What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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It is simplicity itself

Post by Phil Dragoo »

People, people, people--One more time:Oswald killed President Kennedy because he killed Officer Tippit and shot at General Walker.We know he killed Tippit because he killed Kennedy.We know he killed Kennedy because he shot at Walker.And if you ever doubt he shot at Walker just ask Marina.And if you doubt he had the weapons just ask Hany Farid and his FBI benefactors.There's too much doubtin' goin' on.Someone hit the Cass Sunstein EASY button, please.
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by kenmurray »

Your right Phil. Oswald shot at Walker with his Carcano with a steel jacket bullet and later shot at JFK with his carcano using copper coated bullets. http://whokilledjfk.net/Walker.htm
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by Davyjones »

Far too complicated and as such does not stand up, Its not reasonable to give anyone too much credit for brains in this case. I suggest that as an ex cop you cannot judge what is a friendly conversation and what isnt. We will never know what Tippit thought or said when he spoke to his killer . You do know Tippit was in an excited state of mind from his previous actions at that time.It doesnt matter anywaywhat caused the murder other than to suggest it was a MISTAKE. Nobody planned it. Oswald did not do it ,the facts say so. He was never expected to get as far as the Texas Theatre hence the fairly normal events that took place there,the plotters had not got any plan to deal with that happening. I repeat my case that Oswald was a hero who tried to avoid JFKs death by missing him with his shots from the TBD and was too stupid to realise he was being stitched up. It would be nice to hear from the learned members of this forum on this or dont novices deserve a response?
Dealey Joe
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by Dealey Joe »

Marlow is the one who does not fit into the picture as we know it.Lets assume he is the person that James Files knew.Why was he afoot, where was he going?Was he looking for LHO?Also Tippit was up to something besides police work.Tippit was not a good cop he was an opportunist, womanizer, in it for the glory and whatever he could get.Here is my overview of the way it looks.Tippit was seen, by reliable witnesses that knew him, setting in his car on the Oak Cliff side of the bridge intently watching traffic come from downtown .My take is he was to pick Oswald up and take him somewhere, maybe to Redbird airport.He had a second police uniform shirt in his car a smaller size that he wore.for some reason Oswald changed his mind on where to go. I think he had taken the Rambler down I35 and was going to Jack Rubys apartment, about 3 blocks from the Tippit incident.Ruby was not at home so he headed toward either his apartment or possibly somewhere like the Bledsoes.Tippit was seen running wild all over the Jefferson street area, I think still looking for Oswald.When Tippit saw Marlow walking on Tenth he stopped to talk to him, maybe to ask if he had seen Oswald and when Tipit found out he was after Oswald the altercation started nad Marlo shot Tippit because he was Oswalds man in Oak Cliff.Oswald is coming from Rubys apartment and comes across the Tippit situation and possibly knew Marlow and saw what had happened and took off back down Jefferson to the Theater.there was someone else in the Theater with LHO, May have been Marlow?Maybe Porter Bledsoe?Oswald had no gun, the cops planted the old junker on LHO in the Theater.Now you know what I know and am in the process of putting the story together.Theer were other prople in the vicinity of 10th and Patton at the time of the killing.One of them was a cop on medical leave from the DPD named Harry N. Olsen.
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by Davyjones »

As for Gen Walker. Oswald MISSED him .Yup he MISSED him. Thats what he did when he fired from the TBD. All he had to prove to the mob was that he would shoot. He tried to double cross them no wonder thay got upset with him!
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by Davyjones »

Hi Dealey Joe. Get your version Ok but I would suggest Tippit was going to take Oswald nowhere but the funeral parlour
Dealey Joe
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by Dealey Joe »

I doubt LHO was even supposed to be a shooter.He was a patsy from the getgo.
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by neab »

Dealey Joe wrote:Marlow is the one who does not fit into the picture as we know it.Lets assume he is the person that James Files knew.Why was he afoot, where was he going?Was he looking for LHO?Also Tippit was up to something besides police work.Tippit was not a good cop he was an opportunist, womanizer, in it for the glory and whatever he could get.Here is my overview of the way it looks.Tippit was seen, by reliable witnesses that knew him, setting in his car on the Oak Cliff side of the bridge intently watching traffic come from downtown .My take is he was to pick Oswald up and take him somewhere, maybe to Redbird airport.He had a second police uniform shirt in his car a smaller size that he wore.for some reason Oswald changed his mind on where to go. I think he had taken the Rambler down I35 and was going to Jack Rubys apartment, about 3 blocks from the Tippit incident.Ruby was not at home so he headed toward either his apartment or possibly somewhere like the Bledsoes.Tippit was seen running wild all over the Jefferson street area, I think still looking for Oswald.When Tippit saw Marlow walking on Tenth he stopped to talk to him, maybe to ask if he had seen Oswald and when Tipit found out he was after Oswald the altercation started nad Marlo shot Tippit because he was Oswalds man in Oak Cliff.Oswald is coming from Rubys apartment and comes across the Tippit situation and possibly knew Marlow and saw what had happened and took off back down Jefferson to the Theater.there was someone else in the Theater with LHO, May have been Marlow?Maybe Porter Bledsoe?Oswald had no gun, the cops planted the old junker on LHO in the Theater.Now you know what I know and am in the process of putting the story together.Theer were other prople in the vicinity of 10th and Patton at the time of the killing.One of them was a cop on medical leave from the DPD named Harry N. Olsen.What lead's you to think tippit was oswalds man in oak cliff?Why do you think oswald was going to see ruby?How does tippit know marlow?There's some interesting points, but some of the conclusions you make , I just don't see how you arrive at them is all.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by Dealey Joe »

From extensive study of the different characters.We know Oswald knew Ruby well.It is pretty certain knowing some of Tippits habits of hanging out in Oak Cliff, he he and LHO were well acquainted.It is a best guess where Oswald was going, but to me he was on the run and the most obvious place he would look for helpwould have been Ruby.I am not sure why he decided to bypass Tippit? But I am working on it.I can't prove any of this but there was a hell of a lot going on in Oak Cliff than has ever come out mainly because no one looked.
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Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by kenmurray »
