JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Gentlemen:This thread has developed from the benefits of some of the best comaraderie on the JFK Forum that I have witnessed lately. This was underscored with research and study on Subject Matters all powerfully related to the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK. Strongly inter-related subject matters by outstanding JFK Forum Members, who I strongly respect and admire, contributed with pure quality which I have not seen lately on the JFK Forum. I am both awed and impressed by the contributions, facts, research and study presented here, and humbled to read and write with you all. Moments like this make me proud of our relationships, and overcome the negative times for me. Thank You to each of you.Moving On:Many of us feel that General Edward Lansdale at least had Operational Control in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.1963. L. Fletcher Prouty's quotes and verification about Lansdale being there on 11.22.1963 thankfully provided by Phil Dragoo, underscore this clearly in My Minds Eye. Additionally, I was told this in the late 1960'S by a participant and witness to the JFK Assassination. Time has born this revelation out for me.In Oliver Stone's movie, JFK, Donald Sutherland playing "X," who was later disclosed by Stone as Prouty, we hear X, Prouty, telling Jim Garrison, played by Kevin Costner, that " began in the wind." I have labored long and hard to research, study, analyze and hypothecate my next pointed questions ?Who would have given "authority" to Lansdale ?Who would Lansdale listen to, and trust ?Who had the connections, the position, the power, the experience, and the anger to so direct Lansdale with No Fear Of Betrayal Or Repercussions ?Who had planned operations equal to those, or greater than Lansdale ?At some nexus, it was one person, one man. My Opinion:Admiral Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was in charge of the unanimously approved: Operation Northwoods.Lemnitzer was also "fired" by JFK when JFK "promoted" Lemnitzer to represent the U.S.A. in NATO in Brussels, Belgium, a remote position with no real authority, power, or contact with The Military Industrial Complex. From Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to "Siberia" ?For me it fits well. Lansdale, Dulles, Bissell, Cabell, Phillips, Bush 1, Nixon, LBJ, Hoover, the Mafia, anybody you can name, would have followed under this umbrella, would they not ?I am going to create and Post a simple Headline about Admiral Lyman Lemnitzer. I will seek to develop it about him, Pro and Con. I am sure that Ken Murray will immediately have 2 - 3 links.Phil Dragoo, when ready fire away with another of your surrealistic analyses worthy of Encyclopedia Britannica publication.What do you all sincerely think ? I value all of your analyses and opinions, Pro and Con.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
barney 1961
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Post by barney 1961 »

Fellow Members; can you believe the sheer gall and lack of sincerity of LBJ, to place a call to Bob Kennedy and Rose Kennedy enroute to Andrews AFB, along with callsto the Joint Chiefs, open line to the White House operations ceenter, calls to NORAD in case of an attack by the Russians, and ordering up a lunch of split pea soup andbread, butter, hot black coffee and some of Kennedy's bottled water. Even if LBJ did not know about or participate in the murder of Kennedy,he certainly was thebeneficiary of this asention into the seat of power, denied to him in the 1960 election, for which he felt the most qualifed and deserving of all his years of service inthe power center of Washington DC and well beyond. Johnson knew he faced indictment for Dept.of Agriculture fraud and involvment in the Billy Sol Estes, and BobbyBaker payoff scandals, agricultural dept. fraud and abuses discovered by Henry Marshall who was murdered by hatchetman, Mac Wallace, under LBJ or associates orders,most likely from LBJ chief aide, Cliff Carter, to deflect any direct knowledge or lines of communications.
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Post by Bighunter43 »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wayne Stracener, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wayne - Brilliant. You have outdone yourself yet again. I admit that I searched for this information in the past.Any chance that you can obtain the phone records from Air Force One, AFTER LBJ was sworn in as President of the U.S.A., replacing JFK ?These would indicate his first Official Contacts, Directives, Intentions, and Orders as President of the U.S.A.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek. Bruce, while in College Station Tx over the weekend for an Aggie Football Game, I found a gem at Half Priced Books! "the Kennedy Assassination Tapes" by Max Holland and it has complete transcripts of conversations from AF1. I'm particularly interested in Generals McHugh and Clifton. Some very interesting arguments over the location of the autopsy, and Clifton is adamant that a helicopter NOT be used to move the body. He wants an ambulance. (Makes sense to me that the helicopter would be much more efficient........but am I reading to much into this to think that Clifton could not control who gets in the copter like they can the ambulance........and where it goes? ) Anyway, McHugh is desparately looking for White House Photographer Captain Cecil Stoughton (who stayed behind to get his pics of LBJs swearing in ceremony developed).....the book says McHugh was wanting to get Stoughton to take pics of the arrival of AF1.....where I think he wanted to make sure Stoughton couldn't take pics of the removal of casket! Of interest to me is AF1's making sure the "press" on the ground was strategically located on the front left of the plane in a "corral"........guess they didn't want them seeing the removal of the casket. Good stuff, and I'll be glad to send it to you when I'm done! In addition, you can listen to them at The website was provided by the book.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Bighunter 43, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Sir - An incredible find. I intend to review and study this Subject Matter presented by you very carefully in the week ahead.I look forward to your thoughts, and the input from our Fellow JFK Forum Members.You have really outdone yourself. Thank You for this brilliant contribution.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Bruchek
Dealey Joe
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