What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

JFK Assassination
barney 1961
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Post by barney 1961 »

8/30/10Per eyewitness, Walter Coleman, a neighboring younster of Gen. Walker, he was standing near or in the doorway of his own home and heardwhat he thought to be a loud rifleshot. He walked forward on his porch to where he could look up the street and saw two men getting intoa 1957-58 lite blue or lite green Ford auto and drive away quickly down an alleyway. He looked more, and spotted a man over in the churchparking lot with his front car door opened and the interior light up, this man placing something on the floorboard or seat in the back and hetoo driving a 1958 black striped white on the lower half or quarter of the Ford car, hurriedly drove away into the night.After the K murder he and his parents came forward and he stated that Oswald looked nothing like the men he saw that night, nothing atall.