Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

JFK Assassination
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Here is more on this story, plus MUCH more from Prison Planet...http://www.prisonplanet.com/jfk-assassi ... gh.htmlNot ONE word mentioned about Milteer in Warren Report. Go figure.Bob, for once a Fox news affiliate did a good story lol.
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Bob wrote:Here is more on this story, plus MUCH more from Prison Planet...http://www.prisonplanet.com/jfk-assassi ... gh.htmlNot ONE word mentioned about Milteer in Warren Report. Go figure.Bob, for once a Fox news affiliate did a good story lol.Yes Ken...it does happen every once in awhile. Bill O'Reilly was once a true journalist at one time as well...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvdS-1dcVxw
tom jeffers
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by tom jeffers »

phil,agent adams said their was a plot to kill jfk in indianapolis along with chicago, miami and i think atlanta. he talked about how the agents in the field all did their job of gathering evidence but later he discovered that most of it was either missing or altered. some agents were left off of the reports so their names would not be mentioned in the chain of possession and subject to supena. it is great to have agents like don adams and zach shelton tell the truth.
barney 1961
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by barney 1961 »

8/26/10-- Ponering points On LHO ??1.how does a would-be socialist-communist like LHO, become social acquaintenes with; Banister, Ferrie, Shaw, deMorenschild, Hosty, Regis Kennedy, Hunt, either H.L. Hunt, the billionaire oilman, or Hunt, the spook in our govt.- other spooks,Shackley, Barnes, Johannides, of JM-Wave, No Name Key camps and Lake Pontcatrain training camps at the NW end of this massive lake bordering on New Orleans, Judith Vary Baker, just happened to meet at the post office, naw, I thinketh not. And Baker was a science protege of Dr. Alton Oschener of Oschener Clinic in New Orleans and working on cancer drugs and other matters for our govt. in massive secret biological warfare programs, uh, and h e failed to finish high school, oh, who cares he has no diploma he's easily manipulated and somewhat stupidly naive. How come he was up onOperation 40, Alpha 66, and other supersecret anti- Castro, and anti-communist counter insurgency groups, out of Florida, Louisiana, Texas,Guatemala, Mexico City ??2. Just happened to find lodging with Ruth and Michael Paine, who just began divorce proceedings, an avid Russian language student and political activist but for which government, ours or theirs?? How convenient is this divorce proceeding, opening up room for a broke, down on their luck couple from New Orleans, or were they. Records reveal that LHO was on the pad for the FBI as a counterinsurgency informant at$200 per month, so why work at TSBD packing books for shipment at $1.25 per hour, just a cover job, perhaps??
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Ex-FBI Agent Claims Oswald Did Not Kill Kennedy

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Tom Jeffers, Michael Dell, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Tom- Excellent and interesting work. Specifically I note that you say that Don Adams alleges that 11 shots were fired.JFK II alleges that there were 13 shot fired, and I discount at least 2 of them according to their version. 13 - 2 = 11. Very interesting.I will study his website, and order his material next week.Tom - Jimmy has received all of your material as of today, we think. And he has responded to you as of today. He asked me to let you know that for numerous reasons that you can guess his mail takes 4 - 12 weeks to receive. Since I generally see him weekly, subject to work, and lock-downs, contact me on my personal phone or computer for any rush matter.Tom- My Sincerest Thanks, My Friend.Michael Dell - A very interesting and powerful contribution. I will sincerely research and study this Subject Matter. Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Don Adams On The Alex Jones Show

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Don Adams On The Alex Jones Show

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:From August 26th 2010:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEtQrOaF ... relatedSay what you want about Alex Jones, but he has on fantastic guests like Don Adams. That is why I check out Prison Planet.
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Jesse Ventura On Alex Jones Show

Post by kenmurray »

From July 2010, Jesse talks about being harrassed of his TV show:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWVhrwSQ ... re=related
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Don Adams On The Real Deal

Post by kenmurray »
