If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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"Follow the x-rays"--Mr. X-Ray

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Horne, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, Volume II, pages 531-2:Gunn: Now, you had raised, previously in the deposition. . .the possibility of some metal fragments in the C3/C4 range.Custer: I noticed I didn't see that.Gunn: You didn't see any x-rays that would be in—that would include the C3/C4 area?Custer: No sir.Gunn: Are you certain that you took x-rays that included the –included C3 and C4?Custer: Yes, sir. Absolutely.Gunn: How many x-rays did you take that would have included that?Custer: Just one. And that was all that was necessary, because it showed—right there.Gunn: And what, as best you recall, did it show?Custer: A fragmentation of a shell in and around that circular exit---that area. Let me rephrase that. I don't want to say “exit,” because I don't know whether it was exit or entrance. But all I can say, there was bullet fragmentations (sic) around that area—that opening.Gunn: Around C3/C4?Custer: Right.Gunn: And do you recall how many fragments there were?Custer: Not really. There was enough. It was very prevalent.Gunn: I did. And I was told to mind my own business. That's where I was shut down again.Gunn: You have, during the course of this deposition, identified three x-rays that you are quite certain that you took, but don't appear in this collection. Are there any others that you can identify as not being included?Custer: That's the only three that come to my mind right now; the two tangential views, and the A-P cervical spine.Gunn: Okay.Custer: Can I add something to that?Gunn: Sure.Custer: In my own opinion, I do believe, basically, the reason why they are not here is because they showed massive amounts of bullet fragments.___________________________________The question is asked from time to time, if the throat wound is a wound of entry, where is the bullet, where did the bullet exit?Custer indicates fragments present in C3/C4 x-rays no longer in the collection. The bullet from the throat wound was removed and discarded, and x-ray evidence of its existence was removed from the collection and destroyed.Malcolm Perry was clear: wound of entry. Three times. This statement was deemed so dangerous by the conspirators that Perry was singled out for all-night harassment by the Secret Service, FBI sanitizing of media transcripts, and personal badgering by Allen Dulles and Arlen Specter.Jimmy Files says it's his mercury—his mercury is the high trail from the right front temple/hairline entry.I posit he's covering for another shooter who did the throat wound—because he is a man of honor.I reserve for him the confirmed kill of the most important target of the Twentieth Century.http://www.espine.com/anatomy-normal.htm
steve manning
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Re: If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

Post by steve manning »

I agree with Fetzer on the North South Knoll scernarios...the throat shot came from south knoll and peirced the windsheild. Gil Jesus does a great job reconstructing all this if you can find it at this point? I tried to bring this up several months ago, only to noticed Wim got very upset and mentioned he was suddenly going to shut down the entire forum? The additional point I also tried to make centered around the whole notion of the "stand down." Wim has most recently advocated against the windsheild theory mainly because it would not have made sense for the assassins to shoot from the front so early in the crossfire (which incidentally made great sense, until the "stand down" order was trial ballooned)...but what everyone seems to overlook is, there must have been last minute confusion as a result of the "stand down" order (whether it was a real order or not)? A shooter on the south knoll might have decided to take any shot he could by the time the motorcade actually arrived in the plaza? He might have originally been thinking along the same lines as Jimmy Files; don't shoot unless it is absolutely necessary. However, when talk of the "stand down" hit the streets, those who disagreed may have made last minute changes to their plan. One of the changes would have probably been firing earlier, taking any shot they could get, regardless of what it looked like; at that point it was more critical to get the job done. A South Knoll shooter would have no doubt realized at that point, there were not as many shooters as originally planned? Consequently, they might have decided to shoot whenever they had a shot.My previous post on this matter was entitled; "Plausibility and Ramifications of the Throat Wound"Steve
Dealey Joe
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Re: If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

Post by Dealey Joe »

I cannot make a case for a throat wound from the front.unless it was shrapnel.Even Gary Quack's shooter definitely ruled out the south knoll side of Dealey.I have not looked at the south drain but I have the north side.If someone fired from the drain they would need to be a magician.There is a picket fence between the drain and the street in any direction.and bushesIf JFK was hit in the throat there are a number of problems no apparent neck spinal damage. he was reported to say "I'm Hit".with a throat wound he would not speak I'm sure.he would have most likely been regurgitating blood.A shot from the front was not practical timing wise, until the fatal head shot from the fence.A shot from the south would have not worked because of hitting someone else in the car. everyone in the car was between JFK and a shooter on the south knoll.However i do think there was a stand down
Phil Dragoo
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JFK: "Stop for iced tea."

