the shot that striked James Teague?

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by tom jeffers »

davy,i do apologize for my tone, as i have re-read my post, I have seen where you would think that it was a scold. As a tri-plegic with a healed back from a break, I am usually in a lot of pain and I have it under control most of the time. Sometimes it bothers the hell out of me and I lash out at others unknowingly. I do appreciate your posts. In fact, we need more young (67 may not qualify) blood around here and the only way to school you is for you to ask questions and read the vast amounts of information that wim has gathered. After you are around awhile like ole bruce and bob and me, (others also....don't want anyone to feel left out) you will hear the same questions from the new guys and it has been covered many times before. so i apologize for my snappiness and wish you well.namaste'
Dealey Joe
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Davyjones wrote:OK I am 67 and have been interested in JFK ever since that day in Dealey. Yes I have seen the Files material and read a few books on the subject but DONT profess to be as learned as my fellow members and need to read more. Neverthe less I Knew for example about the paraffin test. So what if he had not aimed the gun close up? What if he had hand protection? Neverthe less I will reconsider my post and read the links you guys kindly provide. As for posting my ideas well its not for me to say I just do what the forum says. I realise you object to my ideas as uninformed and will try and restrict them.Well Davy welcome to the "Old Farts Club", Me I'm 69, 22 when JFK was murdered.Most of the time everyone is congenial on here but once in a while us old farts catch hell for asking (dumb?) questions.It is hard to go back and cover the same ground again and again but it is necessary and does cause contemplation of the subject at hand.My interests are strictly LHO, Roger Craig, J.D.Tippit and Oak Cliff. with James Files and Judyth Vary Baker thrown in.To me the whole story revolves around these people.Most of the people on this forum have gone off and left me behind.My main peeve is that we do not accept what we know as fact and build on it. the CT group continually tears down everything it thought it knew.Very few want to believe James Files or Judyth Baker for some reason and argue to the death about it.If you do not have the DVD's "Files on JFK", "Spookes" The "Love Affair" episode of The Men Who Killed Kennedy.Ed Haslam's book "Dr. Mary's Monkey" is a must read.And of course the very best DVD documentary on JFK "The Grassy Knoll"Wim makes most of this stuff available on this web site.
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Davyjones »

Sure,I understand how you feel. I thank you for your kind words. I must take your comments seriously. As I said I will post no more opinions of my own views and just enjoy digging around more. I agree with Dealey Joe that the answers are with the goings on of the people he names, I must admit I am sorry for Oswald and feel he has had a bad deal. I sgree with the Files story and agree that Mr Dankbaars version of the sequence of the kill bullets makes sense,so I am no rebel!
Dealey Joe
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Davy It don't hurt to be a rebel now and then.You add an interesting twist to the forum.You are very welcome here.
tom jeffers
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by tom jeffers »

i agree dealey joe, always feel free to post your opinions. what bruce and i were trying to say is that until you educate yourself, how can you form an intelligent opinion? your opinions are formed based upon information that may or may not be correct. none of us are experts (except dealey joe and thats only because he is older than god and is a hoosier) we have just read more than you. if you get a chance dedicate a few weekends and go through everything and then peruse previous posts, use the search engine for certain topics and whoo lah lah, your a certified expert.....atleast you will know more than bugliosi!
Jerry Craig
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Jerry Craig »

i have the same opinion as joe about this even tho roger is my uncle but i base alot of my belefes on rogers book and my own reasearch here in dallas !!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Tom Jeffers, Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, Davy Jones, and Fellow JFK members:Gentlemen, Tom Jeffers perhaps summed matters best, but you all made valid points. None of us is perfect, and certainly not myself. We all get hung up on moving forward, and we sometimes get annoyed at beating dead horses while not thinking of the feelings of the honest, sincere New JFK Forum Member.Davy Jones, Welcome back again of course. You have been gone since 2006. I think that you will find that since then some of the most intelligent, well read, aggressive, polite, open minded, opinionated JFK Researchers in the world. We are a strange, wonderful, mixed, close, group. At one time or other we all disagree with somebody's opinion. Sometimes correctly, sometimes incorrectly.I am always reviewing Older Posts and Headlines because of the Great Accumulated Wealth Of Information On The JFK Forum, and for the benefit of the newer members, and those who may have missed information.Let's agree, disagree, like, dislike, with the most professional, personable, academic arguments possible.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
barney 1961
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by barney 1961 »

8/30/10Forum Membership, of which I am very new, can we not all agree to disagree, but in a cordial, helpful manner, without verbal putdowns orinsults. There is plenty of that going around out on the streets and in the world at large, without us adding anything to it. Most of us, myselfincluded are JFK conspiracy novices, having gained more freedom time to read, and to question just what did happen on Nov. 22, 1962 in Dallas, Tx-due to our own advancing age. Where once, we thought of how tough or strong we were physically, now we have had to let most of that slide by the wayside and more into the area of cerebral games, cause getting your ass kicked hurts more that it use to.In my opinion, and mine alone, if Oswald fired any shots at all, they were either fired to miss the target intentionally, or, the scope was notproperly mounted to the rifle action, thus, his shots were way off the mark no matter how good a shot he was or how poorly he shot rifles.By the way, scoring Sharpshooter is not any easy task in the US Marine Corp for most enlistees. Rifle and pistol shooting is a skill that de-grades if not kept proficient by regular practice on targets at varying ranges. ie; 100 yds, 300 yds., 500 yds, 1000 yds. which is way outyonder, to hit consistantly a 20+ plus inch bullseye using only open field sights.
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by Davyjones »

GONE since 2006! Yes I was. If you had yor PC hard drive wiped 20 secs after posting a negative comment about Uncle Sam you would think twice about going back on the site! I did of course still read the posts eventually but never logged in again. As Dealey Joe said Thatl learn ya and it did.
barney 1961
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Re: the shot that striked James Teague?

Post by barney 1961 »

Members; people here keep talking about nitrate traces on the face, hands,neck, etc. of a bolt action rifle shooter. I have my seriousdoubts that any great quantity of nitrates would be found in such a rifle firing situation. On a bolt action rifle, the cartridge is totallyencased in the chamber, the hot gases flow forward and outward from the muzzle of the rifle, not back towards the shooter from thechamber and action which is totally enclosed for firing mode. Unless the brass case ruptures or the primer ruptures, there is not greatreason for hot gases to hit the shooters face, hands, arms, or shoulder-neck area, as these hot gases would burn same. Unless, the shooteropens the action of a bolt action rifle and puts his hands inside, there is no transfer of nitrates to the shooter, if he merely jacks in anotherammo round for more shooting as a bolt action is a total steel enclosed action on fire mode.Of course semi or full auto pistols and rifles is a horse of a different color, as the action flies open to extract the spent shell and slidea fresh shell into the chamber from the magazine or pistol clip, so there is plenty of power nitrates flying around due to this action.