were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

JFK Assassination
Christian Hansen
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Christian Hansen »

were former head of CIA Allen Dulles (was fired by JFK) in the conspiracy? did he want revenge on JFK (Allen Dulles)?
Dealey Joe
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I think so.What do you say?
Christian Hansen
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Christian Hansen »

i think so but i'm not convinced i think that McNamara meaby was involved too but can't place him in the plot or the cover up
Christian Hansen
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Re: All the way with LBJ!

Post by Christian Hansen »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Christian HansenThese five youtube videos are powerful.I had read Craig I. Zirbel, The Texas Connection.A friend recommends Barr McClelland, Blood, Money and Power.Johnson was to be dropped from the 1964 ticket, and would have faced likely conviction and prison sentences from the Bobby Baker and Billy Sol Estes scandals.It is likely that Johnson discussed his predicament with his neighbor and friend J. Edgar Hoover, who would have been forced to retire January 1, 1965, had Kennedy been re-elected.Doug Horne indicates in Volume V, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board that it was Johnson who first stated Kennedy would be at a luncheon in Dallas in the Fall of 1963; he did so April 24, the date from which the Secret Service destroyed its records for the balance of the year.That summer our friend in a Boston financial house reported Johnson's earliest backer, and financial advisor, Eliot Janeway, made a tour of the businesses there and in New York to advise in a rehearsed hiss that Kennedy was a very dangerous man.In context with Johnson and Hoover, consider the Pentagon was still smarting from Kennedy's multiple failures in response to the Soviets: Bay of Pigs, Missile Crisis, test ban, American University speech June 10, 1963, detente with Khruschev and demarche with Castro.Add that CIA in the multiheaded hydra of Dulles, Angleton, Helms, Phillips, Morales, Hunt et al, was seething over the Bay of Pigs betrayal and the subsequent decapitation of the agency with the threat to shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.Oil men from Murchison to H.L. Hunt along with their clique which included Byrd (who owned the Depository) and Zapruder (who had been partnered with DeMohrenschildt's wife Jeanne, and who made the so-wonderful film) were ready to rumble.As were organized crime figures double-crossed and threatened by the Brothers Kennedy: Carlos Marcello, Santo Traficante, Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Charles Nicoletti (for whom Jimmy Sutton-Files worked).Not to mention any number of trained and enraged Cuban freedom fighters.Shall we fail to mention the Executive Order 11110 June 4, 1963 which was a pink slip for the Federal Reserve hogs.In sum, Johnson had to have been privy to the assassination, and I posit he had to have had prior knowledge and approval, for consider, what profiteth it the conspirators who would instigate a coup d'etat to remove the head of state if his successor would not be amenable to their ends.The answer of course is nothing. They would have to be certain he was down with the program.And he, ruthless bastard that he was, was reveling in the prospect of No More Kennedys.We find every reason to include him in the centrality of the plot—not necessarily as the Prime Mover which the dying E. Howard Hunt related to his son Saint John Hunt in Bond of Secrecy.There are many discussions of Sponsors, Facilitators, False-Sponsors, and theories dictating how many angels may in fact dance on the head of a pin.We know Kennedy had his haid blowed cleen off, and that toothless drunk Landslide Lyndon moved into the Big House.How many copies of the Warren Commission preceded the Bugliosi Brick to the Bargain Table.Where else but the state owned by Johnson, run by his punk Connally, in the town where the mayor's brother was a top CIA official fired by the marked man, and the police were thick with the accused assassin's killer.QED Johnson was in it up to his elephantine ears, Christian.You ain't just whistling Dixie.do you think that Abraham Zapruder were in on the plot?
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by kenmurray »

Christian, Dulles was for sure involved in the cover up. Anything that link to a CIA involvement rest assure Dulles covered up.
tom jeffers
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by tom jeffers »

this is what i like about this forum....good thought provoking discussion without name calling. here is my take for what it is worth.first i think that connolly was not involved in the conspiracy but his story changed from the very beginning so he was probably talked to and told what the story was and for him to collaborate his testimony. I think the driver was involved in some way because Secret Service are the most intesively trained body guards in the world. there is no way they would have driven that slow and maybe even stop for the final headshot. if connolly heard the first shot then the driver would have heard it too so if he wasn't in on it, he would have floored it and there wouldn't be no head shot later. now as to what his involvement was, who knows. maybe he was told to slow down because someone else would be shot and to do his job or his family would be hurt. that is only speculation, whether he believed it was the president that would be shot that day.i think a lot of cia people knew it was going down but were not directly involved in the coverup maybe even Dulles. I believe that both lbj and hoover knew but may not have been involved in anything other than the coverup. lbj and hoover were good friends and i have always wondered who brought who into the conspiracy. i figure it was this way:Hoover was staying at a resort on one of his many vacations that was paid for by the mafia. Somebody probably told him that there was talk that jfk was going to be hit and he probably responded favorably. hoover was a must to have in the plan because of the coverup and also because he had dirt on everybody so he knew who else could be brought in and trusted or atleast comply. hoover probably brought lbj into it because he knew that jfk was going to put him and lbj out to pasture soon so lbj would be able to use his resources before and after the shooting. I think lbj was loosely involved at the least. I cannot tell as to what extent because there is testimony that he was nervous as hell flying back to DC that night thinking that he might be a target also. It could have been an act but it was very convincing. also the phone call he had with hoover a few days later, he asked hoover if anyone was shooting at him and hoover said no. now he knew that the tape machine was running and it all could have been just an act to cover his tracks. So I will say that I am not well convinced that he was intimately involved in the shooting, only in the coverup.namaste'
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by Bighunter43 »

Some great points Tom! Have you ever seen the History Channel Show.....JFK- 24 hours after.......it really focuses alot on LBJ and it sure makes him look totally innocent......but I don't buy it. I think he was "playing his part" so no one would look his way! It played the recording where he called JFK's mother from the plane to give his condolences.........and she said "Well Jack sure loved you.....and I know you loved him too!" Wow (awkward just listening to it)......then he immediately hands the phone to LadyBird to finish the conversation. I think he had to know it was gonna happen, and he sure had an even bigger hand in helping to cover it up! He hand picked Dulles for the WC for one reason only.......CIA coverup!
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by kenmurray »

What The Mainstream Media Hid About LBJ:http://sadbastards.wordpress.com/2007/0 ... about-lbj/
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by ThomZajac »

Ken, I want you on my side when the shit hits the fan- many thanks!
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Re: were LBJ behind the JFK plot?

Post by kenmurray »

ThomZajac wrote:Ken, I want you on my side when the shit hits the fan- many thanks!Thom, I will always have your back too my friend.