James Files...possible patsy?

JFK Assassination
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by neab »

I don't think the conspirators had multiple patsy options, i think they only intended on oswald. The efforts made prior to assassination are evident of this. I don't think there is much to suggest any of the aforementioned names were possible patsies. The guy who was offering his gun to files (if that happened) was presumably quite young like files , so can put that down to wrecklessness, or maybe he just trusts him? Doesn't the story go that files was his best man at his wedding?
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by Jsnow915 »

you could see David Atlee Phillips had involvement ...remember the statement about killing more people with his pen...a propaganda pro...all he had to do was find the right guy in the orginisation to set up.
Dealey Joe
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I think Bobs contemplations of other patsy's is interesting.I think there may have been patsy's for other locationsanother thing I wonder is. what if there were no patsy available.how did they know for sure Oswald even came to work that day?i guess Files could have been used but like Wim I don't see him as usable.I am sure LHO was the man of choice.Jack Ruby could well have been used but that would have tied in some things that that would not fit until Oswald was eliminated. Mob and all.I think we have to consider that Ruby was also a patsy as also may have been j.D.Tippit.Another thing I am beginning to give thought to the possibility of more than one Oswald in custody at the same time.We know they picked up a guy named Donald ? in Ft Worth 30 min. after the shooting.he was an Oswald look alike but looked a little shorter in height.at the first few min. of Evidence of revision you see Oswald removed to the right then in a few frames he is taken out to the left. This last guy does not look like Oswald.he looks to have more hair and there also seems to be a little difference in his voice.It is poor quality film but he had darker hair and more of it. look at it and see what you think?If true you would think Mark Lane would have caught it?
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by Bob »

neab wrote:I don't think the conspirators had multiple patsy options, i think they only intended on oswald. The efforts made prior to assassination are evident of this. I don't think there is much to suggest any of the aforementioned names were possible patsies. The guy who was offering his gun to files (if that happened) was presumably quite young like files , so can put that down to wrecklessness, or maybe he just trusts him? Doesn't the story go that files was his best man at his wedding?Neab...I have to respectfully disagree. We know that there were plots to possibly assassinate JFK in Chicago, Miami and Tampa as well. LHO had a lot of doubles, but there is no way he would have been implicated outside of Dallas. Furthermore, even in Dallas, there were three areas in which the assassination would take place...Love Field, Dealey Plaza and the Trade Mart. LHO could only have been implicated in Dealey Plaza. Bottom line, I believe there were multiple patsy possibilities, but LHO turned out to be the best option when all was said and done. Even then though, the conspirators had to make sure the MSM and the public thought that the shots came from the back. Early witness reports had a number of people claiming the shots came from the grassy knoll, plus you had the Parkland Hospital scenario, where all the doctors felt that the large wound in the back of JFK's head was an EXIT wound. The conspirators had to know that they could control all that to name LHO as the patsy. Otherwise, it could have been Files, at least in my opinion.
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by Jsnow915 »

Joe....the guy your looking for was Donald House...not too much info on him...If you think of the scenerio of Marlow going after Oswald to eliminate him and he gets set up as the patsy eitherway maybe even setting it up to look like a suicide......but Marlow shoots Tippit instead(for whatever reason-who knows)...but Oswald got away and goes to meet Phillips in the theater or Oswald intently walks into the theater knowing he will be arrested for not paying thinking he'll be safe...the only way to permanantly use Oswald as a patsy is if he's dead...Ruby was forced into it...I havent worked out all the bugs,but seems logical to me...so far
Dealey Joe
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by Dealey Joe »

JI think Tippit threatened Marlow or vice versaI believe it was Tippits intentions were to get LHO out of DodgeFor some reason Oswld left Dealey with someone in a Rambler and headed down I35 to Rubys instead ofmeeting Tippit where he was waiting on Zang Blvd just across the river.I think Tippit found out after running all over Oak Cliff that Oswald had went to Ruby's apartment and was headed there.I am sure these guys all were acquainted. Raven may have been from out if town? Personally believe has was looking for Tippit, not going to meet anyone at the theater.He was looking for a his ride out of Oak Cliff.If you recall Farrie told Judyth that he was going to get Lee out of the country.He called Judyth from Houston after everything had fallen apartFarrie was possibly waiting in South Oak Cliff, at the Redbird airport, for Lee on the 22nd.my thoughts
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by neab »

Good point Bob, but the assassination plots in chicago and miami could have come from other people(we know how many groups wanted jfk removed). There was someone or some people going round pretending to be oswald before the assassination which would be an enormous effort if he was just one of several, and was one in reserve or whatever. I can't rebuttal on the love field or trade mart as possible "kill zones" cos I've only heard that and not really read up on that. I do remember though on a blackop show where jean hill was saying she had to sweet talk her way to get in that free area where he was killed. There was very few people right in that area compared to the rest of the parade route,and she even mentioned in later years kids said school bus was gonna stop there and was told not to. This leads me to beleive it was almost certainly going to be dealey plaza. I'm willing to change my mind on alternate patsy , I just dont buy it at this moment is all.
Chad Duncan
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by Chad Duncan »

I would say only that Jimmy's close relationship to Chuck Nicoletti would have stopped the association for him as a patsy, but its a brilliant point. The reason I have stayed with this forum is because of Bob, Wim and the bother Bob that does the youtube narrations - guys who know what they are talking about!
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The Mystery Of David Ferrie

Post by kenmurray »

Ferries tell federal authorities that he and 2 companions drove all night on 11-22-63 through a fierce thunderstorm to Houston to go goose hunting. http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.ba ... ie.htmlJFK Assassination Conspirators In Kentucky:http://unusualkentucky.blogspot.com/200 ... rs-in.html
mark ferguson
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Re: James Files...possible patsy?

Post by mark ferguson »

This is a very interesting topic of discussion. Those of you that have seen the video of Chaucey Holt remember the segment where he shows how Oswald was set up as the patsy from the Fair Play for Cuba fliers, the TV and radio interviews, the cheap rifles that were bought and much more. I think it is clear once the plan was made for assasinating Kennedy in Dallas, Oswald was the fall guy. Wim's materials are so valuable to our understanding of this event in history...if you don't have them order them it is a great investment. Great forum!Mark Ferguson