were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Chris, my thinking on LBJ is that he waas basically a crook who strongarmed his way through things with his henchmen.Notably Malcom Wallace that had killed for LBJ more than once.LBJ certainly benefited by the assassinatiion. he was rubbing elbo's with the perpatraitors.he was their man as it would do no good to bump off Kennedy without their man to step in.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Christian Hansen, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Christian - Many great JFK Forum Members, and several authors and books strongly support LBJ'S involvement in JFK'S Assassination/Coup de' tat.I have always agreed with your premise, although it's hard to quantify and qualify involvement, and at what point in time in Sequential Time Line Analysis. The laws of murder are approximately similar in all states for my simplistic example, using simplistic language.Remember that there is:1. Conspiracy to Commit Murder Before the Fact/Act, the planning stages.2. Conspiracy to Commit Murder During the Fact/Act, the commission stages.3. Conspiracy to Commit Murder After the Fact/Act, the cover-up stages.Now, why would anybody get involved in the plans to kill JFK if The Replacement President, LBJ wasn't either one of the following:1. LBJ was involved, and guaranteed to be beneficial to the causes of the Planners, so they know LBJ will remain loyal to the Planners as The Replacement President.2. LBJ, if not involved, had to be strongly assumed or guaranteed to be beneficial to the causes of the Planners, and would remain loyal to the Planners after he discovered/figured out what actually happened to JFK.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Phil Dragoo
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All the way with LBJ!

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Christian HansenThese five youtube videos are powerful.I had read Craig I. Zirbel, The Texas Connection.A friend recommends Barr McClelland, Blood, Money and Power.Johnson was to be dropped from the 1964 ticket, and would have faced likely conviction and prison sentences from the Bobby Baker and Billy Sol Estes scandals.It is likely that Johnson discussed his predicament with his neighbor and friend J. Edgar Hoover, who would have been forced to retire January 1, 1965, had Kennedy been re-elected.Doug Horne indicates in Volume V, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board that it was Johnson who first stated Kennedy would be at a luncheon in Dallas in the Fall of 1963; he did so April 24, the date from which the Secret Service destroyed its records for the balance of the year.That summer our friend in a Boston financial house reported Johnson's earliest backer, and financial advisor, Eliot Janeway, made a tour of the businesses there and in New York to advise in a rehearsed hiss that Kennedy was a very dangerous man.In context with Johnson and Hoover, consider the Pentagon was still smarting from Kennedy's multiple failures in response to the Soviets: Bay of Pigs, Missile Crisis, test ban, American University speech June 10, 1963, detente with Khruschev and demarche with Castro.Add that CIA in the multiheaded hydra of Dulles, Angleton, Helms, Phillips, Morales, Hunt et al, was seething over the Bay of Pigs betrayal and the subsequent decapitation of the agency with the threat to shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.Oil men from Murchison to H.L. Hunt along with their clique which included Byrd (who owned the Depository) and Zapruder (who had been partnered with DeMohrenschildt's wife Jeanne, and who made the so-wonderful film) were ready to rumble.As were organized crime figures double-crossed and threatened by the Brothers Kennedy: Carlos Marcello, Santo Traficante, Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Charles Nicoletti (for whom Jimmy Sutton-Files worked).Not to mention any number of trained and enraged Cuban freedom fighters.Shall we fail to mention the Executive Order 11110 June 4, 1963 which was a pink slip for the Federal Reserve hogs.In sum, Johnson had to have been privy to the assassination, and I posit he had to have had prior knowledge and approval, for consider, what profiteth it the conspirators who would instigate a coup d'etat to remove the head of state if his successor would not be amenable to their ends.The answer of course is nothing. They would have to be certain he was down with the program.And he, ruthless bastard that he was, was reveling in the prospect of No More Kennedys.We find every reason to include him in the centrality of the plot—not necessarily as the Prime Mover which the dying E. Howard Hunt related to his son Saint John Hunt in Bond of Secrecy.There are many discussions of Sponsors, Facilitators, False-Sponsors, and theories dictating how many angels may in fact dance on the head of a pin.We know Kennedy had his haid blowed cleen off, and that toothless drunk Landslide Lyndon moved into the Big House.How many copies of the Warren Commission preceded the Bugliosi Brick to the Bargain Table.Where else but the state owned by Johnson, run by his punk Connally, in the town where the mayor's brother was a top CIA official fired by the marked man, and the police were thick with the accused assassin's killer.QED Johnson was in it up to his elephantine ears, Christian.You ain't just whistling Dixie.
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by ThomZajac »

Certainly LBJ was a very key player in the JFK assassination.My opinion though, is that there were more powerful entities who 'gave the order' and organized it. LBJ was in early. Besides greasing the wheels for a Dallas hit, LBJ could be counted on to control the 'investigation,' which was even more important. Hoover too. The plotters knew before the fact that the 'investigation' would be in their hands. And Johnson benefitted big time, of course.
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Bighunter43 »

No doubt in this Texan's mind that LBJ's hands had blood on them! He was crooked from the get go when he used the Possum, The Duke of Duval, ol' George Parr himself to help steal the Senate Seat. Once you get away with that, well..........like a snowball rolling downhill, it only gets bigger! Getting away with the stolen election made him think he could get away with anything........including ordering several people killed (the death of Henry Marshall remains one of the great unsolved Texas Mysteries....suicide with 5 shots in the chest with a bolt action rifle)......Now, as far as Kennedy is concerned............as I said, Lyndon had blood on his hands for sure! Don't think he called the shots (no pun intended) in any way, but he knew it was gonna happen! The powers that be had to have him on board before hand.......creation of the Warren Commission with Kennedy's sworn enemies on it.....best friends with Hoover who made sure the evidence was botched...........going from ruined politcally to the highest position in the free world! He was in it!Two thoughts however: 1.) Not sure how much John Connally was involved.........I mean you got to be pretty crazy to know in advance that the guy right behind you is fixing to get blasted from a barrage of shots and you might get hit (which he did and almost lost his life!) Not quite sure he would be willing to go that length for the "Team" and Lyndon!2) Do you think Bobby K. knew LBJ had a hand in it? Just can't see Bobby Kennedy, who probably hated LBJ more than anyone, letting LBJ get away with it if he knew! I don't buy Lamar Waldron's Legacy of Secrecy excuse that Bobby was protecting Almeida in Cuba either........I think if Bobby knew, he would have not have let LBJ rest for one second!
Dealey Joe
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Big I agree 100% about LBJ.altho I have to figure Bobby was no dummy.He may have been protecting his family in some way.These guys are powerful and know how to get to you.Why did LHO get involved?Why did Jack Ruby?I also say that no one else in the car had knowlege of what was going to happen.Even LHO and Ruby saw a possible escape for themselves
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Big and JoeBobby was keeping his cards close to his chest. Were they high-value cards?After he won California, many saw him in the White House the following January 20.Hence, his special treatment at the Ambassador that night.
Dealey Joe
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I could never figure him running.When he came tto my home town I was going to ask himbut even though I got a hanshake and a hell0 I did not get an oporrtunity to talk to hin about anything.He was sure a little fellow.