Everyones right! They all shot at JFK?

JFK Assassination
Posts: 43
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Everyones right! They all shot at JFK?

Post by Davyjones »

With respect to you serious reseachers please have patience with this novices opinion.....Oswold had a plan,he would keep well in with the Ruby mafia and feed back to his CIA handler. This way a nobody could become the somebody oneday. He had tested his shoot and miss policy on Gen. Walker and so he would do it again when he sat at the window of the TBD.Wallace had handed over the Mauser and when Kennedy was at a good distance and driving to safety He fired his shot (shots) so that nobody got hit.Handing the Mauser to Wallace he shrugged and made his escape to the rest room. Wallace waited a moment placed Oswolds own rifle in its position and left to the roof with the Mauser.Imagine Oswolds shock when he heard the extra shots ring out...nobody had told him that there were other shooters at the scenem he hadnt expected that! He lest the TSB as arranged by the mob in the green Rambler and got back to see the TV news(or hear about JfKs death) His mood darkened and he realised that it had gone wrong and he had been lied to by Ruby about being the lone shooter. But too late, the Raven was on his way to kill him and possibly another in a police uniform keen to get the glory of being the cop who plugged the Presidents killer. Fate took a hand and these two met and the Raven shot the cop and Oswold heard or saw it and fled now in real panic to the Texas theatre to meet Phillips. The real killers Files and Niccoletti may have joined in the mayhem unknown to Ruby! When Oswold said he Never shot anybody he was right .What he didnt say was he never shot AT anybody.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Everyones right! They all shot at JFK?

Post by Dealey Joe »

DaveyI like you theory here.brings a new angle to me of little blank areas in my mind.I can see a possibility of Lee firing a shot,but I think we have a poroblem getting him into position to shoot?
Posts: 43
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Everyones right! They all shot at JFK?

Post by Davyjones »

Great to get your response.I realise there must be some hitches but I was suprised to see the comment that he could NOT have fired the shots(my words not yours) I thought at least 50% of the experts thought he was the ONLY person who could have! Anybody else like to comment as I think this is a runner and seems to me to explain most things about the events.(Not really, thats a bit strong,please forgive my bravado)Oswald was going to shop everybody once he had a lawyer sorted and got his immunity from prosecution rubber stamped. No wonder Ruby had to take him out,he had no choice.Why did it happen?Probably as much by chance as anything.A word here ,an oath against JFK there,some bright spark trying to impress a man in high places with a favour.Then a ragtag botched up plan sort of falls into place and more by good luck than much else the terrible deed, murder, takes place. After that chaos as the mafia tries to hide its traces and the Whitehouse insists on a whitewash as THE ONLY RESULT ON OFFER we are left with 47 years of bull from the lone nutters and murders from the mafia. What a mess.