Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by kenmurray »

Welcome to the forum Mr. Fetzer.
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Bob »

Now this is good dialogue folks. As Ken says, welcome to the forum Jim and I totally agree with your post. I liked this line especially...But I welcome debate and discussion across the board. No beliefs are sacrosanct. I agree 100%, as long as we can stay respectful, otherwise the message gets lost. Also, I checked out the information you sent me and it was very interesting. I will get back to you with my thoughts via email, as soon as I digest everything. Pasquale, I am so glad you received clarification from Craig Roberts about the date of Mary Sherman's death, which supports the view of Ed Haslam. Thank you for posting that note.
Phil Dragoo
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Death of Dr. Mary Sherman

Post by Phil Dragoo »

In the Spartacus article (presumably John Simken citing Ed Haslam) July 21, 1964, of multiple stab wounds, found in her bed set afire, the day prior to the Warren Commission arriving in New Orleans.I have Craig Roberts and John Armstrong's JFK: The Dead Witnesses, and on page 52 the date (March, 1967) and the cause (Gunshot) have been the subject of a mea culpa of one of the authors to Pasquale.I see 1995 as the date for the first printing. I think I bought it in 1997. It would be later when the details of this aspect of the assassination would be widely researched and discussed.I have Craig Roberts' Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza with its excellent quote of Hathcock regarding the impossibility of Oswald being able to accomplish the alleged shots which the legendary Hathcock could not. (pages 89-90 of the 1997 Fourth Printing of the 1994 book).The month prior to Dr. Sherman's murder, I was at Hoosier Boys State where, as the Nationalist Candidate, my running mate Chuck Todd of Howe and I assassinated Federalist Candidate Dave Long of North Central, using untraceable squirt guns in a deadly crossfire.Having recently been emailed by Dunkel the Donut regarding How the Cow Ate the Cabbage in Lone Nuts Go Wild Episode Forty-Seven, I see no downside to discussing all aspects of the case.I believe Gil Jesus' ten proofs ... 4&page=And the Fetzer-White dissection of the byp upon contemplation, it may be that the Dunkel on the Sixth Floor is in fact the Lone Nut.
Phil Dragoo
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Who's Who

Post by Phil Dragoo »

In Benson page 417 the editor cites Penn Jones for the finding "shot in bed and set on fire" and Paris Flammonde for the detail that Dr. Sherman was "Hacked to death with a chef's knife from her own kitchen, her corpse was discovered by Juan Valdes, a playwright friend of Clay Shaw's, who was employed at the Trade Mart."I'm sure the Dunkelians will find she actually fell on the knife multiple times and staggered off to bed for a final cigarette.Clay Shaw. Oh but he was so wronged, so wronged by that brute Jim Garrison.
Edward Haslam
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Edward Haslam »

Well, this is a refreshing change of pace. I must begin by saying "Thank you." IMHO, this forum has enormous potential to distill what needs to be discussed and what needs to be found in order to advance the research, and to take the action to do it. Think of what we might accomplish if we shared research ideas and results. It's so good to see such a fresh start, and I want to thank Bruce for his determined politeness and resilience for making that happen. And thanks to Pasquale for posting Craig Roberts reply.I write to share something that came my way about the claim that Mary Sherman died on the day that the Warren Commission "started their investigation in New Orleans." I orginally picked up this idea from Don Lee Keith who was a journalist at one of the newspapers in New Orleans in 1964, but he is not the one who sent me this document. Don is dead now, but we spoke often before he died. Assuming this is a legit document (as it appears to be by the reference to Mary in the footer), it is the summons from the Warren Commission to LHO's attorney Dean Andrews to appear before them at 2:30pm on July 21, 1964, which is the day that Mary Sherman's body was found murdered in her apartment. I will also point out that the "Maison Blanche Building" referenced in the address, is immediately adjacent to the Audubon Building where Dr. Ochsner's INCA was located, which is where I was shown Guy Banister's files in 1982 by Ed Butler. I hope you will enjoy seeing this document. I wish I could remember who sent it to me, so I could credit them, but at the moment I can not recall. But I think you will enjoy seeing it because it focuses on an important date that we have been discussing.My Best,Ed HaslamSorry, but I had technical issues posting the image. Only 1/2 showed up. Here are links... ... ndrews.jpg
Dealey Joe
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen, A special thanks to you all, and I also welcome Jim and Ed.this is the most informative short Topic we have had for awhile.When and how did Andrews die? Was his death mysterious?I also want to thank Bruce for his thoughtfulness in starting this topic and also Pasqualefor his input and article from Mr. Roberts.I also appreciate Jim D's remarks and the document from Ed's files.I enjoy seeing the old original documents, it almost makes me think I was there.It is amazing how things tie together, My studies of Oak Cliff is sometimes startling when I see all the direct connections between the characters in the story.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Death of Dr. Mary Sherman

Post by Dealey Joe »

Phil Dragoo wrote:The month prior to Dr. Sherman's murder, I was at Hoosier Boys State where, as the Nationalist Candidate, my running mate Chuck Todd of Howe and I assassinated Federalist Candidate Dave Long of North Central, using untraceable squirt guns in a deadly crossfire.Phil You should have told us before. should we now call you governor, your honor, or what? maybe just "Sir Phil?"
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by dankbaar »

Ed, I don't know if you knew this, but this is from DoubleCross, Giancana's biography from 1991: ... er.jpgLook at the left page: The list of chemical weapons to be aimed at Castro ........included a cancer producing injectable agent, leatal virus, radiaton Here's also two contemporary newspaperclips on Mary Sherman's death: ... ournal.jpg
Phil Dragoo
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New Orleans Canal Street

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Foreground: Maison Blanche Building. At left: Audubon Building.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Pasquale, I am so glad you received clarification from Craig Roberts about the date of Mary Sherman's death, which supports the view of Ed Haslam. Thank you for posting that note.Edward Haslam wrote: And thanks to Pasquale for posting Craig Roberts reply.Anytime, guys. I think we definitely got off on the wrong foot on this topic, and I apologize to Mr. Haslam for coming across like a rabid dog. I truly mean it when I said that I meant no disrespect in bringing that article to light about Edward Haslam's book. I almost blindly trusted that article by Jennifer Lake to be accurate research. Whether it is or isn't, that is up to her and her alone to discuss and present. I believe that I was the one who suggested that she present her article and information here. I will leave it to her to come here or wherever and cough up any information to back her claims. In any event, we need to keep this forum as it has always been...civil. That's why I have stayed for so long here. Other forums I've briefly visited can be brutally unfair and inflammatory.It was my pleasure to post that response by Craig Roberts. It's what this forum is all about.