Pickett Fence

JFK Assassination
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by andries »

most likely Robert can do whatever he wants to do over there untill his death,they will never really jail or put him in prisson for long,allthough Robert deep in his heartwouldn,t dislike that option for a surten period off time i ques.because it would open magnificient new prospects.their crooks but not stupid.
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by kenmurray »

Pat Speer on one of Gary Mack's distortions and lies:http://www.patspeer.com/chapter16c:conf ... ppointment
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by andries »

Yep good thing Ken, but i can,t get real angry with a kind person and an easy kind going voice and presentation like gary mack.In his humble position i forgif him for making sure his financiel future looking more than bright.Far more loathsome disgusting and important is the presentation and profil from a black president who damn well knows what happened over there and why , first told by his parents, and who damn well has seen crying black peopleafter the anounce that Kennedy had died,meanwhile now he is dancing with those wolves the so called Dance Macabre to save his black ass,fame and financiel future on a far more grand scale than anyone else what the hack, life can be short,must be on his mind young gifted and black,and most off all smart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NslVs0Jx6Tk
Dealey Joe
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Dealey Joe »

I heard Robert Groden say he turned down the job of Director of the Sixth Floor Display.Maybe he should have confided in with some good ad visors and took the fight to the inside.It is much easier to sabotage a mountain from the inside that outside.I also heard Lynn Osanic classify James Files, Judyth Baker and maybe Ed Haslam as Red Flags?Does he mean he does not believe them??Robert is another thing, I mean no disrespect because he has been a front man for several years.Robert sets up shop on public property, By his own admittance makes his living there for the last 15 years.Robert does not want any competition there at all. He is not vocal about it, but you can get the feeling when you are there.In order to stay out of his way I offered to supply him with The Grassy Knoll DVD's for him to sell.I offered to give him the first ten and then sell them to him at cost. My interest was to find a good way to get the info out at Dealey. So I sent him a copy to review. and he has never responded.I have asked him about it but no response. His right hand man, a blow hard, who does all the talking let me know they are not interested in handling any one else's material, so in essence he is doing exactly what he is accusing the 6th floor banditos of doing.he supposedly gave the Black guy, Mike the copy I sent and he told Jerry and I that he sold it for $35. and wanted us to give him more.Robert could make as much on the DVD as his own and be a hell of a lot more up to date and truthfully informative, but he is still promoting the Badge man because he has not updated his material for years.So that is my .02If I go down there and get thrown into jail, I have no one to bail my ass out...
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by JDThomas »

Joe, I remember hearing that Groden said that if he accepted the position at the 6th floor joke shop, as a pre-condition he would be contractually bound to only support the 'official version' of the assassination. If so, he would have been unable to fight from the inside and would have been more akin to volunteering to be handcuffed and gagged.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Dealey Joe »

yes i heard that part too but I don't really know the implications of that.I think if they gave me $200+ grand a year I find an outside way to get some light on the other side.I also wonder how much actual input Dunkle has there?I'm sure he done the right thing.
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Bob »

Robert thinks he and others are getting cleared out of Dealey Plaza because of the upcoming Super Bowl that will be in Big D. The greedy 6th Floor Mirage...er...Museum wants all the business at Dealey Plaza that week. You can bet that their outrageous cost of $13.50 to go into the hall of lies will be MUCH higher that week. Anyway, the Super Bowl winner gets the Vince Lombardi trophy. That leads me to want to write another story about the relationship the Lombardi and JFK had, especially when the Super Bowl comes around next February in Dallas. Lombardi was a JFK supporter...BIG time. Lombardi also hated liars. You could imagine how he would feel about the 6th Floor Mausoleum. http://packerchatters.com/?p=16028http: ... m/?p=15302
bob franklin
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by bob franklin »

Boycotting the 6th floor nauseum is certainly a good start, but I wonder if it's even close to enough. How about this? Boycott this year's Super Bowl. Do it publicly. see if that gets anyone's attention. Which is more important, free speech or football?
Jerry Craig
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by Jerry Craig »

thats is a good idea but remember Dallas is a Football city i know i live here
bob franklin
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Re: Pickett Fence

Post by bob franklin »

exactly, Jerry. If high profile CT'ers like yourself publicly state "In protest of Grodens wrongfull incarceration, I will be boycotting this rear's Super Bowl. I call for others to do the same.", it will make a statement that can't be ignored. Next week it'll be you or Joe in the cooler. We must take a stand. It stars at the individual level & moves upward.