the shot that striked James Teague?

JFK Assassination
Christian Hansen
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the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Christian Hansen »

could the shot that striked James Teague on the cheek by the triple underpass have been fired by Lee Harvey Oswald
Kit Carp
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Kit Carp »

Perhaps if he was firing the Carcano "from the hip" with one arm, and also shooting the Mauser with his other free hand, and operating the bolt actions of both rifles with his teeth and feet.Otherwise....probably impossible. Kennedy and Connally are visibly seen to be struck by two shots. You can see Kennedy has already been reacting for some frames to a hit to the throat, as he emerges from the road sign. You can see the flap on Connally's jacket move as he is then hit, and then, Conally reacts. Kennedy is reacting to a strike quite a lot earlier....probably before he disappears behind the sign in the first place.Connally's bullet hit's all kind of rib and wrist bone, and certainly would have caused him to react even the Warren Commission experts testified to. Kennedy's neck wound apparently officially had no bone involved, and one could expect more of a delayed action from him. The bullet that struck Connally would absolutely have to be quite deformed by the impacting rib and wrist. Every test done, by everyone on both sides of the case, has proven this time and again.The found "magic bullet" did not cause Conally's wounds. Not only because of the deformity to the bullet that would have to have happened...but also because so much of the metal of the bullet was in these wounds Connally had. The MB might be it's original weight, having lost nothing.This is all evidence of two distinct shots. Then, something obviously hit the President in the head. That accounts for a minimum of three distinct shots...and there is evidence for more. Oswald' poor carcano had three empty shell casings. Tague's confirmed hit destroy's the case against Oswald, pretty efficently. The shot hit the pavement in front of him with a lot of force....more like a straight moving bullet than a slow moving fragment, and had enough force left after that to hit Tague in the cheek hard enough to cut him.The impact on the sidewalk curbstone made an obvious mark. The line backwards doesnt really point towards the car, nor the depository. The shooter in the depository would have had to be shooting in the air, and not at the car, to hit that curbstone. It tends to suggest a shot from another building.All in all, one can see why the FBI and the Warren Commission desperately tried to ignore the Tague evidence. It simply doesnt fit the "lone nut" premise at all.
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by kenmurray »

barney 1961
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by barney 1961 »

8/28/10 From what I have read in books about the K murder, Tague's positon near the Elm Street RR overpass, was tracked backwards inline with the 2nd or 3 rd floor window or fire escape of the Dal-Tex bldgs. where allegedly Nicoletti and Roselli and Braden were located.Someone, perhaps Braden secured a shooters view window looking almost on the horizontal down Elms Street, making the perfect placefor a low and from behind shots possible, almost the entire length along the motorcade route down the gentle slope to the Overpass. i think rather than copper jacket fragments hitting K in the right cheek area, around the first shot, this was concrete fragment from ElmStreet, as one shot hit the street next to the limo, being the very first shot heard by the limo occupants, but who were unaware of what itwas they heard due to the motorcade noise, cops motorcyle backfires due to overheated engines from such slow speeds, and the generalcrowds lining the motorcade route along Elm. If one studies the Zap frames carefully up to the Stemmons Freeway sign erected on wooden posts only a few day prior to the motorcadeaccd. to the longtime grounds keeper, K shows signs of concern, alarm, and stops waving to the right at the spectators, but then resumesalmost up to this sign. Once he goes behind the sign, Zap frames are obscured, until he emerges in the limo grasping his neck with hiselbows flayed outward as if he is choking on something, then he slumps over to the left towards Jackie, who pushes him back upright untilthe fatal headshot, however, his head remains slightly tilted to the left towards Jackie until the headshot blew off his head and brains.J Edgar Hoover admitted to one researcher before his own death, that a number of Zap frames had been transposed and that the film framespublished by Time Life magazine had been edited quite a bit to prevent shock to the public of just how horrible the headshot really was.
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Davyjones »

Oswald fired the shot(Teague) and missed on purpose,he probably fired another missed shot on purpose
tom jeffers
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by tom jeffers »

davy,if you had reviewed earlier postings, you would have learned that oswald passed a parafin test on his cheek and outside his hand indicating that he did not fire a shot that day. i encourage you to go back and review all the information here as well as buy wims book. namaste'
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by kenmurray »

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Tom - You raise an outstanding point which I have expanded upon, i.e., that the book, Files On JFK, both the Jimmy Files Interviews, Confessions Of An Assassin and Files On JFK, and the JFK Forum need to be studied by Davy Jones and certainly others before making uninformed statements. Had Davy done any actual research and study he would have known all of the following.In addition to finding out the limited amount of Gun Shot Residue that Lee had only on his finger tips which was RESIDUE ONLY, Lee also had NO BLOWBACK PARTICLES ON HIS FACE OR HANDS which can only be achieved from actually firing a weapon. These very hot, Blowback Nitrates and Burned Gunpowder can not be received from superficial contact with shells or guns that have been fired by someone else.Jimmy points out that Lee was BRASSING for Jimmy while Jimmy sighted in all of his weapons in Dallas, Texas before 11.22.1963, in addition to Lee showing Jimmy around Dallas, Texas.Lee was Jimmy's BRASSER, i.e., Lee picked up all of Jimmy's used brass cartridges with his bare hands and placed them in a paper bag which was given by Lee to Jimmy when they left their outdoor "range." This different, SUPERFICIAL type of Gun Shot Residue is distinctly different from the INTENSE Gun Shot Residue received when you actually hold and fire a weapon.By analogy I would liken this to the unexperienced and unread as the difference from actually smoking, and second hand smoke or touching an ashtray but not smoking.Again I recommend to Wim that all JFK Forum Members BE FORCED TO PAY $ 100.00 per year, and receive copies of all of Wim's material, in addition to an actual, verified registration process.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Davyjones »

OK I am 67 and have been interested in JFK ever since that day in Dealey. Yes I have seen the Files material and read a few books on the subject but DONT profess to be as learned as my fellow members and need to read more. Neverthe less I Knew for example about the paraffin test. So what if he had not aimed the gun close up? What if he had hand protection? Neverthe less I will reconsider my post and read the links you guys kindly provide. As for posting my ideas well its not for me to say I just do what the forum says. I realise you object to my ideas as uninformed and will try and restrict them.