What Jaqueline reached out for

JFK Assassination
barney 1961
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by barney 1961 »

8/28/10Gov. John Connally and Nellie, his wife stated, that Jackie, screamed out, " they have killed my husband, I have his brains in my hand."Later, at Parkland Hospital, she turned over a fairly large clump of brain tissue to a young doctor there for what purpose only she knows.I have never seen this closeup photo before, but cannot imagine her climbing out the limo to retrieve a white glove, in fact, she may haveslid off the glove to in fact retrive more bone fragments or brain tissue, as described above. About then SA Clint Hill climbed on the bumperstandplate, and then onto the trunk and shoved Mrs. Kennedy back into the limo seat, fearful she might fall off the trunk as the limo driver,Wm, Greer on orders from Roy Kellerman, on site SA Agemt in Charge, ordered SA Lawson to lead the way to the closest hospital, Parkland,and ordered Greer to get the hell outta here, now. The limo was driven upwards of 80-90 mph to the hospital parking area.Without doubt, Jackie Kennedy and SA Clint Hill were the two heroes of this entire sorry series of events in our govts. history.
Wayne Stracener
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Wayne Stracener »

barney just a note on the speed, It would have come from someone else in the motorcade because Greer could not tell the WC how fast he was driving, Matter of fact he could not tell us much about nothing. Here is what his WC testimony reads like if you take out the few questions that he did manage to answer, Keep in mind this is a highly trained specialist for the secret service. Q1- And do you know where it was flown to? A1-let's see, I forget the day before where our first stop was on that trip right now. I would have to go back into my papersQ2-Is it possible the first time you used the automobile on that Texas trip was at Dallas?A2-I have almost forgotten whether we did use it at Houston prior to that or not. I am not too sure where the first stop wasQ3- Approximately what time, to the best of your recollection, did President Kennedy arrive in Dallas on November 22? A3-I would have to--I would not tell you right now. I would have to go back and look into my--you probably have it there. I have it also on my report.Q4-Approximately how many automobiles were there in that motorcade? A4-I wouldn't have--couldn't tell you right now how many. There was quite a few carsQ5-What was the maximum speed at which you drove from the time you left Love Field until the time you got to downtown Dallas? A5- I wouldn't have the slightest idea now, after this length of time. I could not say how much it would beQ6-Did anything unusual occur en route from Love Field to the downtown area of Dallas? A6-Well, I think--it may have been--we may have stopped one time where he got out--didn't get outbut he stopped and spoke to some young peoplebelieve, en route. I think there may have been a group of people thereQ7-Are you familiar with the name of this street, which has since been marked by Mr. Kellerman, who identified this exhibit and marked the name of the street on it? A7-No, I wasn't at the time, but I know now that it is supposed to be Main StreetQ8-And do you know in what general direction Main Street proceeds?A8-I am not too sure. No; I wouldn't really know. I didn't have enough timeQ9-Now, you have described motorcycles. How many were present with the President's automobile, if any? A9-I could not toll the exact amount of motorcycles that were escorting us at that timeQ10- Now, do you know how many cars back your car was in the motorcade? A10-No; I don't know how many police cars were ahead of us.Q11-And as you turned onto Elm Street, how far, to the best of your ability to estimate, was your automobile from the overpass which you have just described? A11-I wouldn't have a distance recollection at all on how far it was. It wasn't too far. I just could not give you the distanceQ12-Did you see anything at all on the overpass?A12-Not that I can now rememberQ13-As you turned onto Elm, did you have any opportunity to observe how far behind you the President's follow-up car was?A13-No, sir. I was not looking in my mirror; I could not say how far it was behind me at the timeQ14-How many lanes of travel were there on Elm Street? A14-It was either three or four lanes wide. I have forgottenQ15-Do you know what speed you were traveling at en route to the hospital? A15-No, sir; I couldn't say.
Wayne Stracener
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Wayne Stracener »

There are more but I got bored and decided to research someone that was there and not in a coma.
barney 1961
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by barney 1961 »

