Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

JFK Assassination
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by kenmurray »

Very interesting indeed Robert. LBJ and Yarborough were political rivals. Thanks for the links too.
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by Bighunter43 »

Yarborough was political enemies with both Connally and Johnson. (Nellie even refused to ride in the same car with Yarborough). At the 1st two stops on this 5 Texas City Tour (Houston and San Antonio)..........Yarborough refused to ride in the same car as Johnson. Houston Post on Nov. 22 ran a headline about the "discord" going on in the JFK Party. Yarborough was told point blank on Friday morning....."you will ride in the same car as Lyndon Johnson or walk!"........this is from a memo written by Leslie Carpenter. Johnson was in many ways, John Connally's mentor and friend......I just can't imagine Connally knowing their would be shots fired with the possibiltiy of him and Nellie being hit. (It would be very hard to be that kind of "team player")........If LBJ knew it was gonna happen, then I can see him trying to get Yarborough in the same car as JFK.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Robert Morrow, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Robert - I absolutely agree with you 100 % that LBJ knew of JFK'S impending Assassination/Coup de' tat in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.1963.Perhaps he wasn't privy to the exact plans, location and time, but he had to know.LBJ was being catapulted into JFK'S position. LBJ was an absolutely indispensable and necessary component for that day and beyond. The Master Plan does not work without a fully cooperative LBJ. It defies reason to believe anything else.I will go even further. These have always been my real thoughts on this.Unless LBJ knew of JFK'S Assassination/Coup de' tat, and was part and parcel all along, then Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and there was no conspiracy whatsoever.Think this through with me please.Imagine everything we know about JFK'S Assassination/Coup de' tat before, during, after, and through today. And to then trust the Ultimate Success of this "Whole Mission" to a LBJ as the successor without him aboard would be insane. In addition, I think that something about this process is why LBJ refused to run again when he did. I think there is something there that I have been unable to quantify or qualify exactly in my Mind's Eye. But I have my suspicions, and I strongly think that Bush I and Nixon were the Causal Factors of LBJ not seeking another term. Thoughts on this ???Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
barney 1961
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by barney 1961 »

Forum Members; Its my thoughts based on reading of several books, that LBJ had become cognizant, that K intended to dump him as VPin the upcoming 1964 Presidential election campaign, promoted by brother Bobby, who hated Johnson, and the feelings were mutally shared. In addition, Johnson's longtime neighbor and close friend Edgar Hoover was going to be retired from director of the FBI, to get him out of theway for Bobby's running either the Justice Dept without oversight by Hoover, or Bobby being appointed as director of the CIA. Both the K clan and the Johnson clan had plenty of dirt on each other of the foulest kind in the minds of John Q Citizen.In one book, its claimed that Joe K met with HL Hunt in Calif. to work out details and money passing hands to get K the Democrat nominee in1960 instead of Johnson, who clearly had better and higher qualifications but played dirty politics to the hilt, and was not above murders toget what he wanted out of his political career and had Mac Wallace in the US Agric. Dept. in waiting and on call to eliminate problems. Of course, after such a long career in brutal Texas style brawling politics, Johnson was way to wary and cunning to make calls himself alwaysusing intermediaries such as Cliff Carter, Bobby Baker, and others at his command.Bobby was planning to have Johnson indicted on federal crimes for fraud and bribery in the US Agric. dept practices carried on in Texas during the preceding decade involving cotton allotments, fertilizer, and fertilizer tanks etc. climbing into the millions of federal subsidy dollars. IfJohnson were not on the presidential ticket in 1964, he would be totally vulnerable to an indictment and trial for these charges and perhapswould be sent to prison along with his numerous cohorts. However, if eliminated from the election process then RK would be neutralized in over in the Justice Dept. as the dog wags the tail, not the tail wagging the dog.After friendships going back 3 or more decades, Johnson did not wish for his friend and sometimes nemisis, Big John Connelly and Nellie, tocertainly not be riding in the limo that would be the scene of an assassination plot in Ft. Worth or Dealey Plaza in Dallas on the trip. Whetherin his cunning, Johnson thought that he could bait Kennedy into allowing the two wives, Gov. Connelly, to ride together in the VP limo, and Mr. and Mrs. Yarborough and Kennedy and the secret service agents in the lead bubbletop limo were ready targets. Johnson and Kennedy hada knockdown dragout fight over who rode in which cars the day and night before in Ft. Worth until K refused to discuss it any further and probably warned Johnson, if he persisted they would fly straight back to Washington avoiding the motorcade in Dallas and Austin planned forthis Texas democratic party fundraising trip. K hated to visit Texas period, not just Dallas and would have liked to beg off but was trickedinto thinking that he would lose the election if he avoided a trip to drum up support all over Texas prior to the 1964 election.
tom jeffers
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by tom jeffers »

