New Head Wound Info

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Phil Dragoo, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Phil - Excellent Post about A Deeper, Darker Truth: Tom Wilson's Journey into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, by Donald T. Phillips, author. I can't wait to read it. I'm not a Kindle Reader. I need a book to mark up with red ink and yellow highlighter like our college days.I have a birthday coming up and you just made my choice for a present from my lady. She's in Iowa this week by the way.Let me know your thoughts after you read it. I look forward to comparing notes with you.Best Always, My friend.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Kit Carp
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Kit Carp »

The Harper fragment is interesting for a couple of reasons. It was actually found by a medical student. The student, Bill Harper took it to his Dr. Uncle, Dr. Jack C. Harper, who took it to the Chief of Pathology at Methodist Hospital, Dr. A. B. Cairns. There, the doctors studied the fragment closely...they didnt have to rely on photographs because the fragment had not yet "mysteriously disappeared" like it did once it reached offical hands.the consensus of the doctors who actually viewed the skull fragment was that it was part of the occipital region...Dr. Cairns, Chief of Pathology...said the piece of skull fragment originated from an area approximately two and a half to three inches above the spine area. He said it had the markings of a piece of skull fragment from the lower occipital area, specifically: suture and inner markings where blood vessels run around the base of the skull."And by any reasonable standard,that is the existing best evidence regarding the Harper fragment. Harper spoke to the FBI, an Agent Anderton, who called the Secret Service. According to Anderton, he was then immediately instructed by SAIC of PRS RobertBouck to send the fragment to the White House "AND NO PUBLICITY WHATSOEVER".Surprise, surprise, the fragment was personally delivered to Dr. Burkley. Burkley said it should be delivered to him "so that in the event this bone piece is from President Kennedy's head it could be enclosed in the autopsy reports." However, the fragment was NOT given to the autopsy doctors, nor was it mentioned at the autopsy.From here, the Harper fragment vanishes forever more with no record....but wait!This occipital fragment would have mysteriously vanished forever more from the record, but for the honest, and hard working Methodist Hospital doctors. They had the shrewdness of mind to foil the treasonous authorities and take ten or twelve pictures of this nuisance-rear skullbone, forcing the unlucky conspirators to have to work to include it somehow into the record...which of course, includes x-rays and photographs of the late President's head sans missing occipital bone.If an honest investigation of the evidence had ever taken place, of course, these doctors, expert witnesses, would have been brought in, testified as to the rearward abode of said skull-bone, and the conspiracy would have come crashing down around the newly-minted, gloriously promoted, Vice Admiral Burkley and his minions.Alas, justice is especially blind, when the conspirators are in charge.***I've been considering buying a paper copy of Wilson's "A Deeper, Darker Truth". I would very, very much to hear about it, from anyone who has read it. I've seen the Youtube video of Mr. Wilson's ideas, and the sewer drain is actually a very logical place for a shooter to wait, and the notion solves a lot of the issues of smelling smoke, not seeing assassins, and most especially the way JFK gets knocked back and to his left the way he does, without a blowout on his left rear.A lot of people who are perfectly willing to consider the picket fence are loathe to talk about the sewer drain as a possiblity, because it seems "out there" and "silly"...but I've shot pistols and long-guns enough years to recognize a very handy spot when I see one...or two.They are most most viable locations. Probably the spot Sherlock Holmes would have pointed out, giving Watson a "elementary" sort of look as he kicked off the manhole cover and hauled up an angry, pint sized cuban working for the CIA and wanting revenge for the BOPs. *winks*There is also that existance of the news story of a gunman spotted near the huge drainpipe that empties out at the other end of that drain.I try to remain open minded on issues that dont have iron-clad evidence about them yet....and the shooter's spot from the front is one of those for me.So...who has read this book? It's been available for quite a while.
barney 1961
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by barney 1961 »

8/30/10 Bruce; I believe I saw this interview of Thomas Wilson, on the dvd, " The Men Who Killed Kennedy," by Nigel Turner, but i could bemistaken. It also has the guy going down in the manhole, and crossing over to the Trinity River further west of the RR Overpass, if thats theright dvd, there are just so darned many of them to view these days. Barney
Kit Carp
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Kit Carp »

Yes, Tom Wilson is on that interesting dvd collection, barney, and you can watch that segment on youtube too. I wish I could find someone who owned this book. I'd like a review!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Barney 1961, Kit Carp, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Barney and Kit - Give it 24 hours and Ken Murray and Phil Dragoo will have links Posted, possibly along with other JFK Forum Members.Ken will have 2 - 3 links.Phil will publish an article worthy of Encyclopedia Britannica publication.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 829
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Re: New Head Wound Info

Post by kenmurray »

Posts: 829
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Storm Drain Theory

Post by kenmurray »
