
JFK Assassination
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Post by ThomZajac »

Well,this is from gatekeeper Huffington Post, so it is kind of tame, but that an article of this sort has been published at all is somewhat remarkable.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/1 ... 87109.html
Dealey Joe
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Wizardry

Post by Dealey Joe »

Old Cadtro better watch his step joining up with "them crazy conspiracy nuts"He won;t live to be 85.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Wizardry

Post by Bob »

The REAL Wizadry that has gone on in the last week or so is the story that won't die in the MSM...the mosque issue (and Obama's comments) near the 9/11 Twin Towers site. The MSM is running with this story as they know they are complicit in the cover up in the true events that really happpened. Just like they were after the JFK assassination. This story tries to maintain that it was the Muslims that were part of al qaeda that caused the horrific events of that day. They don't deserve a mosque near the site. It's also turned into a right wing attempt to assert that Obama is a Muslim again, because he initially mentioned that the U.S. treats all people and religions equal. It's all a charade. The truth of the matter is that the events of 9/11, just like with the JFK assassination, were put together by a powerful group WITHIN the United States. Led by the Military Industrial Complex and the CIA. Also, just like the JFK assassination, two of the biggest victors of the whole ordeal of 9/11, were big banking and big oil. The MSM won't touch that angle. Nor will the government. I mean, there was a 9/11 Commission. Al qaeda was the patsy here, just like Lee Harvey Oswald was in Dallas. The CIA created al qaeda. Ronny Reagan and Poppy Bu$h armed and financed al qaeda and a guy by the name of Osama in the 1980's while they were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. At the same time, they did the same thing for a guy named Saddam, so Iraq could win the battle vs. Iran. The only folks that seriously debate and investigate both the events of the JFK assassination and the events of 9/11 reside right here on the web. No other place. That's the way the Wizards want it. And if they get there way in the future, we won't even have that option. Also, I've posted this before, but please see this story...http://www.infowars.com/the-jfk-assassi ... h-cases-2/