bruce,i agree 100%. any president taking office would have the power to control the investigation. it would have been good politics for him to find the true assassin, good for the public opinion. unless he was onboard, any conspirator was subject to presecution. remember hoover was a personal friend of lbj's and he had enough dirt in his files to know who would have been involved. he had the whole world under a phone tap, anybody who said kennedy and killed in the same sentence would have been picked up and reported. (as it was done originally but ignored)tom
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by dankbaar »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Robert Morrow, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Robert - I absolutely agree with you 100 % that LBJ knew of JFK'S impending Assassination/Coup de' tat in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.1963.Perhaps he wasn't privy to the exact plans, location and time, but he had to know.LBJ was being catapulted into JFK'S position. LBJ was an absolutely indispensable and necessary component for that day and beyond. The Master Plan does not work without a fully cooperative LBJ. It defies reason to believe anything else.I will go even further. These have always been my real thoughts on this.Unless LBJ knew of JFK'S Assassination/Coup de' tat, and was part and parcel all along, then Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and there was no conspiracy whatsoever.Think this through with me please.Imagine everything we know about JFK'S Assassination/Coup de' tat before, during, after, and through today. And to then trust the Ultimate Success of this "Whole Mission" to a LBJ as the successor without him aboard would be insane. In addition, I think that something about this process is why LBJ refused to run again when he did. I think there is something there that I have been unable to quantify or qualify exactly in my Mind's Eye. But I have my suspicions, and I strongly think that Bush I and Nixon were the Causal Factors of LBJ not seeking another term. Thoughts on this ???Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Bruce , your analysis is to me a fresh circumstancial approach that I can agree with. If you believe that JFK's murder was a conspiracy, LBJ almost certainly had to be in on it. A plan to kill JFK without the prior consent and cooperation of his successor , would be an impossible task to pull off. Same goes for LBJ's friend Hoover.Oh and by the way. Russ Baker describes in his book Family Secrets how close LBJ was with Bush. "Its hard to say exactly why lbj did not see reelection. The conventional explanation is that he was unpopular due to the Vietnam war and felt he would have trouble winning. Of course, as I point out in my book, bush was close to lbj, but couldn’t get any appointments from him due to their being in different parties. It was obviously to the benefit of bush’s career movement that Nixon came in instead."
tom jeffers
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by tom jeffers »

wim,i believe that lbj did not run against bobby because he knew that bobby was going to be killed and everyone would have reason to look at lbj as being involved. think about it, who benefitted by getting rid of jfk.....lbj. now if the plan was to get rid of rfk, who would have benefited? lbj. he got his taste of power and was a more than one term president and figured he left his mark. if he would have campaigned against bobby and rfk was assasinated, then everyone would take a closer look at the man that benefitted both times. now i am not saying he was directly involved in rfk's murder but i think he knew it was coming down. he already dodged one bullet! (no pun intended) (well maybe there was one)tom
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by kenmurray »

I'm sure too LBJ was more than pleased about RFK's death. ... 951&sr=8-1
tom jeffers
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by tom jeffers »

i want to elaborate a little more on the lbj vs rfk scenerio. i think the boys in the cigar smoke filled back rooms discussed getting rid of rfk only if he won the election or looked like he was going to win. lbj stayed in because he really wanted to rule for 4 more years plus the military industrial complex loved him for increasing the us involvement in viet nam. After the new hampshire race started, Rfk threw his hat in the ring and lbj struggled against mccarthy. lbj still had the union endorsements and would have probably eecked out a victory based upon that fact. rfk and mccarthy were going after the same vote (students, blacks etc) and would have banged heads with each other. mccarthy voters thought rfk was a traitor because he originally said he would not run and would support mccarthy. once he was in the race, the boys in the back room were not going to allw him to win so they implemented plan a. once rfk wasa in, lbj pulled out immediately, i think so he could avoid anyone looking at him when the deeds were done. more later.
barney 1961
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Re: Lyndon Johnson wanted JACKIE to ride in his car in Texas!!

Post by barney 1961 »

LBJ disliked the Kennedy clan for many reasons, personal insults and disparaging remarks, insider jokes and songs about the Texas hillbilly guy in the room,etc. and even the wives of these guys, made insulting remarks to his wife and best friend, LadyBird, definitly a no-noas she and her father had built LBJ into a Texas election tornado from rather humble political beginnings. LBJ married above himself inmany ways, especially in the area of financial resources as the Taylor family were quite prosperous in the area. In my readings of bookson the life and times of LBJ, he was semi-paranoid about his family not being well off tho this grandfather and father were both in and out of office in the Texas State Legislature. In between wins and losses, LBJ's father operated a local insurance agency that didnt pay well for thetimes.If the conspirators were foolish enough to kill RFK first, then the full weight of the Federal Govt. from Hoover to McCone over at the CIAwould be unleased to find, indict, and prosecute the perpetrators for murder, and possibly treason, including by not limited to LBJ.