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Kennedy said, “My God, I'm hit”?Says Kellerman. Only.The same Kellerman who hijacked the body from Parkland and controlled the access to the autopsy.Did Kennedy say anything? Anything? No.No damage to his spinal column? Did no one see Custer to Gunn above re the missing lateral cervical showing fragments at C3/C4?Missing. Horne comes away from the multiple depositions with the conclusion that 2-3 skull x-rays are missing.Did the throat just open up itself? Perry saw an entry wound; said so three times. He wasn't alone. He took harrassing calls from the Secret Service all Friday night. Dulles and Specter jumped on Perry. Why? Because he said there was an entry wound in the throat.No bullet hole in the windshield? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vClwuJ0yuWMJimmy File's mercury round from his Remington XP-100 Fireball hit the right temple at the hairline leaving a high trail across the lateral skull x-ray.The damage from the throat wound showed on the lateral cervical x-ray Custer relates to Gunn.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01oaxb00 ... re=related“. . .clean round hole in the front and fragmentation coming out the back. . .”The throat wound and bullet hole in the windshield does not preclude Jimmy File's shot.It's both/and, not either/or.The Secret Service agents were ordered off the back of the limo at Love Field. Vince Palamara has shown them there on many other motorcades—but not Dallas.And there was a “privacy window” behind the driver's seat when the limo was delivered in 1961—but the Secret Service had it removed. No explanation ever given.Abraham Bolden reported how the Secret Service regarded JFK.And what else do we know about the Secret Service from the evidence involving Agent Elmer Moore as related by Doug Horne:A graduate student, James Gochenaur, revealed to both the Church Committee and to the HSCA in the mid-1970s that Secret Service Agent Elmer Moore had confessed to him in 1970 that he had "leaned on Dr. Perry" shortly after the Bethesda autopsy to get him to stop describing the bullet wound in President Kennedy's throat as an entrance wound. (The Bethesda autopsy report concluded it was an exit wound.) According to Gochenaur, Moore also told him that the Secret Service had to investigate the assassination in an expected, predetermined way or they would "get their heads chopped off." Moore, unfortunately, also told Gochenaur that sometimes he thought President Kennedy was "a traitor" because he was "giving things away to the Russians."http://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/2370.htmlSo, yeah, Secret Service agents who held the president in utter contempt as a n-lover and a traitor say he cried out, “My God, I'm hit!” in order to disprove a throat shot that passed between them sitting in the front seat.And Jacqueline Kennedy, and John and Nellie Connally, and Agent Greer forgot to mention it.
Dealey Joe
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Re: If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

Post by Dealey Joe »

Phil, You ,Horne and Fetzer are for sure more well read than Iso if Fetzer and Horne say there was a shot or two or three from the front thru the windshieldand around people then I must assume they are correct since they wrote it in their bookand I can't prove them wrong with facts.I saw one fellow say that Jackie had in fact fired a shot when she reached over?and one that said Greer turned and fired?I guess if I was aware someone was going to fire shots into the car I was riding in I would just drive slowly through trusting they would not hit me too.If I was Greer I would not be concerned as long as they fired from the drain thru the windshield past my ear as long as they missed me and Kellerman?No wonder the SS didn't want to ride on the car, I wouldn't either. or in it.Or come to think of it from very close behind.
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Re: If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

Post by kenmurray »

Joe, the theory that the limo driver William Greer shot JFK was started by a man name William Cooper. This theory is bogus. Here is Cooper's presentation of it:JFK Assassin Unmasked:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSHU4f4A ... re=related
Dealey Joe
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Re: If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

Post by Dealey Joe »

Ken there are a lot of theories about this that are bogus.
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Re: If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:Ken there are a lot of theories about this that are bogus.That's for sure Joe.
Mike Ellwood
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Re: Oswald's Arrest In New Orleans

Post by Mike Ellwood »

kenmurray wrote:We all know that when Oswald was in New Orleans he got arrested for disorderly conduct and taken to jail after he had his skirmish with Carlos Bringuier. While incarcerated Oswald asked to speak to an FBI agent John Quigley and he came and talk to Oswald for about 90 minutes. Now, we must ask ourselves. How many communist sympathizers have that much influence? Or yet how many "ordinary people" do you know who, after being arrested for disorderly conduct by the police would be able to summon a FBI agent who would come and visit them in jail?Here's Oswald and Bringuier on the radio dated August 21, 1963:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao2a9mRW ... ascinating. I had only heard excerpts of that before. As has been mentioned, for a 23 year old with limited education, he acquits himself quite well. (Bringuier was not grilled to the same extent, I notice). As an Englishman, I was amused by his comments about Britain and our socialised medicine. True, this (The National Health Service) was introduced by the post-1945 Labour government, but was left in place, and indeed strengthened, by, successive Conservative governments. It was not until 1979, when Thatcher took office, that it began to be attacked, and then only cautiously. The current Cameron government has been accused of privatising it by stealth, which may indeed be happening, but officially at least, the principle of the NHS is sacrosanct to all the main parties.Some left-ish socialists have said that no British Labour government has ever been truly socialist, and actually, Labour traditionalists often say that the Labour Party owes "more to Methodism than to Marx".
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Re: If the CIA had called off the "hit"...??

Post by Deborah »

tom jeffers wrote:if the throat wound was an entry wound, where did it exit? there is mostly soft tissue in the neck and the cervical part of the spinal cord. that is why it makes more sense that it was a fragment from jimmys mercury round.With due respect, I do not think the throat wound could have been a mercury bullet fragment from James Files single shot because the throat wound is seen to have happened several frames previous to File's head shot as seen on the Zapruder film (ie thoat hit before the car enters the blind spot created by the sign). And, James Files' testimony reflects he 'saw' the throat shot through his scope before heard the rapid fire of one, two, three, four shots and then took his head shot.