Will the real assassin please stand up!

JFK Assassination
barney 1961
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Will the real assassin please stand up!

Post by barney 1961 »

8/26/10The History Channel feature, "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" tells us that the conspiracy was multi-pronged and had many actors,financiers, plotters, coordinators, spectators, videographers, photographers, "and shooters." Due to MI-5 and 6 training by the Brits, thedeeply held conspiracy and conspirators, compartmentalized each and every element of this operation, so that it was a " need to knowoperation, start to coverup afterwards." There are those among us who deeply feel our own intelligence community was involved, if nottactically, they were there, and participated in the afterwards ongoing coverup, and for decades thereafter, so as to cover their as--s.