8/28/10 I think that most in the conspiracy community, know that the SSA Kellerman, Greer, and their superiors were in on this deal from thegitgo, not doing anything to protect the President. Whether from their drunken night out at the Cellar Bar in Ft. Worth until 5 am and goingback on duty at 8 am, or they perhaps were conspirators themselves. I have read in several books that many on the SS White House team haddeveloped a loathing for the Kennedy family in general, due to their outlandish behaviors over the Camelot White House routine, pranks,shenanigans,their bawdy good Ole Irish baudy behaviors, more akin to Boston parties than White House dignity and reserve. Naked swimming parties were the norm vs the abnormal during those years, to relieve K's back pains allegedly along with 2 or more hot showers per day. Heldin the White House pool at noon or afternoon, and hurried cleanups, so the First Lady, did not see female wet footprints to the dressing rooms but were quietly and cleverly kept under wraps by the SS agents, lest they be posted in Alaska. Numerous females from LA., Vegas, NY,and old Harvard friends enyoyed afternoon swims with the President and the Attorney General, unashamedly always swimming in the buff.On out of town trips, these same sexual escapades went on with rowdy relishment by the participants. At one pool party at the home of BingCrosby, its alleged to the amusement of the President lying naked on a shady pool recliner, his friend and advisor-assistand procurer, DavePowers, threw all of Bing's clothes into the deep end of the pool, and the participants then played a go-fishing diving routine with his ruinedclothes, for which he billed the White House well over $1,500, which never was paid, the Kennedys never paid for nuthing, when possible.Later on, to amuse the President even more, Powers allegedly had sex with a Hollywood starlet on the steps at the shallow end of the poolor on the pool slab surround. It seems this party because so loud and raucous, the Police were called,but not permitted to intervene due tointerferences run by the SSAgents there, who told the party to please quiet down, the neighors had called the cops who were down in thehouse driveway. I think this scene occurred in Palm Desert, Ca. where Bing, Bob Hope and other friends routinely played rounds of golf.
Wayne Stracener
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by Wayne Stracener »

barney your mention of Ft.Worth reminds me that the limo had better security that nightThe Potus was guarded by well armed ( well maybe not ) Fireman?Who signed off on the fire protection.Security was askew even b/4 Dallas.
kjell roald
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kjell roald »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Good to read and see that you both are still making great contributions.Thanks.I don´t know if you all know about the work of ( fellow scandinavian ) Helmer Reenberg ( Denmark ).His site is :http://www.youtube.com/user/HelmerReenberg If you scroll down in the upper right corner, you´ll find the part about the assassination. 27 video clips. I have watched the first four of them. Great work.
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kenmurray »

kjell roald wrote:Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Good to read and see that you both are still making great contributions.Thanks.I don´t know if you all know about the work of ( fellow scandinavian ) Helmer Reenberg ( Denmark ).His site is :http://www.youtube.com/user/HelmerReenberg If you scroll down in the upper right corner, you´ll find the part about the assassination. 27 video clips. I have watched the first four of them. Great work.Kjell, I have posted many of Helmer's video clips here in the forum. I agree. He does superb work.
kjell roald
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kjell roald »

kjell roald wrote:Maybe you all know about this...But then I came across this video :http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 908853#And 16:28 out in this video you can see that the ( big ) white thing must indeed be a scarf or somethingHm... This seems pretty strange to me. I am looking at this clip from the Zapruder film, right at the start here :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJQyg8EY ... relatedAnd what I am noticing is that in the Zapruder film you can see the smaller whitish "object" sliding over the trunk just before Jaqueline is about to get up.But the bigger whitish object that slides over the trunk as Jaqueline is getting up... it´s just not there in the Zapruder...Indication af Zapruder fakery?
kjell roald
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kjell roald »

Just following up on this. I went to a site that has the zapruder film frame by frame :http://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/And in frame 357, there´s something there that looks like it could be the white object. But next thing, it´s gone. How can that be?Here´s frame 357 ( Click on photo for enlargement ) :http://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z357.jpg
kjell roald
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Re: What Jaqueline reached out for

Post by kjell roald »

Uh-oh... Looks like I got this all wrong. I found a site with the Orville Nix video-clip frame by frame. And it seems that what I perceived to be some white object sliding across the trunk of the limousine, is infact not an object at all, but the reflection of the concrete wall on the other side of Elm Street.You can see it here, starting at frame 59 :http://jfk.fotopic.net/c1178748_49.html