I am not affiliated with him. I also believe that Judyth Baker is very truthful and credible. I am not controlling Jennifer Lake, and I am not trying to sew any sort of division. I’m also not playing a game. My history on this forum speaks for itself. It’s not a brilliant history, but it’s very consistent. I’m going to suggest that one of the forum administrators lock this topic to prevent any one of us taking any more pot-shots at each other.Again, no disrepsect is meant, and I'll knock it off. I'm suggesting we call a truce.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.19.2010:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Ed - Welcome to the JFK Forum.I am only an observer, and Member since its inception. I am not a Moderator. Bob Fox is the Moderator.I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois near James Earl Sutton/Files, and Retired Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous" Marvin. Both are my friends. We three are friends, and confidants.I am James EarlSutton/Files closest living friend, having known him for over 40 years. We met as Martial Arts and Martial Science Training Partners, and have become as close as real brothers. I visit Jimmy weekly, including yesterday in prison. I have control and/or possession of all of Jimmy's physical and legal matters, and everyone who knows anything, knows this to be true. I have the only Contract with Jimmy, and Power of Attorney, dating to 1975, when he was in the free world. No Contracts or Powers of Attorney can override mine, without Jimmy's Express Written Approval. And as a prisoner, Jimmy is the the legal equivalent of Non Compos Mentas while a prisoner, and can legally, and never has, contractedlegally with another living human being to override my legal authority. When Sam Giancana, Chuck Nicoletti, and Johnny Roselli were all killed in 1975, Jimmy and I felt for sure that he would not be far behind. That is why we took these extraordinary legal measures in 1975.On 11.22.1963 at 12:30 p.m., Jimmy Sutton then, before the CIA changed his name to Files because of his involvement, stood at the Grassy Knoll and fired one Mercury Filled Hollow-Point from a Remington XP - 100, hitting JFK'S right frontal temporal head area. Jimmy and Lee Harvey Oswald were well known to each other. Jimmy liked Lee overall.David Atlee Phillips was the Controller for both J and LHO. DAV introduced J to LHO.Jimmy feels indirectly that he caused Lee's death, and is sorry for Lee's legacy because Jimmy killed JFK.Jimmy never spoke initially. The FBI and CIA leaked Jimmy's involvement. That is verified. The movie Executive action was theoretically based in part upon the Artificial Construct from somebody involved in JFK's Removal.Jimmy saved Judyth Vary Baker's life.Judyth and I spoke via phone many times when she was a guest at Wim's home, with Wim as witness, and on another extension.Wim Dankbaar knows me personally, and flew to Chicago, Illinois many years ago, several times to meet with me personally, face to face, to first authenticate and investigate me, as I did him, and then we became friends. Because of pressures known only to us, we sometimes argue as brothers. I respect and admire Wim's efforts. Our Interests and Perspectives are different.Jimmy and I support Wim's efforts to maintain the dignity of Jimmy's interviews at great personal sacrifice to Wim. We support no other commercial website. J and B do support Pam Ray. Although we all have argued, and disagreed over issues, as close friends do, Pam is a loyal and true friend of ours.You can not imagine the attacks leveled against us. Ed - Wim invited you here. Shake off the dirt.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Bob »

Okay guys, I'm not the sheriff, as Wim is, but as one of the deputies of the forum, I'm going to lock down this thread, but not delete it. From my standpoint, it can be used as an educational tool from all viewpoints. Now let's all shake hands and go to our corner.