STOP the infighting!!!

JFK Assassination
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by Bob »

I think Chris was being a bit satirical.
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by turtleman »

And maybe a little dramatic too. And by the way Bob I think this so called "infighting" is a very healthy debate from two camps that agree on most everything but just differ on some points. We aren't all going to see everything the same way. But in this case we don't have camps sending pm's to forum members priming them to make comments and take sides. That really is over the top. I don't agree with Wim but I don't have any less respect for him and I actually like seeing his input and defending his position. I think it is all cool. We aren't going off the cliff. Yet.
Dealey Joe
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by Dealey Joe »

TmanI don't think Bob is talking about healthy debate.There have been several outright attacks on individuals and their integrity.This type thing is not productive for any of us, in fact to the contrary.
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:I think Chris was being a bit satirical.You got it. I'm just annoyed and disappointed about how easily the crowd of truthers splits apart, cause each individual puts his profile neurosis or righteousness above the common interest. I've got the impression sometimes, that all good intentions of alternative-political groups, movements, organisations, individuals are lost in a millionship of single, lonely irrelevances who are busy with fighting similars and forgetting about the whole. That's just my impression here in Germany. Of course where you have a million free thinkers you have a million of different opinion possibilities naturally, but sometimes I must say I don't like this nature. Sometimes it seems to me that it gives the primitive forces all the green light and the complex beauties all the troubles. Joe, don't worry, nothing against you, you spoke out of my heart.
tom jeffers
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by tom jeffers »

notice that some of us never fight with anybody? we may argue a point and we all have our ideas but we treat each other with respect and agree to disagree. it is a must that we treat each other with respect and respect their opinions. There are so many items of information to sort through plus contradicting interviews and you never know what is disinformation puposely shoved in there just to bring dissent among the ranks.I thought we all learned this long ago.....regardless of what you think you know....or is it you can tuna piano but you can't tuna fish. well whatever it is, just send me money and tell me more good things about me!
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Actually I really tuned the piano recently and I really didn't extract the internal organs of fish properly so far, Jeff, haha! You are right, I shouldn't have thrown all into the same pot., there is a distinct difference between those who respect each other no mather how different their opinion and those who promote unnecessary offence. But doesn't it seem to you, too, that the internet machine is sucking the soul from the humans, by piling up the amount of the written-down infinitely and producing a nobody-cares-about-anything-of-all-this in the end then?
tom jeffers
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by tom jeffers »

chris,i don't think we can blame the internet for that. blame the breakdown of family and the lack of parents teaching their children basic values and morals.
Phil Dragoo
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Once more

Post by Phil Dragoo »

But doesn't it seem to you, too, that the internet machine is sucking the soul from the humans, by piling up the amount of the written-down infinitely and producing a nobody-cares-about-anything-of-all-this in the end then?Christoph, our friend Will says, “The fault, Dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves. . .”Although blaming the Internet feels good for the moment, in half an hour the pangs of guilt return and we must needs cast about for another scapegoat.When you are next at the Silverbell Saloon on Fourth Avenue do observe the signs, “No Cigarettes or Hats on the Dance Floor”--True the Internet may be a great source of misinformation—witness the attribution of “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve” to Admiral Yamamoto.Not so, though the heavens declare it and hundreds of Google returns insist upon it—there is no evidence of it before Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)--long after the admiral was 86-ed in his aircraft over the Pacific.We must be civil if we would be civilized. Asininity and offense ought to be ostracized.It is as Holmes said to Watson, “I abhor stagnation. I crave mental exultation.” Yet Holmes was always observant and never insulting.The line from Trevanian's Eiger Sanction “We shall continue in style” though the odds of survival diminished with every hour of the mountain storm.
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by ChristophMessner »

Oh my, Tom, you are saying something here to me, cause I have not seen my son for three years now ... Phil, if all would have your qualities the internet would be the direct path to world piece and eternal happiness for everybody! You convinced me to finally civilize myself and fight the awakened dragon with mental exultation. But I still need some role models like you to reach the style I can continue with then! I does so well, when somebody takes the effort to dig out the deeper associations!Chris
tom jeffers
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Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Post by tom jeffers »

chris,i am sorry you have not seen your son, but the remark was not meant for you it was meant for society in general. phil, we all have the ability to discern truth from bullsh#t and that is where a good foundation helps. it is true that we all may be deceived but the saying you can fool some of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you can't.... is generally true.tomps i said generally!